Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2293: Suddenly broke out

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Since the last time I saw the ancient wars in the Death Star, some changes have taken place in this book.

The "Wuji Prosperity Book" is not static, and every time Xiao Naihe realizes what he has learned, the Wuji Prosperity Book will change and add something to it.

This book is spiritual in itself. Although the previous six Daoist books are powerful and inherit six extreme paths, there is no spiritual existence in every one.

Instead, Chen Ming used the power of Heaven and Dao to create the long sky and heaven. Finally, by virtue of the identity of the heavenly Taoist book, it directly became the third generation of six Daoist books, belonging to the first spiritual book.

Although Chen Ming used the Taoist Book to become the third generation of Six Daoist Books, his merits were fulfilled, he had a huge aspiration, and his strength skyrocketed.

But in the end still died in the hands of the sky.

"Is this the Dao Jingshu book you created? Infinite Dao? Return to Promise, but beyond Promise, and infinity, infinity, infinity. Infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity. Your way is not as good as the deity's way . "

Mrs. Huang Lin smiled slightly, showing her own strong temperament.

However, Xiao Nai's pupil shrank slightly, and secretly said in his heart: "This woman is really powerful, and use words to directly shake my Dao Xin. If it is not my Dao Xin is already cultivated like a rock, otherwise the previous Dao is really important. Lost heart. "

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Naihe's eyes have been restored to clarity.

Mrs. Huang Lin is not only powerful, but also good at using psychological tactics to attack other people's minds.

This kind of woman city palace is not only deep, but also with the strength of cooperation, even if she is a character of the same level as her, even a careless person may be calculated.

"Ma'am, you don't need to attack my Dao Xin with words. When you cultivate to our level, which person's Dao Xin is not rock-solid or immobile?"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and the "Wuji Prom Book" above his head was still functioning, and it also radiated an extremely dazzling brilliance.

Intensified, like the sea like prison.

"It's worthy of being Xiao Shengzi. He is far inferior to you compared to that one."

"Ancient Saint? I thought he had created a precedent for multi-cultivation, but now it seems that I still think too simple."

"Xiao Naihe, do you really not think about it? By relying on the deity, you can not only be favored by Qingying, but also cultivated by the deity. With your talents, you can cultivate to the level of deity without thousands of years."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and said slowly, "It's no use talking more."

"In this case, the deity will learn about it, you have no great skills."

As soon as the words fell, the momentum of Mrs. Huang Lin suddenly changed, as if swallowing the world, and wrapped up Xiao Naihe's whole person.

And an extremely terrible source of power, shrouded in Xiao Naihe's body, to clean up the flesh, soul, and source of Xiao Naihe's whole body.

"So overbearing? What is the avenue created by this woman? Has such a domineering ability."

Xiao Nai He was slightly shocked.

Unlike the appearance of this woman, the avenues she derived are simply overbearing.

It can be said that Xiao Nai has seen the most overbearing and violent of all roads.

In every move, it seems to be locked in by all the power of this woman. As long as Xiao Nai has any thoughts, the other party seems to be able to devour all of their original power.

This time, Xiao Naihe almost felt that his vitality seemed to be swallowed up alive.

"This is the true strength of Passive Peak, I finally understand."

Xiao Na couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is not the first time he has played against the strong peak of the passive.

For the first time, Bai inorganic did not use real strength at all.

The second time he competed with Huang Lin, Huang Lin simply tried himself, and did not use his real strength.

But this woman is different. She really moved her heart, holding the idea that she couldn't get it, so she would kill the other person in the cradle.

Lethal kills, lock Xiao Naihe.

The entire moonlight battleship almost floated and burst apart.

A simple projection of the original idea can be so powerful, I am afraid that the real body is even more terrifying.

"Chaotic righteousness."

At this time, the light of Chao Tianshi appeared in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, and a force of chaos blessed Xiao Xiaohe's origin, and five fingers grabbed it.

A chaotic air dashed across the front, and Xiao Naiho broke out his most powerful mental attack in history.

Chaos and Qi were merged in their own consciousness, and they stabbed into the woman's rhythm.

"Huh? This is chaos? You actually have chaos?"

A trace of shock and dignity finally appeared on Mrs. Huang Lin's face.

Chaos Qi is extremely precious and rare. It can be said that chaos will only appear before Taiyu is born.

After Taiyu was formed, chaos disappeared and became a legend.

Although not everyone can encounter chaos, some powerful masters can still get some participating chaos from the depths of Taiyu, but this chance is simply a tenfold increase in their strength overnight. Be small.

