Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2089: Star Dacheng

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"Not easy."

Xiao Nai sighed slightly, took a deep breath, and the energy of his acupuncture slowly closed up, and finally became calm.

Both he and Xingzu are not fighting in the flesh, but they are extremely dangerous, and the spiritual war will be irreversible at any time.

If the non-Xingzu was imprisoned for a long time, and was previously deceived by Xiao Naihe to get the initiation, it took too much energy, otherwise Xingzu will not show a tired state in the middle.

At that time, Xiao Naihe seized the opportunity to capture Xingzu directly.

Otherwise, if you want to win Xing Zu today, I'm afraid I will waste a lot of energy.

Rao is like this, Xiao Naihe also feels that his spiritual thoughts are faintly tired, that is caused by excessively stimulating the spiritual force.

"Although this person is only a very thin spiritual soul, I can feel that he was definitely the top of the passive strong during his lifetime. In the first place, they are all ancient and modern characters. Why do people become like this? "

Pu Yuemei's eyes gleamed slightly, blinking slightly, as if observing the star ancestor, and also observing everything in this book world.

"That was done by himself."

Subsequently, Xiao Nai He told the origin of Xingzu, and the reason why the other party would become like this, all told Pu Yue.

He heard Pu Yue froze.

Rao is her passive existence. When she heard the news of Xingzu, she felt a ridiculous idea.

"Actually came from the plane of Xingzu, that is to shuttle Taiyu. Even when I was alive, I didn't dare to easily enter the depths of Taiyu, only the inorganic one had the ability. You actually caught an inorganic. I do n’t really know how to say you. ”

"That is also the state of Xingzu he is in a spiritual soul. If he maintains half of his peak strength, no, as long as 30% of the strength, I will flee and run away, where would he dare to deal with him."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, and a glory appeared in his hand. The Wuzhi Mountain he had turned out was already pulling away the spiritual power of Xing Zu and extracting all the memories of the other party.

The current Xingzu can only let Xiao Nai settle down without any resistance.

"Xiao Nai He, let's make a deal. You let me go. I can give you my memory of Dao Law. Not only that, I can also take you to the Astral plane. You should know that your plane has already In the age of the last law, another 20,000 years or so, I am afraid to experience the most terrible extinction of the five declines of heaven and man. "

At this time, Xingzu was pressed under the heavenly book world by Xiao Naihe's five-finger mountain, without any confusion, but said in a calm tone, almost ruthless.

"Oh? You actually know that the first plane has reached the end of the Fa era."

Xiao Nai didn't seem to laugh.

"When I stepped into the top floor of the passive, I used the supreme magical avenue to perform it. Your plane can only experience up to two civilization eras and only two epochs. How? You have refined me, Without my mysterious experience, even if I stepped into the passive realm, it would not be possible to penetrate Taiyu. "

"Really? You are right. The first plane has experienced countless civilization eras, and how many times it has experienced. It is not like we thought, it has always been a previous development. There have also been prehistoric civilizations here. This era has finally reached the end of the French civilization. You are right, maybe many people will be difficult to escape this catastrophe, but I am sure that you will never see that moment. "

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nai and his brow suddenly showed a burst of light, and the five general masters appeared from the void.

"Ah ... Xiao Naihe, do you really don't want to live?" Xingzu cried in pain, like a crazy man, the whole person looked extremely crazy, like an antelope struggling under the mouth of the female wolf.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Xingzu is like a big stove, burning continuously, to get rid of five-finger magical power.

"It's useless, Xingzu, if this makes you escape, what can someone Xiao Xiao do? What kind of martial arts? Why not go home and plant sweet potatoes? As you just said, you can take me to the Xing tribe. , After I refine your memory, I do n’t need to worry about anything. The power of stars, absorb. "

Subsequently, the chapter of the Avenue of Stars in the "Five Dao Zongjing" flashed, showing a blue light, turning in the void, condensing a huge aura, directly absorbed from the soul of the Xingzu soul Go in.

At the same time, I saw Xiao Nai's five fingers pointing down again, and one by one pulled out the gods in the head of Xingzu.

These are the memory fragments of Xingzu. What Xiao Naihe wanted most this time was the memory fragments of Xingzu.

By refining the memory fragments of Xing Zu, he can better digest all the Dao Zu experience of Xing Zu, so that his Avenue of Stars can be sufficiently improved.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The ancestor of Xingzu screamed frantically, his eyes gleaming with ruthless light, extremely fierce, like a real dragon in the end, so that he could penetrate the heavens and earth of the whole world of heaven and earth.

