Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1836: murder

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"too strong."

Somehow, when King Huo Luo saw Xiao Naihe's first thought, it was that Xiao Naihe could not be beaten at all.

Putting this master on the tens of thousands of years, this idea is very dangerous.

Even if the Huo Luo King was not as good as Xiao Naihe and was beaten by Xiao Naihe, he never felt that he was inferior to Xiao Naihe.

Perhaps he is not Xiao Naihe's opponent now, but Huo Luo has always believed that there is a way to kill Xiao Naihe. Even if it is not just relying on his own strength, Xiao Nai can be solved.

That kind of thinking is very strong, so in the end, the Huo Luo King will borrow the power of the North Songyang and the Hong family ancestors, and even more deliberately to unite the Beiming Xie.

Because in the mind of King Huo Luo, he was not invincible after his childhood, because Xiao Nai could be defeated.

But now, there is a feeling in the mind of King Huo Luo that Xiao Naihe cannot be defeated, and even less likely to be killed.

Once this kind of thinking occurs, Huo Luo will subconsciously feel that he will never be comparable to Xiao Naihe.

Wu Shenyi was defeated by Xiao Naihe again and again, and in the end he had a magic obstacle in his heart, which made it difficult for him to improve, so that the immortal elder could deal with Xiao Naihe.

Then came the news of Xiao Naihe's death, and the magic barrier in Wushen's heart would slowly be lifted, but his Daoxin's heart was still not very smooth.

That's the case.

Now that Huo Luo Wang has such an idea in his heart, Dao Xin has already fallen into the lower class, and it is almost impossible to defeat Xiao Naihe in the future.

Unless Xiao Nai really died one day, the devil in the heart of Huo Luo will slowly disappear.

At the thought of this, King Huo Luo's face was slightly pale, his body stagnated in midair, a murderous and shameful spontaneously emerged.


Among the three words, represents the murderous opportunity of King Huo Luo, only to see that King Huo Luo suddenly, his body jumped, as if the sky fire came, his palms shrank, and a strong killing intention broke out.

The palms of his palms were extremely red, as if they contained the power of real fire in the ancient times, and they were burning.

In the air, it suddenly turned into a huge stove.

Within three thousand miles, they are all within the range of a stove.

If the flames of the sky are crushed down, I am afraid that tens of thousands of cultivators will be instantly burned to death.

"You still come down with me."

Ignoring the anger in Huo Luo's heart, Xiao Nai just patted it in the void, as if a strong wind formed a tornado, and actually wrapped Huo Luo in his body.

Then the flames diffused in the void were absorbed into this tornado, and caught in the unknown space.

"Xiao Naihe, let's die!"

Bei Songyang's voice came from behind, flashing like a lightning between his fingers, like a thunderstorm.

Click and click.

That was the sound of Bei Songyang's body, as if the flesh and bones of the whole body collided with each other to produce a powerful force.

Beisongyang is not the Ninth Peak, even more so.

Even if he retreated from the half-step passive state, he still maintained 80% strength in the peak period.

Lifting a punch, he ignored the space, and immediately came to Xiao Naihe's front, hitting the whole space with a shock.

"Don't you learn well? North Songyang."

Xiao Nai looked sideways, expressionless, squeezed between two fingers, and squeezed a sword.

This sword spirit was formed from humanity and demonism.

"The swords of the heavens, the demon fit."

In my mind, the two light groups continue to merge, one red and one white, is Xiao Naihe's humane essence and demon essence.

The power of the source is revealed from the body, and a long sword qi seems to form a river.

A sword slashed out, and actually cut the most half of the space, a long space of eight hundred miles, and actually split a small forest in half, showing how powerful Xiao Nai is.

"This is ... dimensioning."

Bei Songyang shivered. When the original punch came, he actually had a meal and quickly backed away.

The trick just now was to break the void and ignore the space barrier.

Xiao Naihe is so subtle about the law of time and space, it can be comparable to the body of heaven and earth.

