Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1960: Prelude

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Time passed quickly, and Xiao Naihe had already merged the Moonlight Battleship and the Floating Star.

Now under the full impact of the floating star, Xiao Naihe believes that there is no passive master who dares to compete head-on.

Xiao Naihe is confident that even ordinary passive masters will be hit by flesh if they are hit with full force.

Of course, if it is a master of the white inorganic, Xiao Naihe naturally knows that the floating star can't deal with it. Even if you use the Nine Star Throne, it is probably not good.

Unless he can unite his origins and step into the passive realm, with the help of the Floating Star and the Nine Star Throne, he can only fight against the white inorganic capital one or two.

After changing clothes, Xiao Naiho walked out of the room.

Immediately felt several breaths locked in here, even if Xiao Nai didn't look at it, he knew that it was the person of the phoenix.

Now his status is completely different. He believes that even Su Jian'an will act on his face now.

For Su Jian'an, Xiao Nai did not have any favors.

At the beginning of the Huofeng tribe, Su Jian'an had more than once favored the other disciples with the mud. If it weren't that he was Su Bingyun's father, Xiao Naihe didn't even want to ignore him.


A figure slowly appeared here, Su Bingyun.

Su Bingyun was wearing a green shirt with a jade pendant made of black jade hanging in her ears, setting off her breath of dust.

In Xiao Naihe's impression, Su Bingyun should not be the kind of person who likes to overdress himself.

"Brother Xiao."

Su Bingyun's voice quietly remembered, as if the yellow oriole was sweet.

"what happened?"

"The third level of assessment is about to begin. My father asked me to wait for you here. I will take you to the chaotic Tiangong."

Xiao Na thought for a moment, he really did not know where the chaotic Tiangong was, and he said, "Well, let's go."

Su Bingyun nodded quickly and took Xiao Naihe out of the Xianyun Inn.

Along the way, Xiao Nai did not see Su Jian'an and others, not even a person from the phoenix family.

For an old fox like Su Jian'an, according to his current identity, he should try his best to win over himself. Why can't he see anyone?

However, after this idea flashed, Xiao Nai did not want to delve into it.

Su Bingyun quietly glanced at Xiao Naihe's profile, and finally gave a soft sigh.

At the beginning, she became Xiao Naihe's "master", but now Xiao Naihe's status is noble, but this identity is reversed.

Su Bingyun suddenly thought of his father's words and said with a long heart: "Bing Yun, you should know that Xiao Naihe's identity is now different. If I am not wrong, Xiao Naihe should be the nineth strong, although I don't know why he entered Come to our phoenix division, but this is definitely a great opportunity for us. The phoenix division has been down for too long, if you can grab his heart, it will be of great benefit to everyone, and I know that you are right He has a good impression, this may not be a good opportunity for you. "

When Su Jianan said these words with himself, Su Bingyun's new Chinese style was very complicated. Without her, she really liked Xiao Naihe.

But she likes that Xiao Naihe is not based on various benefits. She is simply infected with Xiao Naihe's mentality of being strong and strong.

If it was her before, Su Bingyun also believed that she would not lose to other women.

But after seeing Yue Yong and Baihu, she found that she couldn't compare with others.

Especially Yue Yong, Su Bingyun, as a woman, naturally feels very sensitive to women. She can feel that Yue Yong seems to have other thoughts about Xiao Naihe.

However, Yue Yong ’s identity is also very mysterious. She finds that she is proud of her appearance, talents, etc., which is much worse than Yue Yong ’s.

That's why Su Bingyun was somewhat inferior when facing Xiao Naihe.

"Can I really pursue him?"

For the relationship between men and women, Su Bingyun is open to see. She feels that men are not necessarily required to pursue women. For excellent men, women can also pursue them. Both are equal.

But now she finds that she has little courage to pursue.

"Forget it, let's follow it."

Su Bingyun sighed in his heart, hiding the previous idea, and no longer revealed it.

"Your mood is a bit unstable."

Xiao Naihe's voice suddenly came.

Upon hearing it, Su Bingyun panicked, and quickly said, "No, I just remembered something."

Xiao Nai nodded and asked no more.

After thinking for a while, Su Bingyun finally asked: "Brother Xiao, I don't know if Fairy Moon Wing and Fairy Fox are like you, they are all nine-strong?"

