Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1842: Let's settle the accounts together

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"Is that a real Archaic True Dragon? Not an illusion?"

The Night King's voice sounded a little surprised.

If the Suzaku family is an ancient holy beast, then the ancient dragon is an ancient ancient beast. Although Suzaku and the true dragon are both passed down from the ancient times, the true dragon family is the **** beast that many powerful people care about.

An adult Archaic Zhenlong, if there is no other chance, is still stable and can crush the adult Suzaku.

There is more heaven and earth transportation that Taikoo True Dragon can borrow than Taikoo Suzaku.

And the ancient dragon is a treasure all over the world. No matter the essence blood, dragon scales, dragon tendons, etc., it is more precious than Suzaku.

"It's really an ancient dragon. I didn't expect to have survived since it was cut off tens of thousands of years ago. The coercion of this real dragon, I'm afraid I'm not under me."

Immortal elders also took a breath and kept looking.

This ancient dragon is ten miles long and spreads constantly, covering the sky and the sun.

"According to legend, in the ancient times, when a dragon entered a passive source, the dragon was three thousand miles away, and a slight sweep could destroy a human kingdom. It seems to be true today, but I don't know how far this true dragon has reached."

Jun Yong has lived for tens of thousands of nights, but he has never seen a real dragon and a suzaku that have survived.

Now that the most mysterious real dragons and suzakus of the ancient times have appeared, Jun Yongye couldn't help but secretly pay attention and raise his vigilance.

He admits that he is strong, but none of them is a simple role.

Ye Wang frowned, and for some reason, he felt a subtlety in the scene. Even Ye Wang felt that he was afraid that what these people would do next could never be described in words.

The scene was heavy. Archaic Zhenlong and Chen Ming circling in the air. Jun Yongye and Hua Xiang sat in front of them. The gas field was as heavy as the core of the earth.

Rao is the night king and the immortal elder, and he can feel the extremely heavy oppression.

Only Xiao Naihe stood in front of the two of them, and there was a feeling of being a single man in the same place.

"What chance did the master get, actually so powerful, has he already been half passive?"

The immortal elder looked at Xiao Naihe, and increasingly understood the depth of Xiao Naihe.

At this time, the Night King and the Immortal Elder found that almost all of the big heads in the field had exceeded the level of Jiuzhong.

Whether it is Hua Xiang or Jun Yongye, even Taigu Zhenlong, Chen Ming, Ye Wang and the immortal elders feel that they are not opponents at all.

In the face of such pressure, Xiao Naihe is actually terrible, just like a no-one.

Chen Ming's eyes are like water.

It was a long sky, covered with an inexplicable aura, although it was not the Ninth Peak, but even the Ninth Peak.

The immortal elder felt the aura in Tianlong's body and was a little shocked: "Who is this young man? Following the body of the heavenly path, this young man should not be the peak of the Ninefold, but the aura on him made me feel An indescribable horror. "

"The people around the body of Tiandao are naturally not simple characters. But why even the body of Tiandao came, not only that, but the Taiko Zhenlong, which has not appeared for tens of thousands of years, also came. Even though I used to be the Lord of Darkness in God Realm, even if I faced these people, I felt a little guilty in my heart. "

The Night King remembered that he had just played against King Huo Luo and others. Although it was earth-shattering, if compared with the big heads in front of him, King Huo Luo was nothing.

At that time, Xiao Nai, even without his own help, was not going to kill King Huo Luo and Bei Songyang. At most, it takes a little effort. Night King thought so.

Just as the night king's thoughts were wide open, the archaic Zhenlong suddenly shrank from the air, and a burst of light gathered to form a light and shadow.

Archaic Zhenlong shrinks continuously and finally becomes a humanoid.

At this time, Taikoo Zhenlong showed a figure and changed into a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man was dressed in an imperial robe, a purple gold crown, sword eyebrows and staring eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly, as if they contained the sun, moon, and stars.

Even if it was just a look, it revealed a strong Long Wei.

There is also a woman beside Taikoo Zhenlong. This woman is no one else but Tiandaotong.

Tian Daotong's breath of body protection is becoming more and more pure. After restrained essence, it becomes deeper.