"Wu Xiu Avenue, the spirit of chaos. What a Xiao Nai, it seems that the deity is looking down upon you."

"I also look down upon you. If you projected not an avatar, but a deity today, I will definitely do it."

Xiao Naihe's expression remained the same, the chaos and true energy merged into his own consciousness, and he launched an attack of spiritual ideas, which abruptly pulled Mrs. Huang Lin's attack.

Afterwards, there was a loud noise on the body of Baili Tiancong, as if countless fried beans exploded.

Xiao Naihe knows that the body of Tianli Cong is already unable to support Madam Huang Lin's consciousness.

"Xiao Naihe, you will regret it if you don't turn to the deity. We will meet again. Even if Huang Lin appreciates you, he can't keep you."

Between speeches, Baili Tiancong's body directly turned into a wave of dust and disappeared into the Moonlight Battleship.

And Mrs. Huang Lin's huge gas field also disappeared at this time, let Xiao Naihe finally relieved.

"Hoohoo ..."

Xiao Nai and He Hailai did not feel that they would be so nervous.

The contest with Mrs. Huang Lin just now is almost the most dangerous time Xiao Naiho has felt in these years.

As long as there are any mistakes, they will be completely slain and swallowed by the other party, and there is no chance of resistance. This is the strength of the passive peak.

"Unfortunately, I originally wanted to keep Baili Tiancong, ask more secrets about Dan Ting, and even set out some secrets of Huang Lin, but was stopped by this woman."

Xiao Nai sighed, but this time also led to Mrs. Huang Lin, knowing some important things.

For example, there are other characters of Wuxiu Avenue among Taiyu, and there seems to be a big secret among the characters of the sons of Wuxiu Avenue, which Xiao Nai did not know.

Moreover, the identity of Mrs. Huang Lin as a woman is too mysterious, and she is now staring at herself, so that Xiao Nai wants multiple embankments.

There is also the secret place of origin that Huang Lin said, which may be the same as what Humengwu said before.

Finally, there are threats from other people, such as Sansheng who has never appeared again.

Xiao Naihe felt more and more threatened.

Since his strength has become stronger and stronger, and he has become so powerful, he has encountered more and more troubles. Every enemy is almost not under himself, and some even surpassed himself.

"Huh? What is that?"

Later, Xiao Naihe discovered that after Mrs. Huang Lin disappeared, Baili Tiancong's body had turned into powder, but there seemed to be something left underneath.

Xiao Naihe looked closely, it was a black seal, with some obscure pictures engraved on it, and Xiao Nai could not read it.

With the memory of his 9th life, he still can't find the meaning of these pictures.


At this time, Xiao Naihe suddenly heard a familiar voice from this seal, which was just Mrs. Huang Lin who had just disappeared.

A chill came to Xiao Naihe's heart in an instant, and the moment he heard this sound, a terrible force suddenly agitated from this seal.

I saw the image of Madam Huang Lin appeared directly. With a palm shot, a kind of stars flowed into a variety of strange forms. The huge palm print turned out, and it was shot to Xiao Naihe's head.

At this time, Xiao Naihe could not stop it.

The powerful passive peak power, no doubt, Xiao Nai closed his eyes, and his heart moved.

The appearance of Chaos Heavenly Stone suddenly appeared in the middle of his eyebrows, and a red light spurted out of the Chaos Heavenly Stones in an instant, bursting out of his eyebrows.

"Road to Road, very Avenue."

The voices gathered together, and Xiao Nai was happy in his heart. He could not be more familiar with this voice, it was Gongsun Yan in the Chaos Heavenly Stone.

Although Gongsun Yan is not a true passive peak, it is almost the same.

He could actually get out of the Chaos Heavenly Stone out of thin air and help Xiao Naihe directly, so that Xiao Naihe could escape from danger at once.


The two forces collided with each other in the void, as if two huge stars and stones collided and collided with each other, creating a wave of sky and earth bursting.

The Moonlight Battleship is almost torn apart by these two forces.

If it were n’t for the Moonlight Warship itself, which is now a self-contained world, just a moment ago, it would directly destroy the entire Moonlight Warship.

However, this is the case with Rao. A large number of worlds inside the Moonlight Battleship were suddenly blasted out of a lot of voids, and it will take some time to fill them.

"Has it gone?"

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he really couldn't feel the breath of Mrs. Huang Lin, so he calmed down and decided that the woman had really left.

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