"White Fox is not yet, but Yue Yong is just that. Yue Yong is an old senior, and his experience is more mature than mine."

"These two fairies are in such good condition, no matter how they look or cultivate, they are only worthy of a character like Brother Xiao."

Xiao Nai couldn't help crying: "What are you talking about? I'm not in that relationship with them. It should be said that I just have some deep friendships with them."

"Really, it seems that I misunderstood Brother Xiao, please don't be surprised."

Su Bingyun froze, said quickly. But she didn't feel that there was actually three points of joy in her tone.

After hearing that Yue Yong and Baihu were not Xiao Naihe's Taoist companions, Su Bingyun suddenly felt that he might not have a chance.

It's just that Xiao Naihe hasn't said that he still has a Taoist companion in the lower bound.

The two people left Xianyun Inn and walked towards Tiangong.

Chaobu Tiangong is a martial arts secret area established in the center of the Phoenix General Sect.

Along the way, the street that used to be crowded with people was suddenly depressed.

But Xiao Naihe could feel that countless qi and blood rushed to the chaotic Tiangong.

Today is the final competition of Phoenix Dabi, and the people in Phoenix God Realm dare not miss this event.

Not only the Phoenix Divine Realm, but also the Phoenix Thirty-three Heavens. Some cultivators surrounding the Phoenix Realm also came to watch.

"There are so many people."

Su Bingyun was just near the 5,000-mile range of Chaobu Tiangong. Immediately, he felt a black pressure on the front, but there were people there. These people huddled together, and the blood and smoke emitted from the air can almost pierce the sky.

From a distance, these people's blood and smoke are like a huge cloud of mushrooms. Although they are invisible to the naked eye, they are able to feel clearly.

The qi and blood wolf smoke formed by these people, even if the eightfold real person's spirit comes out, once it hits this strong qi and blood wolf smoke, it will disappear.

"Give up, give up."

Xiao Naihe suddenly heard a whine, and when he looked closely, he saw a figure flash in front, and then an ark flew over.

The ark is inlaid with extraordinary gold stones on all sides, and turned out to be a nine-grade ark.

Not only that, Xiao Naihe also saw someone use ‘Tian Mo Niu’ to ride himself.

The value of ‘Tianmo Niu’ does not have to be as bad as the Ninth Grade Warcraft. In this era, it is even rarer.

In the final game of Phoenix, it attracted so many people.

It's just the breath of a nine-layer master, at least tens of thousands.

Even the breath of the Nineth Peak, Xiao Nai could clearly feel dozens.

This kind of heritage is almost equal to the entire 3,300 world.

It can be said that once anyone has a strong background and builds a sect gate in the lower realm, it can definitely become the top presence under the Danting in one fell swoop. No one can match it, even the Yantian Pavilion.

Xiao Naihe believes that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there should be more forces Xiao Naihe has not yet seen.

"Although I know that God Realm's hiding is very deep, I did not expect such a force. It is far beyond my expectations."

Xiao Nai sighed.

There are dozens of ninth peaks in a Phoenix Divine Realm, and then the Nine Heavens Divine Realm adds up to a few hundred.

Hundreds of nine heavy peaks, if all join together, even passive masters must be very careful.

If these people all blew up the God Pavilion, even a master like Bai inorganic would have to avoid the edge.

"Phoenix's last game is extremely critical. It is normal for these people to come. Mr. Xiao should not be presumptuous."

At this time, another voice rang in Xiao Naihe's ear. Even though Xiao Naihe did not turn his head, he also guessed that Li Xing was behind this.

"Seen Senior Li."

Su Bingyun gave Li Xing a gift when he was in a hurry. For Li Xing, Su Bingyun did not have any slack, this predecessor was different. Su Bingyun is also a real master of the nine-layer master.

"Haha, Sister Su came out with Mr. Xiao. I didn't expect that I would catch up with Lao Li."

Speaking of which, Li Xing's eyes suddenly showed a long and narrow look.

Su Bingyun's face suddenly turned crimson. She saw Li Xing's ambiguous expression, where would she not know what Li Xing was thinking.

Xiao Nai is nothing stupid. He naturally can see Li Xing's thoughts.

