Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2270: Villain (below)

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"Xiao Naihe ... you ... you are not dead yet ..."

This voice is too familiar to Liu Xiu.

It can be said that Xiao Naihe's voice will never be forgotten in Liu Xiu's life.

Now Xiao Nai not only died, but also appeared in front of him. Liu Xiu seemed to be a thief, and the whole person trembled.

In his thoughts, there was a sudden feeling of terror.

Not long ago he was still jealous of Xiao Naihe and resented Xiao Naihe.

The next second Xiao Naihe suddenly appeared in front of himself, making his own mentality broken in an instant.

"Why do you miss me so much? Isn't I not dead? You Liu Xiu is very upset and disappointed?"

"This ... how could it be?"

Liu Xiuqiang said with a smile, but his face did not smile.

Xiao Naihe shook his head and sighed: "I originally thought that trading was not a benevolence. Even if you and I were not the kind of partnership we had at the time, but at least the well water did not violate the river. I did not expect that you were actually on my site. Build your own palace. Do n’t you know that this kind of thing is in demonstrations and humiliation in the practice world? "

In the last few words, Xiao Naihe's voice suddenly increased, just like the twilight morning clock, and the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound.

Liu Xiu suddenly felt that his knowledge of the sea seemed to be directly bombarded by a few shells. The whole person was very uncomfortable and seemed to be blown apart.


At this time, a truth came over and broke Xiao Naihe's thunder.

It was Lanling who spoke.

Lanling used his magical powers to interrupt Xiao Naihe's Leiyin, and pushed Liu Xiu to the back. He arched towards Xiao Naihe: "Holy Son Xiao Naihe, he has been admiring for a long time. In the lower Danting Lanling, he saw Xiao Shengzi. "

"Medium Passive? Dan Ting really is a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I didn't expect that there are such passive strong men. What Dan Pharaoh King, Elder, compared with Your Excellency, it is a crooked melon."

"If anything, if Xiao Shengzi is willing to give the old man a face and make today's affairs big and small, the old man must be grateful."

"My person is very simple, others respect me one foot, I respect others. Similarly, people do not commit me, I do not commit anybody. If anyone commits me, I must commit a prisoner!"

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, as if thunder and fire sparks, burst out instantly, turned into a sword gas, and approached Lanling.

Lanling's expression changed slightly, but it was only suppressed in a moment, but a deep voice was issued: "Xiao Shengzi, the old man has been kind enough to persuade him. You and Liu Xiu had some friendship at the time. Liu Xiu may be fair, but he thought that Xiao Shengzi was killed by the thieves, and in order to commemorate the Son, he specially rebuilt the palace for the Son. "

"Hahaha, Lanling, do you really treat me as Xiao Nai is a three-year-old child? Who can believe it if you say this? Will you believe it? Between this world and the world, I see a lot of people, like I do n’t know how many people such as Liu Xiu have done because of jealousy and resentment. Did you say that I ’m playing with you? "

Between the words, Lan Ling sighed suddenly, he knew that today is not going to end.

He was very disgusted that Liu Xiu built his palace on Xiao Naihe's site, but he did not expect that now Xiao Naihe would return strongly, which made them into a dilemma.

Although Lanling was not afraid of Xiao Naihe, and even dared to fight Xiao Naihe, even if he could not fight, he had full confidence to escape.

But Liu Xiu is impossible. If Lan Ling escapes, Liu Xiu will be finished.

"Xiao Shengzi, the Ming people don't tell secret words, what do you want to do?" Since the matter was up to this point, Lanling simply spread out.

"Liu Xiu, do n’t blame me for not giving you a chance. If you break the rules, you have to accept the punishment. Otherwise, today ’s affairs will spread, and everyone in the world knows how Xiao Na bullied me. I broke your heart today, If you abolish your supernatural powers, you are looking at our previous friendship. "

If you follow other people's practices, other passive strongmen must kill Liu Xiu.

Any passive strong person has his own dignity, and Xiao Nai is no exception.

When Wushen killed them in Yantian Pavilion, Xiao Nai repeatedly killed people around Wushen Yi, and after chasing and killing Wushen to the other party, he dared not take the lead easily, and finally was killed by Xiao Naihe in God Realm.

The Son of Fortune and other people came to the door to provoke him, Xiao Nai He directly killed the Son of Fortune, and Chen Ming and Sansheng were also implicated and fled for thousands of miles.

Now Liu Xiu has to come to offend and provoke himself. Even looking at previous friendships, Xiao Naihe has to make some moves.

"Hey, Liu Xiu, you follow A Hong first, and I will hold Xiao Nai."

Lan Ling pushed Liu Xiu in general, Liu Xiu had just recovered, he was caught by the young woman next to him, and pulled back.

"Mr. Lanling is going to deal with this Xiao Naihe, but this thing is caused by you, you may want to remember." The young woman said that she hated iron.

Liu Xiu's face was ugly, his eyes flashed with resentment, and he stared at Xiao Naihe violently, shouting in his heart: he was right, all this was caused by Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Liu Xiu was increasingly resentful of Xiao Nai.


At this moment, Xiao Naihe's heart suddenly moved and felt something.

An uncomfortable thought came out directly. Following the fluctuation of this thought, Xiao Naihe saw Liu Xiu's eyes and suddenly let out.

"Don't you want to go today, Liu Xiu, this is what you asked for."

Xiao Nai snorted coldly, and the void was a catch, and a strong wind turned into Liu Xiu and the young woman.

Lanling strode forward and shot a space boxing artillery, shocking Xiao Naihe's strong wind.

"Hurry up."

"Liu Xiu, let's go."

"it is good."

Liu Xiu nodded, he knew that today's things could not be ended. Since he offended Xiao Naihe, when he becomes the God of Danting in the future, he must use the power of Danting to kill Xiao Naihe and put an end to all threats.

But at this moment, a strong storm suddenly appeared in the void.

This storm circled in the void, as if countless thoughts were mixed together, forming a vortex of spiritual power.

In the vortex, there was a force that could devour everything and destroy the world.

"What power is this? What is this?" Liu Xiu's expression changed suddenly.

And at this time, a huge figure was suddenly passed in that vortex of spiritual power, showing the body of Zulong, and a heavenly path.

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