Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1937: Qi Ling

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Want to team up?

Although Xiao Nai did not know what the Feng Mo Gong was, he also knew that, with his own strength, even if one wanted to walk out of the Feng Mo Gong, it would certainly not be a problem.

But now there is a team, which makes Xiao Naihe feel helpless.

Soon after he entered God Realm, he didn't know many people at all. For a time, he asked him to find a team, and Xiao Nai didn't know who to find.

But when Xiao Nai was thinking about whether to find someone casually, suddenly a flash of light flashed and patted his head, he actually forgot a person.

At this time, Su Bingyun is also looking for teammates, and she is not very sure about the sealing of the Demon Palace, so you must be careful to find a good teammate.

"Su Bingyun, if you don't have an object, please team up with me."

Xiao Naiho's voice came.

Su Bingyun was stunned, and when she saw Xiao Naihe standing behind Su Bingyun, she suddenly felt happy.

Xiao Naihe already has the strength to contend with the early masters of the nineth layer, and teaming up with Xiao Naihe could not be better.

"I am willing to be the target of Mr. Xiao."

Su Bingyun blurted out, but then thought about it, the sentence just now was a bit inappropriate and sounded a bit ambiguous. Su Bingyun's face suddenly appeared a blush, looking very coy.

Xiao Nai didn't care.

In the distance, Longya saw Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun were together, and Su Bingyun's expression was so ambiguous, and suddenly his heart was wild with jealousy, and his eyes were like to breathe fire, and Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun were locked. I wish I could swallow Xiao Nai.

"Brother Long."

Ye Yonghao quickly approached Longya, and Ye Yonghao didn't know who to look for now.

Looking for those genius disciples who are super powerful, they look down on themselves. Looking for those whose strength is not as good as their own, Ye Yonghao looks down on others.

After thinking about it for a while, I thought of Longya.

"let's go!"

Longya is no nonsense, but leaves Ye Yonghao.

In his heart, he had already sentenced Xiao Naihe to death. Once he had a chance, he must kill Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Longya didn't care whether Xiao Naihe had hatred with him or not. The anger in his heart was already burning for half the sky, and the jealousy of Xiao Naihe had turned into a thick murderous opportunity.

"Strange, why did Bingyun choose Xiao Naihe instead of Longya? Obviously, Longya and Bingyun have more opportunities to cooperate. Even if you don't choose Longya, you should choose Ye Yonghao. "

Seeing here, Hao Tian was puzzled.

On the contrary, Su Jianan snorted coldly. He was not satisfied with Xiao Naihe's dragging his daughter's back. Even though Xiao Naihe had a relatively good attainment in Taoism and refining, but that's not all. The Lord.

For a while, everyone had already selected their team members.

"Once you enter the Devil's Palace, I will leave the ban on you. Once you feel that you can't hold it, you will break up the ban and I will send you out at any time. Once you can't hold it and you don't come out in time, Absolutely must die. The time limit is ninety days. "

Hearing that people will die, many people's complexions change suddenly.

"Let's go too."

Tens of thousands of people have entered the Fengmo Palace in succession.

Watching one by one enter inside, Su Bingyun's originally tense emotions disappeared at this time.

She is confident that she is in the realm of creation, and she can help Xiao Nai.

"Boy, I hope you can hold the third round of the exam, but I think you have no such opportunity."

At this time Lei Jiuao pulled a glamorous woman beside him, and looked at Xiao Naihe like a demonstration. Then he did not conceal his greed for Su Bingyun.

Xiao Nai and He Yuguang scattered the female teammate Lei Jiuao. The female body was surging, and there was obviously three points of Lei Yuan's true energy.


Xiao Naihe simply replied two words.

This Lei Jiaoao is really a fool. Although he said that he only complained because of Yue Yong and the White Fox, if such a person does not die, it is estimated that he will meet himself in the third round.

Even if such people do not complain in advance, they will inevitably conflict with themselves in the end.

In this regard, Xiao Naihe was very polite to Lei Jiuao.

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Lei Jiuao snorted coldly, a flash of light erupted in his eyes, and looked at Xiao Naihe in a deadly way.

Later, Lei Jiuao pulled the nuns around him, and was directly involved in the enchantment.