Although it was funny in my heart, I was too lazy to refute anything with Li Xing.

"This time there are a lot of people, one by one, because the Phoenix Dabi came out last time. Not only those sect powers, but also the families hidden in the God Realm came out."

Li Xing put away his expression and said suddenly.

Xiao Nai nodded his head, and God Realm could not get more information than the 3,300 world.

A Phoenix Divine Realm is equivalent to the accumulation of 3,300 worlds, not to mention the other eight Divine Realms.

"Are you Xiao Nai?"

At this moment, suddenly an aurora came out, and suddenly a man appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

This person Xiao Naihe also knows, his name is Jianfeng, he is a master of Tianjianmen and a participant of this time.

Of course, Jian Feng certainly did not know that he had followed him before.

"I am, is there anything?"

"You are very powerful. I heard that you are a member of the Huofeng tribe. At that time, Chi Zhanhuo and my ancestors had a great relationship. I also respect him very much. If there is a chance, I really want to fight you. "

Xiao Nahe suddenly realized that the relationship between Jianfeng's ancestor and Chi Zhanhuo was not simple, and it would be difficult to stop himself halfway.

For this blade, Xiao Nai didn't feel much. Although the blade was powerful, it was far worse than himself.

"Maybe, it depends on God's will to let us fight."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Jian Feng froze for a moment and shook his head. He didn't expect Xiao Nai to have such a guts.

He expected that Xiao Nai should be the same as himself in the late Jiuzhong period. When the original red warfare participated in the Phoenix competition, it was only the eighth peak.

But compared to Xiao Nai, the red war was inferior.

"Predecessor Chi Zhanhuo shouldn't know you yet. If he knows, it is estimated that he will come out to find you the first time."

Jian Feng laughed.

When Li Xing next heard it, his face suddenly changed.

How do you listen to Jian Feng's meaning, the appearance of the red warfare still in the Phoenix Divine Realm.

Li Xing had always thought that the red war had already been reincarnated, and now it seems that he thought he was wrong.

Suddenly, Li Xing looked at Xiao Naihe's look and became more and more weird.

Xiao Nai did not pay attention to Li Xing's expression. From the beginning, he said that he was not a red war, but Li Xing always regarded himself as a red war.

"Ha ha."

Seeing that Xiao Naihe didn't talk to himself again, Jian Feng was no longer reluctant. He would come to talk to Xiao Naihe, and because of the sudden emergence of Xiao Nai's army, Jian Feng felt some interest.

Second, it was because Xiao Naihe and Chi Zhanhuo both came from the Huofeng tribe, and the relationship between Tianjianmen and Chi Zhanhuo was very good.

"Let's say goodbye to Phoenix."

As soon as Jianfeng's voice fell, a gust of wind entrained him, and he was drawn into the void, directly escaping into the chaos of the Heavenly Palace.

"Let's go."

Along the way, Li Xing's face changed constantly, and finally he gathered courage and asked, "Xiao ... Mr. Xiao, are you really not a senior of the Red War?"

"I never said I was a red war."

"Then you really called Xiao Naihe?"

Li Xing sighed and sighed softly. He quickly paid a courtesy to Xiao Naihe: "It turns out that someone was rude, and Mr. Xiao should not blame."

"Oh, it's okay. At the beginning, you helped me a little bit. I'm not the kind of person who cares."

Li Xing couldn't help but get excited. Although Xiao Naihe is not a red war, Xiao Naihe has entered the top 16 now, and his future achievements may not be lower than that of the red war.

Seeing Xiao Naihe's attitude, Li Xing was also a little excited.

Xiao Naihe and the three of them have entered the chaotic world palace.

What surprised Xiao Nai most was that the person he saw at first sight was actually the person of the Huofeng tribe, and Su Jianan was standing in front.

The disciples of the Huofeng tribe also saw Xiao Naihe and couldn't help but get excited.

Xiao Naihe is now the savior of the Fire Phoenix tribe. Looking at Xiao Naihe one by one, it seems that he sees his elders.

"Mr. Xiao."

Su Jian'an also saluted Xiao Naihe.

Seeing his father's attitude towards Xiao Naihe, Su Bingyun felt a little strange in his heart.

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