Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1849: Promoting Passive Secrets

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The damage suffered by Zulong was not small. It seems that at least half of the power was attenuated because of the magical sound.

Although it has only half of its strength, it is at least more powerful than the original North Songyang.

"This time I really lost. I didn't expect that Bai inorganic would actually take action in person. He now suppresses the luck of the world, does not allow us to break out of a duel of life and death, and also blocks the chance of being promoted to a passive state.

Zulong sighed gently, running the body's blood, so that his complexion slowly returned to ruddy. The whiteness on his face had faded a lot.

But the breath is still unstable.

"Unfortunately fortunately, Master Bai did not really take action. If he had to die first, the ending would be more than that."

The Night King shook his head. Bai Fei didn't do anything with them, not because he was afraid of their development potential, but because it was unnecessary.

The three-thousand-thousand-world world needs diversification, and besides, Bai inorganic does not bother to commit suicide a few cultivators who are far inferior to himself.

I'm afraid that Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, and others will not count anything in the eyes of Bai Yu.

Zulong glanced at Xiao Nai and said: "Xiao Shengzi, how are you doing? I think your complexion is all ruddy and shouldn't be a big deal."

Where did he know that Xiao Nai used the Four Master Sutras to eliminate the "Miao Fa Tian Yin", and naturally there would be no harm. His appearance was nothing more than a pretence of weakness, and it was nothing.

Xiao Nai said indifferently: "It's okay, this time it was more than I expected, and Bai had nothing to do with it, and I didn't expect it."

"The younger Bai Bai is really too powerful. Even in the peak period of this dragon, he is not necessarily his opponent. It is worthy of being the first person in God Realm. He suppressed the atmosphere of heaven and earth. The fate of the source realm. "

This is not good news. In order to promote the passive state of unity, we must absorb the air transport of the heaven and earth in the era of heaven and earth, improve our own air transport, and reduce our own promotion risk.

It is like a flower face. If you are now forcibly promoted to a passive state, and your own world and atmospheric transport cannot be absorbed in the end, the ending can only be eliminated by a one-year disaster, and you will disappear!

"Don't we have hope to step into the passive step in the future?" Tian Daotong's face was very bad.

Although she really wants to get the power of the sky and the sky to form a complete book of heaven.

However, after the formation of the Taoist Book, Tian Taotong wanted to go further, and could only enter the passive realm.

And at least to pass through the five decays of heaven and man, at least to the passive state, if you can not pass, then less than 30,000 years later, Tian Daotong will still fall.

Which monk does not want to live forever? If you can't survive the five failures of heaven and earth, even the most powerful master will die.

Tian Daotong just wants to be free and immortal.

If there is no opportunity to enter the passive state, then she has no meaning.

Thinking of this, Tian Daotong's face could not help showing a trace of daze.

The trick of Bai inorganic is too terrible, breaking the back of too many people.

It can be said that what Bai Bai did today offended almost everyone on the scene.

But even if Bai knows that he has offended so many people, he still doesn't care. In his eyes, even if everyone is his own enemy, he kills if he wants to kill. This is the grasp of absolute power.

"Can't such a powerful character like Bai inorganic be able to survive the catastrophe of the five decays of heaven and man?" Tian Daotong suddenly thought of what was called. After 100,000 years, and less than 30,000 years left, the middle and late eras have been reached. "

For a cultivator, the time of 30,000 years is not long or short.

Just like the old monsters like the Hong family ancestors, it took tens of thousands of years, and Zu Long and Chen Ming did not know how many years they lived.

"The Archaic Holy Path is successful, and with some means of creating the Tao, it can directly change the ability of the passage of time and enter the time boundary. Comprehend it to the extreme. And in the remaining 30,000 years, are there really people who have survived the fate of heaven and man? "

Ye Wang could not help but sigh gently when he heard this place.

It is as powerful as the ancient holy sage, changing the laws of time, and entering the time boundary, where it has passed hundreds of thousands of years without success.

It is as if Xiao Naiho is now in the river of time, he can also hide in it for a dozen or two hundred thousand years.