"Lei Jiuao? Mr. Xiao, I heard that this Lei Jiuao is very powerful. You need to be careful."

Su Bingyun, next to him, pondered for a moment, and Xiao Naihe, who was worried in his eyes, said.

"It's okay, let's go in."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

To him, Lei Jiuao is just a small person. The young master of Lei Yunzong sounds very powerful, but that's all.

In the world of 3,300, Xiao Nai killed many masters, and many of them were still cultivators by Lei Jiuhao.

Compared with God Realm, those geniuses in the 3,300 world are very powerful. Under such aura-deficient environment, they can reach such a high level step by step.

Even if Lei Jiuao does n’t come, if he really comes to provoke himself, Xiao Nai shoots him to death. Anyway, he does n’t want to suppress his strength too much.

If you don't show some of your background, I am afraid that Phoenix God Realm will not notice yourself.

"Is this the enchantment of the Demon Palace?"

In front there is a layer of blue radiance that wraps the entire palace.

There are seven floors in the palace, and each floor is a huge test.

However, the sixth and seventh floors have been closed.

"This Fengmo Palace is at least 60,000 to 70,000 years old, and if I guess correctly, it should be a Taoist, and a half-step passive Taoist."

Since Xiao Naihe walked into this enchantment, he could feel the long-lasting charm coming from the Fengmo Palace.

The Taoist spirit is still there, and this can't be concealed from Xiao Naihe.

However, Xiao Nai did not expect that this magic palace was not only a Taoist but also a half-step passive Taoist.

Speaking of the half-step passive Taoist, the chain of fate and the fate lock of its realization stage are the levels of the half-step passive Taoist.

Moreover, before Xiao Naihe got the Jiuxing Tianshu, it was actually a half-step passive level. Jiuxing Tianshu is a chaotic world, which is different from Xiao Naihe's internal world.

Xiao Nai He can use the universe of the heavenly universe through the Nine Star Heavenly Script to directly tear apart the space and enter the Phoenix God Realm from this 33rd heaven.

It is completely different from the cultivator's ordinary tearing through the void.

The cultivator's void traveled, it was just flying.

But the void of the sky world is to use the laws of space to directly jump through the space, ignoring any space plane.

"But there is also a Nine-Star Throne, which is considered a passive Taoist, and it is still an extremely high-level passive Taoist. Unfortunately, I can't take it out now, otherwise I will be chased and killed by all the masters of the entire Jiutian God Realm. "

Although Xiao Naihe's current strength has been called the first person under the passive, even with the nine-star royal family, he can simply kill the early masters of the passive.

But after all, Xiao Naihe is not a passive state. Once so many people are chased and killed, I am afraid that it will be dark. By then Xiao Nai had time to cultivate.


Can't help but say that Xiao Naihe took Su Bingyun's hand and directly entered the enchantment of Fengmo Palace.

As soon as he passed through the Fengmo Palace, Xiao Naihe felt that a strange power fell directly on his body.

Xiao Naihe swept across his mind, and that strange power formed a token of nothingness.

"This is the ban token that Nai Ling said."

A blue token appeared in Xiao Naihe's palm, floating in the palm.


Su Bingyun was slightly surprised.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said: "The sound of the opening of the assessment from the beginning is actually the magic spirit of the magic palace. When the spiritual spirit speaks, there is a spiritual spirit of the Taoism, and naturally it is the correct spirit."

"Then what do we do next?"

At this time, Su Bingyun already regarded Xiao Naihe as the backbone, as long as Xiao Naihe said anything, Su Bingyun would believe.

"Go straight to the first floor!"

Subsequently, the two turned around, as if a blast of wind blew out, and went directly to the first floor of the Demon Palace.

Whirring whirring……

Suddenly, a strong wind came from the sealing demon palace, and the strong yin and yang breaths merged together, like a strange yin and yang gossip, closing all directions in all directions.

"what is this?"

Su Bingyun's eyes moved. Suddenly, the gossip array in front of him flew directly, like a giant Warcraft, opened his mouth of blood, and directly caught Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun.

"Beast soul?"

Su Bingyun was stunned for a moment. In this gossip array, a beast soul was actually sealed, and it was still a sixth-grade beast soul.