But it ’s not as good as the sky and the sky, standing there, it ’s hard to see the end, I do n’t know what level of accumulation he has reached.

"Dare you come?"

There was a trace of fine awns in the long and beautiful eyes of the sky, as if the lightning of fine element, suddenly burst out, making the surroundings seem like a shock and the breath burst.

That's right, it's beautiful eyes. The sky and the sky are so beautiful that they are asexual people. If they look from the outside, I'm afraid that at first glance he will be a woman.

If you see his expression, voice, temperament, etc., you will think he is a man.

This kind of person has no gender, and it is not like Tian Daotong, which is shaped in terms of her daughter.

"Why can't I come? Do you want to absorb me? I want to absorb you more. The sky is long. You have the heavenly body, I have the help of Zulong, and ...

Tian Daotong turned his eyes and swept on Xiao Naihe. Suddenly he held Xiao Naihe in one hand, and a soft and delicate fragrance came out.

"I'm not as simple as one or two people."

Tian Dao Tong said with a voice.

Xiao Naihe had a weird face. He remembered that he had no close relationship with Tian Daotong. Even if Zulong and Tian Daotong had helped each other before, it was merely superficial cooperation.

The cooperative relationship between Tian Daotong and Xiao Naihe is far behind Liu Xiu.

However, in this dangerous situation of Yantian Pavilion, Liu Xiu did not make a shot. Although the disaster came, it was definitely not to help Yan Tian Pavilion.

The person really valued by Xiao Nao is Xiao Naihe. The reason why Yantian Pavilion got his eyes is because of Xiao Naihe. Without Xiao Naihe, Yan Tiange is nothing in the eyes of Dao Nai.

"The 湒 湮 will appear, I am afraid it is because of Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye." Xiao Nai He split his mind and noticed the 湒 湮.

No one in the field is a simple character. If they are placed in the four realms, they are extremely powerful characters.

Speaking of which, Xiao Naihe was the first time to see the incarnation of Taikoo Zhenlong. When he first saw Zulong, Zulong revealed his true incarnation.

Now he has transformed into a humanoid.

The pressure of the whole body, even if it is placed in the human world, does not reveal a trace of power, just afraid to give others the first glance is the feeling of the emperor.

"Chen Ming, I knew you came back here. But you are better than me. Ben Long really thought Xiao Shengzi fell, but you are here, I'm afraid you are the only one who doesn't believe in Xiao Shengzi's fall."

When Xiao Nai died, his breath of life disappeared, and the powerful people related to Xiao Nai felt that these people, without exception, thought that Xiao Nai was really dead.

But Heavenly Dao is different. Chen Ming himself controls the order of the human world. After applying the Law of Heavenly Dao, he cannot perceive Xiao Naihe ’s death message.

"Zulong, you don't have to kill me, this is not 100,000 years ago, and now it no longer belongs to the real dragon family."

"Haha, but it doesn't belong to Chen Tianming's world now, otherwise you will not be attacked in the Six World Holy War, and now you are far from recovering you more than six thousand years ago." Zu Long was cold Smile.

The words between the two people are diametrically opposed, and the murderous intentions are Lingling.

Jun Yongye sent a voice to Hua Xiang: "This ancient dragon seems to have a grudge against Heaven."

"The reason why the Archaic Zhenlong family perished at that time was that Chen Ming was advancing. He and Zulong have grievances. This is not a rare thing."

Hua Xiang said lightly, a lazy look, as if nothing happened in the field was not related to his own affairs. Only the eyes reflect the fine awns.

Tian Daotong grabbed Xiao Naihe's wrist, the palm of her hand was a little force, but in fact she was a little nervous.

In the field, Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, Zulong, Chen Ming, Xiao Naihe, and Duo, they are the most powerful batch in the world.

Even the night king and immortal elders around Xiao Naihe are top-notch.

The strength revealed by each of them is a godlike existence.

Even the sky is long, and he, who is also the incarnation of the Taoist Book, is so powerful that he obscures himself.

