Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2263: Longkeng

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"Slow down, I know him."

It was a woman who spoke, and when the voice came out, it was like a bird's language, which moved people's hearts.

However, Xiao Nai was tenacious. The only thing he was interested in was that the owner of the voice felt very familiar. He was sure he had heard the voice.

"People who know me? Is this woman ..."

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's mind appeared in his mind.

Soon, a burst of fragrance came from the void and filled up all around.

Xiao Naihe took a closer look, and Jiao Ying, who appeared in the air, was the woman that came to his mind.

"Heavenly Dao."

That's right, the woman in front is Tian Taotong.

When Xiao Naihe and Dan Ting fought with each other in wisdom and courage, they saw that Tian Daotong.

Tian Daotong is also a Taoist book condensed by Tian Dao Chen Ming with his own experience of Dao Law, divided into Yin and Yang.

The Yang part belongs to the long sky, and the other part is heaven.

Logically speaking, Long Tianlong and Tian Daotong are not real lives, they are just created by Chen Ming to accomplish merit.

But any spiritual existence, once it exists, itself has wisdom, and once it has existed for a long time, it knows how to transform itself into the existence of life.

For example, the current long sky, such as the current Tiandaotong, can't be too much to call them human.

Now these two are completely indistinguishable from the monks.

"Xiao Shengzi, I didn't expect to see you here, but here in Longkeng, most people don't appear."

There was a smile on Tian Daotong's face. Although she and Xiao Naihe were not very intimate, the two had been sad for the same time, and they were half of a partner.

In addition, Tian Daotong has given Xiao Naihe a few times and expressed his willingness to cooperate with Xiao Naihe.

"Longkeng, is it actually Longkeng?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment.

He was very clear about Longkeng.

He once read in ancient books that Longkeng was the gathering place of dragon tombs in the ancient times.

At that time, Xiao Nai had seen a dragon tomb in Daqian World.

But that was just an ordinary dragon tomb. The Dragon Pit is a place where thousands of dragon tombs gather.

"It turns out that this is Dragon Pit. It's no wonder that the hostility here is so heavy. I have practiced in the 3,300 world for so long. I have never heard of the news of Dragon Pit. Why does it appear now? And you will appear here? "

"This dragon pit was originally protected by foreign enchantments, but because of the sudden increase in the atmosphere of heaven and earth over the years, the enchantment in the dragon pit was affected, but it dissipated. Especially during this time, there are The guy's tracking didn't have time to rearrange the dragon's enchantment. "

"That guy?"

Xiao Nai thought slightly, and wanted to ask something, suddenly a loud noise came.

The original strong aura immediately locked Xiao Naihe.

But at the beginning, that aura of aura came with a feeling of being in the world and wanting to win Xiao Naihe.

Now all the hostility has dispersed, and it is simply in a powerful state.

Then the real dragon blood in Xiao Naihe's body began to stir up.

"Huh? Is it Zulong?"

"Hahaha, Xiao Shengzi still remembers the deity!"

Between the words, suddenly a huge figure appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

The Zulong is up to thousands of feet long, and it runs through the whole world at once.

The size of this ancestor dragon seems to be much larger than before.

But when Xiao Nai He saw Zulong, his eyes flashed with a fine mans, as if looking for Zulong.

Zulong used to have a cyan luster for every dragon scale, but now it is different, with a golden awn in the green.

The origin of the dragon, Neidan is golden.

Obviously, Zulong has now condensed its origin, and this dragon is truly a passive existence.

"Zulong, your Neidan is recovering very well."

"It's worthy of Xiao Shengzi, who dared to fight with Heavenly Tao Chen Ming. It seems that Xiao Shengzi has also stepped into the passive, and has become the same as the deity."

Zulong laughed, and his voice seemed like a thunder.

The roar of Zulong spread throughout the dragon pit, almost to turn the world upside down.

"Xiao Shengzi, have you really stepped into the passive realm?" Tian Daotong was a little surprised.

"Yes, I did have the unity of origin some time ago, but Tiandaotong you are not bad, you have now understood the true meaning of the origin, compared to just an opportunity, you can step into the passive realm, don't worry . "

"Hey, although I realized the true meaning of the source, but I want to grasp this opportunity, where is so easy. If I can get the other half of the Taoist book, maybe there is still this opportunity."

Tian Daotong shook his head, with some regret between words.

The other half of the Taoist book she said was the existence of the sky.

