Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1880: Magic black beads (on)

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"This person is also considered to be a half person of the Huofeng sect, and it may be that he will go to the phoenix sect. At that time, he may meet the master. With this person's strength, he now bears my love and says It may help the owner in the future. "

Qi Ling calculated very clearly in his mind.

It was originally an instrument created by the Red War Flames. If Xiao Nai inherited his feelings, it was equivalent to inheriting the Red War Flames.

In the future, if two people meet, Xiao Nai is very likely to help the red war because of this affection.

All this has a certain thought in the mind of the spirit.

Xiao Naihe now does not know the idea of ​​Qi Ling, he turned into a meson and entered the world of space and time.

He connected the medium of the space-time world to the avatar. Now Xiao Naihe's avatar is sitting outside, but his ontology has entered the avatar.

"The atmosphere of heaven and earth in this disc is really thick."

Xiao Na couldn't help but sigh.

The disc in his hand is like having his own life, turning continuously in the air, and finally turned into a stream of light.

Between these streamers, weird formations formed.

The formation of these magic arrays is precisely the magic array.

The whole Juling Array is very mysterious, Xiao Nai just glanced at it, and it was endless.

"The Red Battle Fire is really a man of God. He didn't know where to get such a treasure. He also spent tens of thousands of years refining the Qiling Pagoda of the Seven Star Pagoda. The Red Battle Fire must have an excellent relationship with the Fire Phoenix Division Relationship, otherwise it will not leave the Seven Star Tower in the Fire Phoenix tribe to suppress luck. "

The value of the Seven Star Pagoda is definitely not under the other nine grade Taoism, and even faintly surpassed the saint, and began to have a more advanced transformation.

Xiao Nai originally expected the red war to be in the late Jiuzhong period, but now it seems that only the master of the peak of Jiuzhong can make such a mysterious magic circle.

And the red warfare should be one of the best among the nine peaks.

Three hundred days is enough for me to absorb.

Xiao Nai thought so.

The light of the magic circle in the disc kept flashing, and when it floated to the void, it gathered together and finally merged.

A huge and immense power suddenly ushered in.

Xiao Naihe only felt that the whole body's acupuncture point turned on automatically at this time, as if trembling, very comfortable.

That is not the comfort on the flesh, but the spiritual pleasure.

"It's really addictive to absorb the air transport in the world and change your physical health."

The process of absorbing heaven and earth's atmospheric transport is originally like the clouds and clouds. It has the same tunes as the Wushan ceremony between men and women. They are all unity of spirit and flesh and produce a great sense of satisfaction.

Xiao Nai feels how good it would be if he really wanted to immerse himself in this state of heaven and earth forever.

This situation lasted for three hundred days in a row.

Time in the space-time world is a hundredfold flow, three hundred days inside, but only three days outside.

The world's atmospheric transport inside the disk has been absorbed by Xiao Naihe about 60-70%.

Some of the remaining Xiao Nai was not prepared to continue to absorb, because he also agreed to Qi Ling. Although Xiao Nai would like, he could destroy the spirit and occupy the entire disc circle.

But this style of behavior is not Xiao Nai's. Since he has promised something, he will naturally do it.

"Let me see how much of the world's atmospheric transport I have accumulated."

Xiao Naihe absorbed the heaven and earth atmospheric transport, transformed it into aura, and spread it throughout his own space-time world.

Although the aura in the air is a bit heavier than before, it is still very thin.

"Sure enough, although I have absorbed a lot of heaven and earth luck, but it is still impossible to accumulate most of this information. At least I need to absorb 500 such discs in succession, but not to mention 500. There may not be fifty. "

Xiao Nai felt bitter in his heart.

He grabbed the disc in his hand, then tore the void, and entered the outer space from the inner world.

"Come out? How much have you absorbed?"

Qiling is everywhere.

"Sixty-seven percent, okay."

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Qi Ling suddenly had a ridiculous feeling in his heart.

It originally had no facial features, and even human feelings are difficult to make.

But after hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Qi Ling suddenly had a feeling of wanting to hit his head.

There are so many heaven and earth transports in a disc formation. How many years have the Seven Star Tower been suppressed in the Huofeng tribe, and how many heaven and earth transports have been absorbed, but Xiao Naihe has absorbed 60 to 70%.

Even as Xiao Naihe said, he can enter a Taoist space with a hundred times the time flow rate. Within three hundred days, sixty-seven percent of the world's atmosphere in the disc circle was transported to be absorbed.

This speed is far from even the red war.

Chi Zhanhuo obtained the disk that year. Although it can suppress the heaven and earth atmospheric transport in a space of hundreds of thousands of miles, even if the power of air transport is too large, he cannot fully absorb it.