"If Zulong and Chen Ming meet, they will certainly not be afraid of me. Xiao Naihe is afraid to join forces with Jun Yongye and Hua Xiang. As for the Suzaku, there is a night beside Xiao Naihe Wang and the immortal elders are also masters of the nineth peak.

If it is really fighting, deer will not know who will die.

Thinking of coming here, Tian Daotong couldn't help but give it a look, looking at Xiao Naihe's side face, tenacious and godlike, like the fire in the eyes.

Tian Daotong moved a little in his heart, and seemed to feel something: "Speaking of this, Xiao Nai is quite good. The Four Cultivation Sons are extremely powerful and are not under Zulong. Even Chen Ming must be afraid of him by three points. Good, very temperament. If you pull on such a man, it is also very good. "

I have to say that Xiao Naihe is indeed very good, young, but already in a high position, standing in the Four Realms, the top strong among the Four Realms.

If this kind of person does not fall, with this atmospheric transport, there may even be hope that the origins will unite and step into the passive realm.

Although Tian Daotong is the incarnation of Tian Dao Shu, she chose her daughter to be born. Apart from identity and strength, she is no different from other women.

She is not surprised that Xiao Nai has a good impression. Tian Daotong knows that if she really combines with Xiao Nai He to become a Taoist, it is definitely a great opportunity.

"But I heard that Xiao Naihe already has a Taoist companion, and his appearance and talents are top-notch." Tian Daotong thought again.

Although it is said that many excellent men will not have only one woman, a woman like Tian Daotong also cannot share a man with other women. And Xiao Naiho didn't seem to want to have other intimate relationships with other women.

Thinking of coming here, Tian Daotong couldn't help but sigh softly, and at the same time it was a pity, and he was not reconciled.

Although Xiao Naihe felt that Tian Daotong's state of mind was unstable, he did not care, nor did he know what Tian Daotong was thinking now.

The battle situation in the whole scene felt like a touch.

"I don't care who has anything to do with anyone. I just want to come back to the court today." Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

I saw Xiao Naihe's eyes turned and put on Hua Xiang, smiled slightly: "Isn't it? Lord Hua Xiang."

"Huh? There are some grudges between us, but not just me, you and other people have a lot of grudges."

Hua Xiang also smiled slightly.

Xiao Nai nodded: "Yes, not only you, but also Heavenly Dao and Jun Yongye. We should also settle an account between us."


For a time, even the immortal elders and the Night King who were behind Xiao Naihe took a breath, and looked at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe, what does this mean? It is impossible to compete with the three giants.

These three people are not simple masters, one is the heaven and earth, and the other two are half-step passive existence.

There are no sources, these three people are the strongest representatives in the world.

And Xiao Naiho had to deal with three people alone. This kind of courage, even the Night King and the Immortal Elder felt unbelievable.

Tian Daotong stared at Xiao Naihe with a look of horror in his eyes: "What does Xiao Naihe mean? A person wants to fight against three top experts. Even if one of them is afraid that it will be enough to deal with one, he actually Three to deal with. "

Not only Tian Daotong, but others were slightly surprised. Even Chen Ming ’s unmoved look changed somewhat, and he could n’t help but take a look at Xiao Nai.

"It's crazy, I Jun Yongye thought I was crazy, I didn't expect you to be more crazy. I admit that you are no less than me, but just now you and I can't shake each other, and I want to deal with the other two people. Who do you think you are?

Jun Yongye froze a little, then laughed.

The original tension in the scene became strange.

But the atmosphere is more tense.

"Hey, I know you wo n’t believe it. If it ’s me before, I certainly would n’t dare to say such things. But now that I do n’t dare to say these things, then I do n’t need to practice monks, and I do n’t need to create a sanctification. "Xiao Naihe sighed softly and sighed slightly:" I don't need you to believe, Jun Yongye, I just couldn't test out your true skills. Now let's continue. "

Xiao Naihe's words fell slightly, and a burst of lightning burst out between his words, as if thunder and fire burst out.

Xiao Naihe is like a real dragon in human form, in the void is a catch, a strong atmosphere merges together.

But at the fingertips, Jun Yongye seemed to face a force that transcended the five elements in the world.

Compared with just now, Xiao Naihe's blow was even more terrifying!

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