Xiao Naihe also knows that the two people, Long Tiantong and Tian Daotong, should belong to the kind of power that each wants to get the origin of each other.

Whoever can get everything from the other party can become a complete book of heaven.

"Although you are divided into the Taoist Book of Heavenly Dao Chen Ming, but you have now become a spiritual existence, I advise you not to specialize in the ability of the Heavenly Dao Book, otherwise you will never escape Chen Ming's control."

Tian Daotong heard it, and thought about it, and finally exhaled: "Yes, the authorities are fooled by the bystanders. I am in disguise, it seems that this is still clearer to me by Xiao Shengzi. If it were not for this time, that guy It ’s too tight, I do n’t have to think about it. "

"Who the **** are you talking about?"

"Who else is there, only a long sky. He has been following me for these days, and he has worked with us during this period, but he has not received any benefits. After all, Zulong has achieved a passive state. But that guy is actually the same. Together, we will not be able to discuss the benefits. "

Long sky?

As soon as Xiao Nai heard it, he suddenly thought.

Since the long sky may be in this area, so to speak, Chen Ming should be near a small continent.

"Xiao Shengzi, how did you appear here? Although this Dragon Pit has no support for enchantment, but there are a lot of miasma around it, you can be hostile in the Dragon Pit of the Ancestral Dragon, ordinary cultivators will never find it. Here it is. "

"I came here after Chen Ming."

Hearing the word Chen Ming, a crackling sound suddenly burst out of Zulong's body, as if countless stars and stones collided with each other, producing a strong loud noise.

Although Tian Daotong didn't have such a violent performance, there was a burst of fineness in his eyes, and a desire to fight was instantly reflected in the two of them.

It can be said that Tiandao Chen Ming is the biggest enemy of the two of them.

Upon hearing the name of Chen Ming, the two of them suddenly seemed to have entered a state of waiting for battle.

"Although we haven't had much time to inquire about the outside news for a long time, but in the past few years, the world's atmosphere has suddenly become so thick. With Chen Ming's existence, I'm afraid it has also been restored to the passive state."

"Yes, Chen Ming has already returned to the passive mid-term. With his many means, even if it is in the normal passive period-it will not necessarily lose."

"It's actually a passive mid-term."

The blood that was surging in Zulong's body seemed to be frozen all at once, and a bit of bitterness appeared on the face of the dire dragon: "The old dragon can also be regarded as a rapid progress, and it has recovered to the early stage of passiveness, and it has accumulated over the years Some of the details that have come down have reached the edge of the passive mid-term. In a few decades, it is very likely that this step can be crossed. But compared to Chen Ming, it is still a lot worse. "

Tian Daotong shook his head and sighed: "The two people of Tian Dao, Chen Ming and Long Tianlong are already passive. One passive early period and one passive middle period are placed in the four realms. Dealing with the two of them is really endless. "

Suddenly, Tian Daotong's expression changed slightly, and he seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Xiao Naihe with a shock in his eyes: "Xiao Shengzi, you said you are chasing Chen Ming here, which means you are not afraid Chen Ming, what are you now, what is the state now? "

Xiao Nai moved his mouth and wanted to say something.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside Longkeng.

It was as if something had hit the dragon pit fiercely, causing the rolling mountain to sway, and it seemed that it was about to rise.

"Here comes the sky."

Tian Daotong's face became extremely dignified, and a trace of light appeared around his body to protect his body.

And in Tian Daotong's eyebrows, there is a net of flowers, which seems to be blooming like the prosperous Tanglian.

This should be the source of Tian Daotong's unsuccessful cohesion. Although Tian Daotong's strength is not yet in the passive state, it is almost the same. It should be possible to borrow a small part of the power of the source in a short time.

Zulong even curled up his tail and swept the side, bringing a strong masculinity, which directly turned into a hurricane, sweeping the entire dragon pit.

The huge hostile energy directly rolled into the void, forming a vortex of nothingness.

"Long sky, know you are here, get out of the dragon."

At this time, Zulong, with a momentum that looked down upon thousands of lives, was mixed with murderous opportunities in his tone.

Slowly, it was originally tens of thousands of miles away, and the figure was still walking.

But for the next breath, the long sky has jumped directly from tens of thousands of miles to this place.

The long sky was dressed in white, with a porcelain-like face, but with a certain determination.

Only his eyes seemed to have no feelings. Anyone who saw his eyes seemed to fall into the ice cave.

The long sky looked slightly changed: "Holy Son Xiao Nai!"

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