He needs to absorb the power of luck in the disc circle, at least it takes thousands of thousands of years, and the efficiency is too slow.

"Xiao Naihe, how did you absorb the sky and earth so quickly?"

Qi Ling couldn't help but ask, this was the most curious thing in his heart.

It has existed for such a long time, and it did not know how many masters it has seen after the Red War, but it has never been seen like Xiao Naihe, who has such a perverted sky and earth transport absorption speed.

"Because of my four fellow initiates, I opened up a thousand and eighteen caves of Buddhism."

Xiao Naihe did not hide with silver.

"Four Dao initiates? I have only heard of Dadao Daxiu, which is the" Holy "among the ancients."

"In those days, Sage Saint practiced three kinds of avenues. Now I am practicing four kinds of avenues, demon, human, Buddha, and witch."

During the talk, a strange light suddenly appeared in Xiao Naihe's palm. When this strange light flickered, it formed a flame, which was extremely mysterious.

In the flames, there are four very strange lights that are beating continuously, as if they have produced a kind of life on their own, covering the palm of Xiao Naihe's palm.

"this is!"

Qi Ling's face without facial features seemed to have an invisible shocked expression.

The flame ray above Xiao Naihe's palms reveals four kinds of avenues of breath, and the breath of these four avenues has a long history, as if born from countless eras.

"Demon Dao, Human Dao, Buddhism Dao, Wu Dao, the four Dao are in one, you actually created four Dao practitioners beyond the" Holy "? At that time, even the Sanxiu Avenue did not completely succeed in Dao Dao, it was extremely difficult. You think To create a path, I'm afraid it's very difficult. "

"That may not be the case. The reason why the Archaic Saints did not succeed in creating the Tao was because of the secret calculations of the Heavenly Dao. But I am different. Now even if the Heavenly Dao comes out, I am not afraid. In the Nine Heavens Realm, except for those two beings , No one can deal with me! "

Those two existences are the white lords of the **** realm, and the **** of war in the **** realm.

Xiao Naiho did not fully reveal his identity because of his scruples, but was hidden in the thirty-three days.

"Sure enough, the sky has changed. I haven't gone out for tens of thousands of years. I didn't expect such a big change outside. I'm afraid that your future achievements will not be under the master."

"You know quite well, what exactly exists in the Red War?"

"Master?" Qi Ling said of the red war, and there was a little bit of sigh in his tone: "The master was also a disciple of the Huofeng tribe, because he got many opportunities, and he had a very high talent. It took tens of thousands of years to refine the Juling Circle and merge the Seven Star Tower. Since I last saw him, it should be almost 20,000 years. "

"As a result, the red war is at least 30 to 40 years old?"

Xiao Nai forgot about it. The existence of Chi Zhan Huo is between 30 and 40 years old, and it will live longer than those of Hua Xiang, Pan Lingzi, and Ye Wang. Why hasn't there been news of Chi Zhan Huo?

There is only one possibility, that is, the red war is too forbearable. He has no dispute with the world, has deep fame, no mountains and no water, and naturally no masters like Hua Xiang and Huo Luo are high-profile.

Chi Zhanhuo's strength is that he is comparable to Huo Luo Wang, and even more powerful.

"The Night King ca n’t tell. There are too many hidden masters in the Nine Heavens Realm. Since the birth of the God Realm, it has hardly been hit by major wars, so the retained Taoism is much deeper than other realms Now. "

In the lower realm, in the three-thousand and three-hundred worlds, there are only a handful of masters at the 9th peak.

It was because of too many disasters experienced in 100,000 years, many masters fell.

On the contrary, the masters in God Realm have not been dispatched, and they have closed their doors in order to survive the fate of heaven and man.

If these people do not reach the most critical moments, such as the life and death of God Realm, the crisis of the end of the Fa era, otherwise they will not come out easily.

"This disc is for you. The heaven and earth in the magic circle have absorbed 60-70% of the past. The rest is left. It will be ok for the flame phoenix to absorb it for thousands of years. Then the magic circle will be renewed. Absorbing the atmospheric transport of the world and the earth, endlessly. "

Xiao Nai He threw the disk array to Qiling. He flipped his finger, and there was an additional disk in the palm of his hand, as well as a black bead.

This bead was originally left in the 108th floor of the red war, absorbing someone to start it, and leaving it to the destined.

Xiao Nai got the black beads and didn't know what mystery was in it, so she couldn't help but look closely.

"The origin of this bead is mysterious. At that time, even the owner could not find any clues, saying that it was left here for the fate, even if you are a fate, I am afraid that you cannot unravel the mystery of the black beads."

"That may not be the case. I had no way to do it before, but I absorbed so much air transport from the world and changed my physical transport. Maybe there is really hope."

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