When the body of heaven comes, it can tear the space from hundreds of millions of miles instantly, and a thought comes.

Although the masters of Jiuzhong Peak can also carry out long-range Daoist attacks, it is absolutely impossible to do so regardless of any spatial distance, more than ten million miles or many worlds.

Xiao Naihe's sword spirit just ignored many worlds and spaces, broke the shackles, and came directly to Beisongyang. If he slashed like this, he would be able to smash Beisongyang directly.

"What **** luck did this kid go, even me, did not penetrate the law of space and time so much that it was beyond imagination."

Bei Songyang trembles, and while he dodges past, he sees North Songyang grabbing the void, as if holding the wind in the void.

It was a long wind blade, which was instantly split, but between the fingers, a sword gas was also formed.

When this sword energy came into being, the ghosts and ghosts were incomparable, as if Xingyue merged, and it could cut the starry sky with sword energy.

"Even the laws of space are not well understood, Bei Songyang, you have been living on a dog for three hundred years of practice."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

If other people say that North Songyang, it is extremely arrogant.

But Xiao Nai is different, he is one and two, and can still prevail, this is Xiao Naihe's seventh.

I only saw that the two sword qi in the void collided with each other, less than a third of the breath, the sword qi collided, resulting in an unpredictable change in ghosts and gods.

It seemed that countless voids were torn apart instantly, extremely fierce.

At the next moment, I saw Xiao Naiho's footsteps, which seemed to be dotted in the starry sky. Every time a step was taken, there was a burst of brilliance under his feet.

Step by step lotus.

This is the supernatural power that the law of space comprehends to a very high level.

On the surface, Xiao Naihe just looked like a jump, but in fact, in this short period of time, he had already broken countless spaces and entered into many spaces continuously, one in and one out, because the speed was extremely fast, On the surface, it seems to be coherent, and it is simply moving towards North Songyang.

But Bei Songyang knew that within these few steps, Xiao Naiho contained the Avenue of Space, and even he could not capture Xiao Naihe's trail, let alone counterattack.


Bei Songyang had already retreated in his heart at this time, but when he retreated towards the back, suddenly a dark air swept over and shrouded the top of Bei Songyang's head.


"North Songyang, be careful."

King Huo Luo shouted.

But it was too late at this time, and the dark air of the Night King swept down, as if darkness had fallen, making the Northern Songyang facial features and the sea all instantly become dark and unable to act.

"The heavens are great for making good, making good judgment."

Xiao Nai pointed at five fingers, condensing a white light, that is a sword.

The endless power contained in the sword body is just the magic sword.

"Oops, I will save you."

Seeing that Xiao Naihe's sword was about to pierce North Songyang's body, Huo Luo Wang hurried up.

Now Huoluo and Beisongyang are already on the same boat.

If Bei Songyang is dead, then the Huo Luo King is left alone, never want to go to Xiao Naihe to take revenge again.

At this moment, Huo Luo had to shoot.

"Burning the essence and blood, the fire is coming!"

Huo Luowang's tongue was bitten and a bit of blood was spit out, and instantly Huo Luo's face turned pale.

A cultivator's body's sperm blood is very much, like a master such as Huo Luo King, the body's sperm blood is the essence of the essence, once it burns, it can explode and burn the power of the godlike.

However, any master, as long as he does not enter the passive state, burning the essence and blood, is equivalent to burning his own source of life, and it will take a long time to recover.

Rao is a master like Huo Luo King, and his body blood will not exceed the size of two fists.

Now a sip of blood is burning, and it can be seen to what level the life breath of Huo Luo will weaken in an instant.

But even after burning his own blood, Huo Luo can still burst out an unshakable power in an instant.

The void all around seemed to turn into chaos.


On the pale face of King Huo Luo, it became extremely terrible, and there was a burst of stern talk between his eyes, screaming.

Then, that unshakable force has already come to the top of his head.

The sword of fortune in Xiao Naihe's hands was originally condensed after the completion of the "Demons of the Heavens".

His current demon power has almost reached the state of passiveness, so he is one step away from unity.

