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The blood shadow in the blood of the blood gentleman shone like a ghost, terrifying.

But in his eyes, it seemed that there was a heaven and earth, and the airflow around him gathered together, shaped like a blood pool.

"Among the nine-star overlords, the greed wolf is dead. Among the remaining eight people ... when you just fought with me, you simply acted with physical strength, and there was a heaven and earth transport in every sword spirit. Reiki. If this method of making good use of martial arts is correct, you should be Wuquxing. "

Xiao Naihe refined some of the information from the memory of the greedy wolf, and he was very clear about the branches in Jiuxing.

Every action of this blood gentleman is very consistent with the martial arts in the memory of the greedy wolf.

Wuqu itself is to make good use of physical strength and build strength with martial arts. His existence is the ultimate in Jiuxing.

The other eight-star overlords are very dependent on the power of their own clan, only Wuqu believes in the power of his martial arts and flesh. ,

"This person is even more difficult to deal with than the greedy wolf. Although I am not afraid of him, once I start, I am afraid that it will cause some changes."

In God Realm, although there are also situations where the two great Protoss masters meet. Many people have been blamed.

But masters like Xiao Naiho, once they are contested, the world changes will not be a general horror.

So why did Xiao Nai hide his deity in the world of time and space, and his own soul was attached to the avatar.

"You are very smart, you seem to know a lot about the wolves. You also know that our nine-star overlord is not a person from this era, but survived from the Cambrian era, which was the last era. Down. "

The blood gentleman is slow and rational, and looks like a winning ticket.

But the blood gentleman was very cautious in his heart. He could see that Xiao Naihe was not easy to deal with. He had to deal with it carefully.

If something goes wrong, it is very likely that you will fall short.

Nine Sky God Territory is no better than the extraterrestrial sky or the 3,300 world. There are too many masters in God Realm. Once there is a big change, it means that someone will soon notice it.

"Cambrian era? Your method of crossing the heavens and the five decays is quite interesting, but it's still a matter of declining the body, actually abandoning the flesh and self-sealing the soul. This approach is worse than life and death.

"Haha, is that right? You don't know the horror of heaven and man's five decay. If you know the horror of heaven and man's five decay, you won't say that. Although you are powerful now, even if you are the incarnation of Zulong, once you face the era There is no doubt that the heaven and the earth are suffering from five decays! "

The blood gentleman smiled coldly.

"I also know the horror of the five decays of heaven and man. As long as I succeed in creating the Tao, in the future, I will achieve a passive state. There will naturally be a way to survive the five decay of heaven and man. Now this era of era is facing the period of the last law, and the first aspect can never pass In 30,000 years, it will truly turn into nothingness, and like other planes, it will become a death star. "

"You actually know that this era is in the end of the Dharma period?"

At this time, the blood gentleman's face slightly changed, but then returned to normal, and slowly said: "Even if you know, then you have no way to crack it. Don't talk about you, we are among the nine-star overlords. No one can cross Taiyu, go deep into Taiyu, and look for other plane worlds. "

"Oh, your nine-star overlord of the Cambrian era is too mysterious. According to my knowledge, the Star Race is not this world-faced person. You are more like a race from other planes. I have not completely refined it. After losing the memory of the greedy wolf, when I refine his other memories, I might know all your origins. "

Blood gentleman said sharply: "You have refined the memory of the greedy wolf, okay, okay, okay. I can let you go, but you have to give me back the xuanyuan mystic body on the wolves."

"Why should I give you? Since the Greedy Wolf was killed by me, then I get his spoils, which is just right."

"So, are you reluctant to give me?"

"You value this xingyuan blackstone so much, it seems that there are secrets that I don't know, and I won't give them to you."

Xiao Nai He laughed and revealed a hint of provocation in his tone.

"you wanna die!"

As a martial art among the nine stars, the blood gentleman is as proud as frost, and like human warriors, he must not be humiliated.

Once humiliated, don't hesitate to lie dead!

"Blow me up, blood shadow fists."

The blood gentleman grabbed five fingers and formed a fist.

This fist seemed to break out of countless voids, and the fist in the void turned into stars, directly hitting the sky and surrounding Xiao Naihe's whole person.

Between the left and right rotation, the blood gentleman only feels that the power on his body is infinite.

He practiced the Xingzu Road, not the road in this era, but he was obsessed with the pursuit of martial arts. In this face, he also learned a lot of martial arts.

