Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2161: Hard lessons

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Cao Yuliang was knocked into a dizzy face, and his body seemed to be tossing around the sea, which was extremely uncomfortable.

But the most uncomfortable thing is that Ren Yuanzhi actually took himself out of Zhen Fei.

Even if he didn't use all his strength, he suffered a big loss at once, making Cao Yuliang feel ashamed.

"Ren Yuanzhi, don't be crazy, all methods are true, really true."

Cao Yuliang shouted five "truths" in a row, and then suddenly there were white mists around him, and his whole body of thoughts wrapped up together, which made his divine power rise again.

This time, Cao Yuliang really used his strongest strength.

In this move, he will directly kill Xiao Naihe.

But on the surface, he was quiet, he knew that if he really showed his intention to kill, someone might stop him.

"Father, can Yuan Zhi really block it?"

Xiao Naihe did surprise her just now, but Miss Ren was still worried. Although she knew that she must have underestimated Xiao Naihe, she still didn't believe in her heart that her brother was Cao Yuliang's opponent.

"It should be fine."

Ren Feng raised his eyebrows. He had seen the battle in the light curtain before and knew his son's strength was very good.

But it was also in the light curtain, and now seeing him meet with his own eyes, he was worried.

Ren Feng was afraid that Ren Yuanzhi would only show his strength in a simulated illusion. In reality, he does n’t know what to do, and his tone is also a bit empty for a while.

"Rest assured, nothing will happen. If he is really not Cao Yuliang's opponent, his expression will not be like this."

At this time, Li Yisha interjected.

A fine flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the eyes of the two people were certain. Seeing Xiao Nai's expression was indifferent, vaguely understated.

Li Yisha is too familiar with this kind of expression.

Before I was dealing with opponents who were not as good as myself, Li Yisha would also show such a look.

"The truth of all things, suppress me."

Cao Yuliang's voice is like thunder, and every syllable contains a terrifying power.

Dong dong dong dong dong.

It seems to be ringing the bell, making it spread throughout the ring.

Each voice makes Cao Yuliang's mantra stronger and more powerful.

"Mandarin supernatural powers? It's almost unsightly compared to Bai inorganic's magical sounds. I'll show you what is called mantra supernatural powers, five mantras, demon, human, buddha, witch, star, five invariants.

Xiao Nai He said coldly, while talking, his fingers kept pinching out a few strange gestures, as if to deprint.

I saw that the void suddenly twisted, and it seemed that there was a mysterious and unpredictable force that pulled Cao Yuliang directly.

"What sound is this?"

At this time, Cao Yuliang only felt a chaos in his mind. The whole person was suddenly shocked, and the soul was almost torn apart.

"Awesome magical power, this Ren Yuanzhi actually played a pig and eats a tiger. This person is by no means an immortal, but a master of not less than my strength."

Until now, Cao Yuliang didn't know where Xiao Nai concealed cultivation behavior.

In his heart, he resented Xiao Naihe with tremendous opportunities.

It was because of Xiao Naihe that he made himself so shameful.

"How could ... Father, what's going on?"

Xing Yan's face changed slightly, and he asked quickly.

Xing Tian shook his head with a bitter tone: "Ren Yuanzhi hides Xiu Wei. We just saw his performance on the light curtain just now. He simulated two very powerful opponents in the third stage. Powerful at the source level. "


This time it wasn't just Xing Yan. Even Miss Ren and Zhu Bowen changed their faces.

In particular, Ren Dongzhi next to him had a somber complexion. His hatred for Ren Yuanzhi was the deepest.

But now I found out that the clan brothers I used to look down on were actually more powerful than myself. Where can I calm down and yell in my heart.

It was Ren Xizhi next to him, looking at Xiao Naihe with a curious look.

Ren Xizhi is the leader of the new generation of Ren's family, and the strong man who is inferior to Miss Ren has reached the peak of the nineth layer.

But he found that his brother, who had not paid much attention before, was so powerful that he was afraid that it would be almost the same as Miss Ren.

"Ren Yuanzhi, I admit that I was too young to look at you. I did n’t expect you to hide your cultivation behavior, and it was hidden so thoroughly that even I was deceived by you. But my Cao Yuliang is about to step into the passive, Those who have the same origin will defeat you today, let me accumulate experience, and help my cultivation, let me defeat you fiercely. "

Cao Yuliang's eyes erupted in fine eyes.

He used words to stimulate Xiao Naihe, but also to imply himself.

Just now I ate Xiao Nai and two big losses, making Cao Yuliang's Dao heart covered with a layer of black mist.

If you don't immediately calm your mind, I'm afraid that the next fight will really be more and more fierce.

"Beat me?" Xiao Nai looked at Cao Yuliang.

Seeing Xiao Nai's calm and indifferent eyes, Cao Yuliang, who had originally forcibly suppressed his state of mind, couldn't help but resentment.

