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The Star King did not expect that at the last moment, his Dao law was actually broken by Xiao Naihe. He could not even understand how his own power could be broken.

Only Xiao Naihe knows best.

Just a moment ago, he urged the Chaos Heavenly Stone in his body to purify all the negative effects on his body with the purification ability of the Chaos Heavenly Stone, including the power of the stars left by the Star King.

Chaos Heavenly Stone is a **** of the world, even if it can't be described by the level of Taoism.

Although the Star King is powerful, it may not necessarily know the **** of Chaos Heavenly Stone.

You know, the Chaos Tianshi existed before Taiyu was born. No matter how powerful Uranus is, it is impossible to know everything before Taiyu was born.

However, Xiao Naihe was indeed taking a risk just now. He was fighting, fighting for the Chaos Heavenly Stone to purify the power of stars from his chaos.

Fortunately, it won.

Without the mark of the power of the stars, the supernatural power that the star king shrouded just now disappeared.

The body borrowed by the star king was originally the third prince.

The third prince and Xiao Naihe are both passive late.

But in terms of true body strength, this third prince is not comparable to Xiao Naihe's Promise Gold Body. Under the blessing of Chaos Heavenly Stone, Xiao Naihe's physical strength is comparable to the passive peak.

Star King pondered for a moment, frowning slightly: "Today you are lucky, you are the first enemy to escape under the death of this king. No one below the passive peak can leave alive, you are open It ’s a precedent. But Ben Wang will find you again, even if you turn this remote plane world, Ben Wang will find you. "

At this time, Uranus also knew that he could not stay any longer.

The thought he left to the third prince was almost gone.

If it does not disappear, the three princes do not know how long they can last.

His own strength is too strong, the third prince's body can't support it for too long, and one minute and one second, it is possible to burst the entire body at any time.


The star king shrank and showed a different movement in the void. As soon as his body was in the sky, the whole person seemed to be a wind blowing and disappearing into the endless extraterrestrial sky.

At this time, the space of hundreds of thousands of miles outside the starry sky has become very unstable, and the enchantment connecting the human world and the God Realm has begun to crack.

This is the impact of the battle between Xiao Naihe and Star King.

If he goes on fighting, Xiao Naihe even believes that the entire extraterrestrial sky will be blasted by two people into a big hole, leading directly to the human world and the **** realm.

"Huh ... really enemies are so worry-free."

A little bitter smile appeared in Xiao Naihe's mouth.

He found that from the beginning of his cultivation, to the years now, there are enemies looking for himself all the time.

And every time the enemy is either equal to himself or far beyond himself

The current enemies, such as the wife of God and Sansheng, have given Xiao Nai a headache.

And now there is one more star king. When Xiao Naihe simulated Thunder Tribulation, the three star princes broke in directly in an attempt to devour Xiao Naihe's source and strengthen himself.

Then he was suppressed by Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe did not expect that the three princes still had the idea of ​​a star king in their bodies.

The grievance between him and the father and son came inexplicably.

However, when Xiao Nai recalled, his enemies came inexplicably.

For example, Mrs. God, this woman wanted to solicit herself, but unfortunately she was rejected, but instead she gave birth to a murderous intention.

The Star King is similar. In their eyes, what they can't get, they will be destroyed directly.

"To this day, we really have to find a way to quickly reach the peak of passiveness, or we must leave this first plane early."

Xiao Nai thought.

It's not easy to reach the peak of passiveness.

Although Xiao Naiho simulated thunderstorm, and successfully survived, but compared with the real Taiyu thunderjacket, simulated thunderjacket is one heaven and one earth, and the two cannot be compared.

It is more difficult to promote the passive peak than Xiao Naihe was directly promoted to the passive state from the day after tomorrow.

"Then there is only one way. Find a chance and leave this first plane first."

Xiao Nai He sighed.

If there is only one three-life or the wife of God, Xiao Naihe can still work around. Although the wife of God is powerful, because the last time Gongsun Yan shot in the chaotic sky stone, he blocked the attack of the wife.

This made Mrs. God doubt the powerful backing behind Xiao Naihe.

And Xiao Naihe can no longer let Gongsun Yan shoot now. The nine of the Chaos Heavenly Stones will definitely not take multiple shots. Everything is still on their own.

Now that there is an extra star king, Xiao Nai can't get Gongsun Yan's momentum, so he has to consider how to temporarily avoid the edge.

