Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1971: I am not your opponent

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"It's worthy of the Phoenix Sect, so great."

The huge ring in the sky is also a ninth-grade Taoist weapon, using a ninth-grade space Taoist to form a battle stage.

This kind of means, if it is not the kind of deep accumulation of bulk, cannot be done.

Even Xiao Nai could not help but sigh.

Chen Qi suddenly jumped up like a **** root rising from the ground.

Xiao Nai's mind moved, and he also flew to the ring in the sky.

The ring in the void is like an independent sky city, extremely mysterious.

"Great, Chief Phoenix is ​​worthy of Chief Phoenix, who else in God Realm can match them."

Li Xing in the auditorium was secretly stunned, and was frightened by the handwriting of General Phoenix.

"Tian Luo, what can we do next?"

Mrs. Chen looked at Chen Qi jumping on the ring and asked again.

"Xiao Naihe ’s body of Buddhism and Taoism must be obtained. I have found out the news. Now, among the four realms, the only Buddhist monk who can improve is only him. There was a Buddha statue before, but the Buddha Zun seems to have died in the man's hands. "

Yan Tianluo sat down and tapped the armrest with his finger.

Mrs. Chen also sighed, her eyes a little dazed: "Unfortunately, Xiao Nai doesn't eat hard, and none of me knows what he wants."

"Ling'er has the great roots of Buddhism and Taoism. This kind of roots can't be found in a thousand years. That is the holy hand of Buddhism. At that time, during the ancient times, a great power of Buddhism was the presence of Dahui roots. One step into the passive realm. "

"Yes, Linger's Huigen, giving him cultivation of the Protoss Avenue, is just a waste of talent."

These two people fell into silence for a while, then Mrs. Chen groaned for a while, and suddenly a burst of light erupted in her eyes, and said fiercely: "Since Xiao Nai did not agree, then let's just ..."

Subsequently, the hand of Mrs. Chen posed a knife-cutting motion.

Yan Tianluo smiled sternly, "That Xiao Nai is at least in the realm of the late Jiuzhong, and even more powerful. If I usually do it, it is not impossible to want those people. But it is still in the competition, who can guarantee it? There will be no other accidents. Besides, the strength of this child is really strong, if you want to deal with him if you are not completely sure, once you let him escape, I am afraid that I will develop troubles. "

"Ling'er Buddhism and Huigen have no superb methods of Buddhism and Taoism, and they can't practice at all."

"This Xiao Naihe's magical power of Buddha is so powerful, if I have not guessed wrong, I should have the fingerprint of Da Ri Ru. The Da Da Ru Lai fingerprint can not be added."

After thinking for a while, Yan Tianluo suddenly said, "He Xiao Nai is moving now, and he will wait until after this game. Although it is reasonable that this son is powerful, it is impossible to be the first. Zhang Yijun is not so stupid, let's talk about his disciple Ye Mo also has his own cards, and this Xiao Nai is at best the top three. "


Xiao Naihe did not know that she had been booked by Mrs. Chen and Yan Tianluo.

At this time he was face to face with Yan Tianluo's son.

"You are Xiao Naihe? I know you come from the Huofeng branch, and inside the small sect door like the Huofeng branch, there is a dragon and phoenix like you, which is surprising."

"There are so many strange things in the world, many things that you just don't know. If you know, you may not be able to withstand it."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

Your old lady was still seduce me just now, and you want to betray your hue.

However, these words Xiao Naihe did not say, because his attention is now on Chen Qi.

Chen Qi's strength will certainly not be much worse than that of Dongfang Tang. Although Xiao Naihe holds the winning ticket, he does not want to overturn the boat in the gutter.

The momentum of the two people is like rainbow, but Chen Qi's momentum is even more amazing. The blood engulfed above his head is like a dragon in the rain, and a rain of magic is spilled.

"Xiao Naihe, Dongfang Tang is the opponent I have always wanted to defeat. You can defeat him and prove that your-strength is indeed stronger than him. If I can defeat you, maybe I will be able to break through the late Jiuzhong later. . "

Chen Qi's voice was like thunder, and he suddenly shot and raised his hand as if it was a thunder blow in the air.

A wave, a rumbling piece, as if the space was twisted, and the squeezed air flowed into the Shenhe River in all directions, rising into the sky.

At the next moment, Xiao Nai felt that Chen Qi's breath was like a sword, bursting out.

People are like swords and qi are like rainbows.


The wind stirred.

Faced with this offensive, Xiao Naihe did not hurry at this time, that is, five fingers spread out, as if a five-finger mountain formed in the void, suppressed in front, and monopolized the heavens.

"All methods do not invade"!

The momentum of Chen Qi's body was soaring, his hands squeezed, and the forbidden enchantments flew out.