But still can feel the trembling and fear on the sword of fortune.

"The apocalyptic sword created by the great fortunes of the heavens is conscious, and can actually make the apocalypse sword shy. It seems that the move of King Huo Luo is really powerful."

Xiao Nai He frowned.

After all, Huo Luo King is the master of the nineth peak, after the deadly burning of essence and blood, the power is infinite, and even overshadowed Xiao Nai for a moment.

"Do you want to save Beisongyang?" Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

The black qi formed by the five fingers of the Night King has already enveloped Beisongyang, making Beisongyang unable to act.

But now Xiao Naihe is not afraid of Huo Luo.

Seeing this, King Huo Luo sank slightly and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

"Does this kid fight to kill Bei Songyang if he is seriously injured? It would be fine if Xiao Nai could be seriously injured, but Bei Songyang must die."

King Huo Luo instantly thought about all kinds of associations, and his heart sank.

However, at this moment, Xiao Naihe's creation sword had no hesitation, breaking the shackles of space, as if traveling through countless voids, back and forth, and instantly came to Beisongyang.

"You don't think about it."

Although Beisongyang's whole body has been shielded by the Night King, he instinctively could perceive a danger, but when the forged Excalibur came to Beisongyang, Beisongyang felt that his flesh was trembling.

"Jinpeng Lotus!"

Bei Songyang also took a bite of blood, and a blood of blood came out of the tip of his tongue, burning continuously, and he broke the vacuum in one breath and jumped into the endless void tunnel.

"Xiao Naihe, do you want to change from life to life?"

When Huoluo saw Bei Songyang was away from danger, he breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes showed a fierce murderous opportunity.

"Go to hell!"

The intense murderous eruption seemed as if the violent anger became substantial. At this moment, the King Huo Luo seemed to break the wild continent. Everyone only saw a huge blaze once again above the head, shining on the surrounding sky, making the whole space seem very bright.

"Hey, Xiao Naihe, you are not dead yet."

If King Huo Luo was mad, Bei Songyang jumped out of the space and had no idea where he was going. Huo Luo Wang's force came to Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Nai could not escape if he wanted to escape.

Seeing Xiao Naiho was about to die in his own hands, King Huo Luo couldn't live a happy life.

Xiao Naihe, must die!


Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Then, Huo Luo Wang suddenly black eyes, as if the whole person's perception shrouded in darkness.

"This is the power of the Night King."

Huo Luo Wang Meng was shocked, but his hands were even harder, his whole body slammed into Xiao Naihe's body.


A strong loud noise seemed to suddenly burst the entire void.

At this time, the two people fighting against each other looked at the sky, only to see the scorching sun like a red lotus, and it glowed with dazzling light.


A scream screamed across the sky, and it was a scream of death.

Hearing this, King Huo Luo knew that he had succeeded in one blow, and Xiao Naihe had already hit him.

"Hahahahahahaha, Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe, you are not dead, you are finally over!"

King Huo Luo was very happy in his heart, and his face was so extreme that he looked like crazy.

"Hey, Huo Luo, you are really a fool."

At this time, Xiao Naihe's voice came from the ear of Huo Luo.

Hearing his voice, King Huo Luo's heart sank.

No, shouldn't he hit Xiao Naihe? How can I still talk to myself.

"Xiao Naihe, you ... no, the voice just didn't seem to be Xiao Naihe, a familiar voice."

At this moment, King Huo Luo suddenly felt an extremely unpleasant feeling, and even his voice shivered slightly.

The darkness wiped away, and Huo Luo's sense of whole body recovered, and his eyes lit up, and immediately reflected a scene in front of him.

Seeing this, King Huo Luo's pale face had already become green and trembling.

Bei Songyang's entire body has been severely feathered, and even the soul of the gods has begun to burn, less than half.

I saw an incredible and terrible sight in Bei Songyang's eyes, screaming again and again, life passed away very fast, and it would be wiped out at any time.

The person who shot Bei Songyang was none other than King Huo Luo.

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