At this time, the heavenly book world was extremely chaotic. Because of the contest between Xiao Naihe and Xingzu, the heavenly book world has become chaotic.

Xiao Naihe knew that if he wanted to refine the world of heavenly books again, he was afraid that it would take a lot of energy.

But he didn't care. He had already obtained the memory fragments of Xing Zu and the experience of Xing Zu's monasticism. This is the biggest benefit.

"The Avenue of Stars, the Nine Stars are for peace. Taiyu is wonderful, and heaven and man are one."

Xiao Nai closed his eyes, and every hole in his body was trembling.

After getting the memory of Xingzu, Xiao Naihe merged all the experiences of Xingzu's cultivation, and these forms of Taoism were constantly presented in Xiao Naihe's mind.

Through the deduction ability of the sky machine star map, continuous evolution, automatic deduction.

In the end, Xiao Naihe's whole body of 1,118 acupoints seemed to be transformed into 1,118 stars, each of which was connected to each other and kept turning.

"Xing Yuan Xuan Shi!"

Xiao Nai He did cross-legged, the Xingyuan blackstone that was originally absorbing the power of luck, but at this time instead stopped all movements, but specifically covered the top of Xiao Naihe's head, transforming the power of the luck that was absorbed before Come, send it to Xiao Naihe's body.

Xiao Naihe is to use these heaven and earth transportation to speed up his progress in deducing the Avenue of Stars.

At this time, Xiao Naihe just sat quietly in the world of heavenly books, no matter what happened.

Pu Yue is also very interesting, standing quietly in the world of heavenly books waiting for Xiao Naihe.

Anyway, in this form of her, it doesn't matter if you stay in the heavenly book world for thousands of years.

"Star Avenue, don't know how it compares to my humanity?" Pu Yue looked at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai's whole body exudes colorful light and continually flowing like a rainbow, which makes Xiao Naihe merge in the world of heaven and earth, and every move affects the changes of the whole world.


In the Taikoo Caves, there was no storm before.

But it was still as horrible as before, the huge forest, and a flare of gas permeated the magic cave.

The Taikoo Caves are not exposed to the sun all the year round, and there is a very dull atmosphere in the air. When the monks enter the Taikoo Caves, they must be suffocated by this breath.

And a figure continually shuttles through the Taikoo Caves. If Xiao Nai is here, he will surely be able to recognize that this person is a flower.

"The mysterious origin of the Taikoo Caves is definitely a very old master who stayed after his death. His flesh and blood can still be preserved until now. I wonder if there will be other opportunities?"

Since the flower phase devoured flesh and blood, its own power has greatly improved.

Although he is now approaching the passive state indefinitely, he is not afraid of dealing with the ordinary early passive.

Hua Xiang continually shuttled through the forest, and after a while, he had entered the depths of Swire Devil's Cave.

Slowly, Hua Xiang ’s footsteps listened, and a glint flashed in his eyes: "Xiao Naihe and Qiu Yuexin were both caught in by that mysterious storm. I ’m afraid to die inside, so I have to be careful. A mysterious storm is very powerful, even if it is a passive strong, it will not be tough. "

At this moment, a red blood light was refracted from a short distance, like a long beacon, penetrating into the sky and earth.

"what is that?"

The red beacon refracted, as if a long ice river was drawn in the sky.

A closer look reveals another figure in the glacier.

"Haha, I finally escaped the madman of Sansheng, and the guy in Motian was too cautious, saying that the most dangerous place is the safest, not coming out with me. The madman of Sansheng is so powerful that he entered a step earlier than us. By the middle of the passive period, the lost kingdom cannot be retained, I can only enter the outside world again. "

Kunlun's graceful appearance appeared in the glaciers, and it could be seen that Kunlun's breath was slightly weak, and the blood on his clothes showed the fact that she was seriously injured.

Because in the previous fight against Sansheng, Sansheng was consumed by Sansheng with a lot of energy, and even received some injuries.

It can be said that Kunlun now has only about half of its previous strength.

But even if only about this half of his strength, he can come across the outside world. Besides, he can recover slowly.

"The outside world hasn't been here for a long time, and it's still the same as before. The power of luck here is too weak. After all, there is that person in Jiutian God Realm, which suppresses too much power of luck. I will find a temporary one for now. It ’s the place to hide and heal. "

As soon as the voice fell, Kunlun stretched slightly in the air, as if he were a spirit cat, and jumped out directly.

As she fluttered through the ancient caves, she suddenly heard a cold sneer, like a sword hitting her, pointing straight to her heart:

"My luck is good, I actually encountered a passive strong man here, and still a seriously injured passive strong man. It seems that even God is helping me."

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