"Hum, take my trick and don't move the Hades."

Suddenly, I saw Cao Yuliang grab a gust of wind in his hand, and countless streamers converged into rivers.

As if a long river of time appeared in the void, disrupting all time and space.

"This is the immortal wheel, Cao Yuliang actually practiced it?"

Li Yisha's expression seemed to be unbelievable.

"What magical power is this?"

Sensing Li Yisha's expression, Ren Feng asked in a low voice.

However, Li Yisha still had no answer. Instead, Xing Yan next to him suddenly said: "The immortal wheel is a magical power created by the grandmaster of Kaishan, and there will never be more than seven people who have mastered this magical power. Even me Master has not been cultivated, I do n’t know how Cao Yuliang succeeded in cultivation. "

"so smart?"

Ren Feng was shocked.

Li Yisha, next to him, sighed softly: "It's really powerful. The imitation wheel can be used for a while, and it can disturb the surrounding time and space in a short period of time. It takes the lead. Think about it. The other party disrupted the display time, so that he did not have the opportunity to display. In this case, it is too difficult and too difficult to win. "

When several people heard it, they nodded deeply.

Looking at Cao Yuliang's immobile unhealthy wheel, he suddenly felt some fear.

"Do not move the ghost wheel, time outline, give chaos."

Cao Yuliang screamed, and a huge silhouette came out in his hand. This silhouette rolled up, as if forming a wheel of history.

At the same time, the time sequence is disrupted in the void, as if all the time is under control in an instant.

"Ren Yuanzhi, what else can you do?"

Cao Yuliang's face was slightly grim, and he couldn't help showing an expression of victory.

Others could not help but sigh as they watched the changes in the battle situation.

Everyone's expressions on the scene were different. Some people sighed, some were jealous, and some people had no good intentions for Xiao Nai, and they were secretly happy when they saw that Xiao Nai was going to lose.

Just like Ren Dongzhi, he was very jealous of Xiao Naihe. Now that he sees Xiao Nai losing, he is very happy. At the same time, he hopes that Cao Yuliang can kill Xiao Naihe directly, which is better.

However, his thoughts had just been born, and suddenly a vortex appeared in the void, and the vortex was torn apart, blocking the ‘immortal wheel’ in the sky.

"Hey, if it is a real Ren Yuanzhi, he will certainly not let this kind of beam jumping clown challenge his authority."

At this time, Xiao Nai was somewhat enlightened. He substituted himself into Ren Yuanzhi's life, and suddenly some of Ren Yuanzhi's life experiences emerged in his mind.

He knew that these life experiences must have been given to himself by Ren Yuanzhi invisibly. Looking at these memories, Xiao Nai knew that Ren Yuanzhi had secretly promoted cultivation to a half-step passive before entering the Xuanyun Sect. Then shine on the Xuanyun Sect.

Although it is different from the present, there is a subtle combination between the invisible and the invisible.

Xiao Naihe had to admire Ren Yuanzhi, and was able to control the life of Tiangong World so perfectly.

"It's boring, you go on."

Xiao Naiho looked lonely on his face.

He felt that the cultivators in the Tiangong world were not perfect. They were also half-step passive, and there was still a gap from the half-step passive in the outside world.

It is estimated that Tiangong World is still different from the first plane and lacks the laws of heaven and earth.

"The gods wheel."

Xiao Naihe held the **** wheel, and a golden light appeared behind him, as if it was released into the depths of the void.

I saw that the **** wheel in Xiao Naihe's hands rolled out and hit the 'immobile nether wheel'.


Suddenly the entire ring shook and was directly overturned by these two forces.

"Ren Yuanzhi ..."

Cao Yuliang was terrified. He felt that the power of the **** wheel would actually break the immobile wheel, and blasted here, and his eyes could not help revealing deep fear.

It turned out that Ren Yuanzhi's strength far exceeded his imagination.


Ren Yuanzhi only felt that his own soul had been broken, shrunk in flesh and blood, and was shocked by the magic wheel, immediately splitting.

Even Shennian was destroyed a lot at this time, and the Soul of God was weakened by the impact of the God Wheel.

"Is this really Ren Yuanzhi?"

Xing Yan stared tightly at Xiao Naihe, watching Xiao Nai's move to let Ren Yuanzhi out of Zhen Fei, and was too late to fight back.

Xing Yan couldn't know more about Ren Yuanzhi's strength. Ren Yuanzhi's strength is definitely above himself, but he is still not Ren Yuanzhi's opponent.

Moreover, Ren Yuanzhi's understatement seems to be effortless.

Not only Xing Yan, even Miss Ren, and Zhu Bowen, they all felt a trace of terror, and they could n’t help but startle: "What strength is this Ren Yuanzhi? How did he cultivate to this level?"

In one round, less than a cup of tea, Cao Yuliang was defeated by Xiao Naihe.

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