"Actually this magical power."

Xiao Nai is a little funny. Not long ago, Mrs. Chen was fooling herself with this magical power. She did not expect her son to use this magical power to deal with her hunger in the next moment.

Although Chen Qi didn't know the story, but in Xiao Naihe's eyes, it felt a bit interesting.

Xiao Naihe just grabbed the void, as if taking advantage of the situation to capture the entire void air flow, forming a strong sword spirit.

"I'm so angry, you taste it first."

Xiao Naihe's mind is moving, and the air flow in his hand is like a heavenly punishment sword. With a wave, the sword light is like a river of constant change.

Multiple sword qi is even more endless.


At that moment, Xiao Nai turned **** together and turned her fingers into a sword, her body striding forward.

Then the sword gas exploded in his hand, as if to reverse the heaven and earth, and he could cover the endless void and smash the entire sky.

"That is……"

Chen Qi was almost shocked. When he saw the sword energy released by Xiao Naihe, he almost felt a sense of instability.

It is actually the mysterious magical power of their Gemini Gate-Wanjian Guizong.

"How is it possible? How could he return to Wanzong?"

Mrs. Chen is also shocked. This magical power was revealed by her before. Why is Xiao Nai now too?

Although Xiao Naihe's sword spirit is not as good as his sword spirit, some of the main points are not grasped.

But Xiao Naihe's sword spirit was far more than his own sword spirit soul fox, a sword spirit came, and could almost cut the void of the void into two.

"You taught him?"

Yan Tianluo looked at Mrs. Chen strangely, and he knew some of his wife's actions.

However, because Yan Tianluo specializes in Taoism, he doesn't feel much about the feelings between men and women, so for some of Mrs. Chen's practices, he closed his eyes.

The only thing about the Gemini Gate, Yan Tianluo is sloppy.

"No, I just showed it to him once, as capital."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Chen suddenly paused, and an unbelievable look appeared in her eyes.

"Isn't that ... it's impossible, he said that he didn't cultivate the Protoss Avenue, how could it be that the Divine Pathway of our Protoss Avenue?"

"This kind of character can no longer be limited by common sense. Otherwise, he will not be the son of the Three Cultivators."

Yan Tianluo exhaled with a slight gleam in his eyes, and slowly said: "It seems that this man is really powerful, he actually just watched you once, and he can push the show. A magical power is deduced into a kind of magical power that belongs to you. "

Looking at Xiao Naihe in the field, Yan Tianluo's face became more and more solemn: "This man is not simple, not simple. Why is this person not my twin, and why is it not my son."

Yan Tianluo sighed, and Mrs. Chen dared not speak.

At this time, the woman's fear of Xiao Nai was even more extreme.

"Wanjian Guizong"!

Xiao Naihe caught in the void, and released his sword qi out like this-suddenly the whole void seemed like a golden ocean.

That wave of sword energy could pierce everything, revealing Xiao Naihe's sword energy.

"Interestingly, how did Xiao Nai even know the magical power of the Gemini Gate, what is the origin of this?"

There was a smile on Ye Mo's face, but in the depths of his pupils, there was a layer of color changing. He seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Xiao Naihe in death, and he seemed to see through Xiao Naihe's entire secret .

"How did you come here to learn from you?"

Chen Qi shouted appallingly.

"It's not stealing. I just watched someone show it and performed it. How did I show it compared to the original configuration of your Gemini Gate?" Xiao Nai smiled slightly.

how is it? It is simply that blue is better than blue.

Xiao Naihe's move "Wanjian Guizong" exhibited a strong momentum that the Twin Gates did not have.

Qi and blood rolled like a real dragon.

At that moment, the sword in Xiao Naihe's hands seemed to be shuttled out of countless vacuum worlds. In this way, the world was broken, and the world was like a bag, forming his own world.


Subsequently, the forbidden enchantment exhibited by Chen Qi burst into countless fragments.

"Jian Qi comes."

Chen Qi did not dare to be indifferent. He walked across the body as if a tiger came down the mountain, cast a shocking foot, the lower part sank, and another push. The strong sword spirit seemed to be countless streamers.

"Humanistic gentleman sword."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, running the humane spirit, the original magnificent sword gas once transformed into a lingering sword gas, which locked Chen Qi.

At that moment, Chen Qi retreated to the back, and the sword energy condensed in his hand was actually broken.

Xiao Nai took advantage of the momentum. Among the thousands of miles, a strong divine power was crushed, even Jiangshan Sheji did not have this divine power.

It made Chen Qi's whole body crackle.

Chen Qi's face changed greatly, turning into a touch of blue and white, and a bite of teeth, sighing in frustration: "I ... I am not your opponent."

After that, the divine power was like nothingness, and disappeared suddenly.

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