"The six-level beast soul has the strength of the Sixth Level of the Supreme Realm. I estimate that the team with the basic strength less than the Sixth Level of the Supreme Realm should be eliminated in the first round."

Xiao Naihe said slowly, glancing at Su Bingyun.

This beast soul will be given to you.

It is not that Xiao Nai did not want to do it, but this time the assessment was basically of no interest to Xiao Nai.

No matter how many people he has in the second round, he will basically win as long as he can pass the second round.

But for Su Bingyun, the evaluation of this magic palace was very important. This is not an opportunity for Su Bingyun.

Xiao Nai then became Su Bingyun.

"it is good!"

Su Bingyun nodded.

Since she entered the creator, she has never actually fought.

Now when I encounter a Soul of the Sixth Grade Beast, I feel a bit tempted.

Just when Su Bingyun began to fight with Liupin Beast Soul, Xiao Nai instead started to see this magic palace.

Xiao Naiho injects his power into the Fengmo Palace. At this time, he feels the power flow of the Fengmo Palace.

However, there seems to be a ban in the depths of the Fengmo Palace, closing Xiao Naihe's in-depth power.


Xiao Naihe smiled on his face.

I didn't expect myself to look away. This magic palace is not a half-step passive Taoist, but a true passive Taoist.

This magic palace is afraid that like Destiny's Heavenly Lock and Destiny's Chain, it was originally a passive Taoist, but for some reason, it finally degenerates to a half-step passive level.

Destiny Taoist is Jiuwu Youhuang's natal ritual weapon of the year. Since the death of Jiuwu Youhuang, the Destiny Heaven Lock and Destiny Chain have been directly degraded to Jiu Pin.

Then, under Xiao Naihe's promotion, the fate of Taoism was improved a bit, and entered a half-step passive.

"It seems that during the ancient times of the Phoenix General Sect, there must be a master of the passive realm, and it is certainly not an ordinary master who can leave such a Taoist."

A little admiration appeared in Xiao Naihe's eyes, but it soon turned into a pity.

Because Xiao Naihe knew that this magic palace had degenerated to a half-step passive level, it was estimated that the passive master had already died.

Not to mention the number of passive masters in the ancient and ancient times, simply in the Holy Realm of the Six Realms, most of the passive masters fell in God Realm.

The passive master of Phoenix General Sect may have fallen in the Six Worlds Jihad.

"If I can get this magic palace and integrate it into the Jiuxing Heavenly Book, maybe I have a chance to re-cast a passive Taoist."

Xiao Na couldn't help but think of it, but this was just thinking, Xiao Nai He knew it was impossible.

Let him take away the magic palace, that is to **** the inside of the Phoenix Sect, and be a enemy of the Phoenix God Realm.

Although Xiao Naiho is not afraid of General Phoenix now, he is not willing to compete with a General Phoenix at this stage.

"Huh? Someone actually found me deep?"

At this time, in a place where Xiao Naihe could not see, an old man with a white spirit appeared in the void space.

If someone is here, they can certainly hear the old man's voice, which is the voice of the promulgation of the assessment rules.

It is the magic of the magic palace.

The magical spirit mind flashed, using the entire rules of the magic palace, and began to scan everyone in the magic palace.

As soon as these tens of thousands of cultivators entered the Demon Sealing Palace, it was equivalent to entering their bodies. It was too difficult for them to notice.

"Being able to sweep my consciousness before I ban it is definitely not an ordinary person. At least it is the master of the nineth peak. Is it the genius kid of Ye Mo?"

Qi Ling raised his eyebrows and swept his consciousness, and soon he found the one who spied on him at first.

When Ji Ling saw this person, he was suddenly surprised, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"Actually this person?"

Xiao Naihe appeared in Qi Ling's consciousness, and when Xiao Naihe was seen, Qi Ling's face suddenly became weird.

In the first round of assessment, Qi Ling was also the judge, so he knew Xiao Nai.

Xiao Naihe completed three small assessments in less than a scent of incense at the end. The speed surprised Qiling.

But now when he noticed Xiao Naihe, this instrument was even more surprised.

"Don't I look away, this kid actually has the strength to penetrate his own consciousness into my space?" Qi Ling stunned slightly.

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