But as the atmosphere is thin today, it is far inferior to the ancient times. Archaic Saint entered the time boundary, there is a means to absorb the atmospheric transport of heaven and earth, but Xiao Nai could not.

Especially now that Bai inorganic transports the atmosphere of heaven and earth, and part of it is controlled by Chen Dao of Tiandao, and the rest is not much.

"Bai Fei this person is too unfathomable, it is difficult to clarify his ability. However, to step into the passive state, there is not necessarily only one way."

At this time, the person who spoke was 殒 湮.

The 湒 湮 was attacked by ‘Miao Fa Tianyin’ and also suffered considerable damage.

There is still a trace of paleness on his face, but it is not very serious, and it is not visible on the surface.

"I know you. You are a demon." Zulong's eyes flickered and glanced at him.

Si Yu smiled and said: "Lord Zulong, do you really think there is only one road in this world that can step into the passive realm?"

Upon hearing this, Zu Long pondered for a while and said in a low voice: "I don't believe it, but so far, it seems that only by absorbing enough heaven and earth transport, it can change its own air transport ability, combine the background, and break through source."

Recalling the Archaic period of that year, Zulong was also a darling of heaven and earth, absorbing a lot of heaven and earth atmospheric transport, increasing his own air transport capacity, and finally stepped into the passive state.

In addition to this, the same is true of several other passive strongmen who know themselves.

"As far as I know, there are two other ways." Shao Shao shook his head.


Not only Zulong, but even Xiao Nai heard it, and couldn't help but shine, expressing his interest.

Si Yu smiled: "Does Mr. Zulong know the Lord God of Danting?"

"God Emperor Lin? I know, this person is very mysterious, even more mysterious than Bai inorganic. I seem to have seen him in the ancient times, he is definitely not a passive master of the new generation." Zulong said.

"Yes, I also have first-hand information that this emperor Lin Lin was called" Emperor "during the Archaic period, and it is said that it appeared since the birth of the era. His method of promotion to the passive, the legend is not based on the atmosphere and earth It ’s another way to get promoted. "

"Is there such a thing?"

Other than Zulong this time, everyone else had eaten it already, including Xiao Naihe, and they all moved slightly.

If it is not really promoted by the means of heaven and earth, then this imperial monk is too terrible, at least there is already a new promotion system.

In this era of times, within the Six Dao and the Four Realms, whether it is man, god, demon, demon, witch, or Buddha, it is mainly to absorb the heaven and earth's atmospheric transportation, and come from the origin as one.

As for the aliens of the third plane, because there is not much information, it is impossible to know, but Xiao Nai thought of Zong Sheng and Guan Hai, they have not recovered to the passive state until now, just afraid of being with their first plane The cultivator's system makes no difference.

"It turns out that it's no wonder that so many people want to get the secret of Huang Lin's passive promotion. I didn't care much before, but I didn't expect such a thing."

Xiao Nai and his heart were clear, and he immediately wanted to understand that he has always been caught in a misunderstanding.

That's because Xiao Naihe experienced the passive state in his previous life, so he knows the means to promote the passive, but Xiao Naihe did not expect that the means to promote the passive is more than just one.

There are other ways to master such as Huang Lin.

Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, and Lian Tiandao Chen Ming have extremely high identities. The closer they are to the passive state, the more they understand the method of promotion.

If in the ancient times, people at the level of the flower phase had accumulated enough, they would naturally be able to absorb the air transport in the world, enhance their own air transport capacity, and then enter the passive state.

Hua Xiang, Shi Nao, Jun Yongye and others have been operating for many years, and have already had their own means.

They can naturally know some secrets of Huang Lin before Xiao Naihe.

"I used to think that people like Hua equal wanted to enter the passive state by gaining the experience of Huanglin's promotion to the passive, and absorbing some of the five decays of heaven and man. It seems that I was wrong, but Huanglin has another A system for promoting passives. "

Xiao Nai smiled bitterly in his heart.

If you think of it this way, the chance of promotion in Huang Lin's body is no small matter.