"But my current Moonlight Warship already has enough energy to cross Taiyu. Although Taiyu is big, it integrates the nine life memories of Chaos Tianshi, so I don't worry about any mistakes in Taiyu. Yan Tian Ge can only take them with them. "

How can Xiao Nai not worry about leaving Yantian Pavilion and others here, who knows what those enemies will do to Yantian Pavilion after he leaves.

Anyway, the space world inside the moonlight warship can be comparable to a wild continent, and the resources collected in it are enough for the entire Yantian Pavilion to spend thousands of years.


At this time, after the end of the war in the extraterrestrial sky, a woman suddenly opened her eyes in a mysterious forest.

This woman's eyes seemed to flash a flash of light, very dazzling.

If Xiao Nai is here, he will surely recognize the other party, and it is the mother of Qingying, the wife of God who had dealt with herself.

"It seems that there are visitors from outside the world, and it's still working on this face."

Mrs. God stood up and looked up at the sky, as if thinking about something.

"Sir mother, what do you mean by a visitor from outside?"

Next to the Lady of God, there is the little girl named Qingying.

Qingying was wearing purple clothes, revealing a quiet tranquility between her manners, but she carried an overwhelming aura, but it was extremely inconsistent with this quiet blue temperament.

"It's a person from another plane, and the person's strength is very high, it should not be under me. It's just that he doesn't know who he is with."

Mrs. God closed her eyes, as if nothing could hide her.

The passive peak strongman, all the acupuncture points on his body seem to correspond with the entire first plane.

So anything happening on this plane can be sensed by the Lady of God in the first time.

"There are actually such people. Who is this? What are you doing here?"

"I do n’t think I ’m well-meaning, but the deity does n’t feel his presence anymore, it seems that he has left this world. Now the first plane, nearing the catastrophe, is getting more and more chaotic. Heaven and man leave here before the five declines. "

During the conversation, the Lady of God suddenly looked at Qingying. Her daughter is very good and never let herself down. From the early passive period to the late passive period, it took less than three hundred years to see how talented she is. it is good.

But in the same way, she also thought of another person, a man almost as young as her daughter, Xiao Naihe.

The wife of God also investigated Xiao Naihe's information, and learned that Xiao Naihe was also in a very short period of time, achieving a passive late period, and his talent was no worse than that of her daughter.

"Master Mother, what are you thinking?" Qingying couldn't help asking when she felt the spirit of the Lady of God fluctuate.

The lady of God smiled slightly: "The deity suddenly thought of a person. He is just like you. His talent is very good. If the two of you can become a pair, maybe the future can be achieved, definitely not under your father and me."


"Xiao Naihe."

"It's him?"

Qingying frowned slightly.

She had to admit that Xiao Naihe's talent is indeed very good. It can be said that Xiao Naihe is also the best young man he has ever seen. The strength of the passive late period is not under his own.

Qingying once inquired about Xiao Naihe's background and investigated a lot, knowing that Xiao Naihe's age of cultivation seems to be younger than himself.

Although in the spiritual world, time is the least valuable.

But a person's cultivation age can still reflect a lot of things.

"The deity once promised that as long as he is willing to take refuge in the deity, he will be given to him."

"This ... Ma'am, you can't look down on him too much."

Even though his mother was in front of her, Qingying still felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that the wife of the Lord was going to allocate herself to Xiao Naihe.

"Yes, Qingying, do n’t underestimate this Xiao Naihe. You should know that your father seems to take this Xiao Naihe very seriously, and even said that you can take him to that place. Once you really enter that place, this will come in the future. Xiao Naihe, maybe it will become your father's level of existence. "

Qingying heard it, nodded, and couldn't help but say, "I never understood why my father seems to pay attention to that Xiao Nai."

"The deity is also unclear. When the deity tested him, he did not detect any depth. This kid is very cunning, he hides deeply, and when he fights with the deity, even when he is at a disadvantage, he still does not have all his own. The cards are exhausted, and he is a very deep man. "

After a pause, God's wife said again: "Don't think too much, this Xiao Naihe would better reject the deity. In the future, you still have little control over his affairs, just concentrate on cultivation."

"Yes, my mother."

Although Qingying said that in her mouth, she had other thoughts in her heart, only to see a flash of sharp flash in her eyes.

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