For example, exercise your physical fitness with the power of luck.

With a punch, the blood was heavy, as if the Xuanmen formed by countless punches, trapped Xiao Nai in it.

The blood gentleman showed his hand like this. Although he did not rely on his own physical body, this punch was too powerful and showed his own strength.

With the strength of a blood gentleman, I am afraid that even masters like Huo Luo and Ye Wang will be inferior to him.

"The greedy wolf was a remnant soul at that time, and it was already so powerful. This blood gentleman should be refined or taken away from the flesh, a real person. His power is not as powerful as the greedy wolf. I want it. Be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter. "

Xiao Nai thought of the road in his heart, raised his arm, and it was like a countless star rolling, converging into a huge **** wheel.

There are thousands of arrays in the center of the **** wheel. These arrays are supposed to encapsulate everything in the world. The **** demon demon, all existence seems to be encapsulated into it.

"The Great God Wheels of the Heavens, the Human Law Formation."

The demon melts.

One move, one move, and one battle array, merge with each other.

The forces of the two avenues collide with each other, creating a sense of collision of civilizations.

The fist lifted by the blood gentleman blew up directly, terrified to the extreme.

But even so, the two forces released by Xiao Naihe will even squeeze the blood gentleman into pieces.

The blood gentleman only felt that he was squeezed by these two forces, and the whole person seemed to be crushed into flesh and blood, and turned into soul fragments.

"Are you just doing this?"

Xiao Naihe seemed to be angering the blood gentleman deliberately. Although a provocative smile appeared on his face, the speed in his hands was not slow and he showed no mercy.

With every move, there was an unspeakable terror and coercion.

"This is the breath of humanity and demon in this era of age. Are you the gods of cultivation?"

Blood gentlemen are highly versatile and experienced, and they also know that in many eras, some people practiced different courses.

Although fellow initiates are powerful, they are extremely difficult. One kind of avenue will reach its peak, and it will be difficult to achieve it almost until death.

For example, the Xingzu Avenue, where the blood gentleman cultivates, does not dare to say that the cultivation has reached the extreme, and it is impossible for him to practice other Avenues.

Of course, even if he wants to practice other avenues, he can only abolish all his supernatural powers and make a comeback. Re-cultivation begins in the realm of the next day.

Or you can only get the source of the avenue in the era of heaven and earth, so you do n’t need to reincarnate and re-cultivate.

In front of him, this person not only has the skills of a real dragon, but also good at humane and demon.

If it is just a single avenue, then blood gentlemen are not afraid of each other.

But the two avenues are united, and there is the real dragon's ability, even the blood-star gentleman, the nine-star overlord, does not dare to neglect.

"Wuqu Xingdong."

At this moment, the blood gentleman snorted, his voice seemed to be the fusion of countless demons, a force above his head rushed into the void, forming a long **** river.

The blood gentleman appeared as if it were a star, the stars and stones emerging from the top of his head kept turning, and then flew into Xiao Naihe's face.


The blood gentleman carries the power of this Wuqu star, and the flesh is comparable to a real dragon.

Just like a star, it hits **** it, and it feels like Xiao Naihe will be knocked down


The Shenlun Array and Wuquxing collided together, creating a strong explosive pressure, as if the universe collapsed, and the entire chaos of heaven and earth returned to nothingness.

The desert of Beiye was almost overturned by the blood gentleman and Xiao Naihe.

Suddenly, Xiao Nai had an idea in his mind. If he is now in the Fengfeng tribe, he is afraid that the entire tribe will be razed to the ground.

Between these two people's every move, they can produce a terrifying force that destroys the world.

Xiao Naihe and the blood gentleman seemed to be two stars, striking each other in Taiyu, and the violent coercion was approaching all around, and countless blood shadows turned.

"Blood pool absorption. I want to refine you into pus blood."

A fine light erupted in the blood gentleman's eyes, slightly twisted like a blood chakra.

"If you think I only have this ability, then you are wrong."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, his eyes moved, he exhaled a breath, his body shaped like a black iron, grabbed in the void, a strong force burst out directly.

Originally already a shattered God Wheel Array, actually regained the debris and formed the form of Taoism twice!

"What? Can you restore the consumed Taoism?"

The blood gentleman froze for a moment, watching Xiao Nai He restore the power of Taoism in the void, and froze for a moment.

The God Wheel Array on the Void has been slammed down, and the whole blood man will be smashed into pieces!

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