"Huang Lin is too mysterious, but why does he know this promotion method? Is there any big chance of inheritance?" Ye Wang couldn't help asking.

"I do n’t know. I suspect that he has inherited the passive masters from the last era. After all, in the last era, there is a cultivation system that we do n’t know about. There must be others who are promoted to passive. means."

Shao Shao shook his head.

Zulong nodded and agreed.

It is as if Xiao Naihe inherited the teachings of Sakyamuni in the last era.

However, Xiao Naiho's eyes flashed with fine awns, uniting all the things that happened before, and slowly said: "It may also be that he did not inherit the inheritance of the previous era."

"Oh? What is your opinion?" Zulong frowned.

Xiao Nai slowly closed his eyes and said, "If Huang Lin is a character handed down from the last era, then there is no surprise that he was promoted to Passive at first."

The whole body was shocked, and his eyes flashed with fine awns, and he repeatedly said: "You mean ... Huang Lin survived the fate of heaven and earth ..."

When Zulong and others heard it, they kept silent. Xiao Naihe's assumption was too bold.

But they know that Xiao Naihe ’s words may not be unreasonable. The eyes of the night king are shining brightly: "The five-day disaster of heaven and man is the most terrible disaster in the entire plane. Can anyone really survive such a disaster? It's like listening to the fantasy of night. "

Xiao Naihe was not surprised. Night King and others did not believe this was normal. If it were not for Xiao Naihe who had heard the three archaic masters of Sifanghou, he also did not believe that his ancestors had survived the fate of heaven.

"Not to mention Huang Lin, this person is too deep, I don't believe he really will give his secret to others." Tian Daotong shook his head and said in a straight voice.

Xiao Naihe also feels right, with the existence of Huang Lin, it is almost impossible to expose his secrets.

"So what is the second method?" Ye Wang quickly asked.

"The second method is also related to another person, and it has something to do with you."

Di Yu laughed.

Everyone heard, Qi Qi looked at Xiao Naihe.

"The heirs of the previous generation of the demon gods are also my teacher Bei Nanyi. He was promoted to the passive state by some method many years ago."

When Nai said about Beinanyi, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

Tian Daotong clapped his hands, "Yes, after the Six Worlds Jihad, Bai inorganic must have strict control of the circulation of heaven and earth's atmospheric transport. But then Bei Nanyi was able to promote the passive state, he was the first of the new generation. Man, how did he do it? "

After talking, Tian Daotong ’s pupils turned around, showing a daughter-like taste: “You guys talk to me, one of you is a heavenly demon, and one is a son who inherits the heavenly demon scriptures, you should know Right. "

The two people she said were naturally Yu and Xiao Nai.

When he heard it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Where do I know! That person who was in the God Realm and then confronted Bai Yuan in God Realm, wouldn't you know what happened in the end?"

Tian Daotong sighed softly, knowing that Yu Na was right.

Xiao Naihe looked calm, but he also smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew best how he entered the passive state.

That's because the air transport capacity in the heaven and earth in the God Realm is a bit thicker than in the 3,300 world, and the Beinanyi at that time, the background is high, almost reaching the passive state, far more than the current The flower phase is even higher.

Therefore, Hua Xiang could not be promoted to the passive state in God Realm, but Bei Nan Yi succeeded.

Speaking of it, it is still a magical power to promote the passive, using the atmosphere of heaven and earth to transport the original unity.


At this moment, Xiao Naiho seemed to have captured some very important clues, and his heart was shocked.

"Yes, the air transport between heaven and earth in God Realm is much thicker by the 3,300 world. Although it is at least reduced by 70% under the control of Bai inorganic, it is far more than the lower realm. If it is in God Realm Compared with cultivation in the 3,300 world, cultivation in the middle requires more opportunities to unite in one source. "

At that time, the reason why he stepped into the passive is because his accumulated knowledge is too full.

Hua Xiang was born out of blessings without knowing the blessings. If he could concentrate on practicing in the Nine Heavens domain, maybe it would take another tens of thousands of years, and at most 20,000 years would be able to unite the origin.

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