Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2315: Phenomenal disaster

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Ming Shizang, with a void warship, ran into Xiao Naihe's direction.

"Oops, we can't escape."

"Are you really going to die here today?"

Shijue old man and Humengwu looked at each other, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and shook his head.

Even the husband Fu Yurong next to him had a pretty white face, and his eyes flashed unwillingly.

Only Qiu Yuexin kept his eyes on Xiao Naihe.

She had already set aside her past and showed her heart to Xiao Naihe.

Now even if it is dead, as long as it can die with Xiao Naihe, that is nothing.

However, Xiao Nai at this time was very calm in his heart.

Even in the face of such a huge crisis, he still did not lose any measure.

His eyes kept turning, and he seemed to be thinking.

"What should I do? Should I use my flesh to fight against this Void Warship? This is unrealistic. Even if it can stand up, the flesh club must be hurt, and there are other masters who did not appear in the Ming Shizang and the ship. At that time, I couldn't fly even if I inserted wings. "

Xiao Nai thought secretly in his mind that another idea came out: "Or use moonlight warships to collide with each other to offset the impact? But this is not realistic, let alone moonlight warships are not pure attack ships. Wait, once the moonlight warship is broken, everyone will die. "

Thinking about it, Xiao Naihe found no way to deal with it.

If it is in the 3,300 world, Xiao Naihe can escape even if he can't beat it.

However, it is different now. This Ming Dynasty Tibetan secretly imposed a ban on enchantment and blocked the exit, which made Xiao Nai somewhat unprepared.

Xiao Naihe knows that even if the "Yixing Mirror" is handed over now, this Mingshizang will not be released.

"There is no way. I can only use Chaos Heavenly Stone to strengthen my defense and stop this wave."

Xiao Nai thought about it, and once he gritted his teeth, a red stone appeared in his eyebrows, spinning continuously.

Chaos Tianshi projected the true qi of two different colors of red and blue, namely the true qi of chaos and the true qi of origin, which intersect with each other.

On Xiao Naihe's body, there are also nine hundred ninety-one layers of forbidden enchantments, each of which is equivalent to the strength of the golden body of a passive late strong.

This is equivalent to the integration of the body defense of the eighty-one passive late strong.

Even if the ordinary Xiao Nai is so powerful at the same level, the defense cannot accumulate eighty-one times, two or three times.

But now Xiao Naihe used the two qis in the Chaos Heavenly Stone to change his physique and forcibly strengthen his body defense.

Even if it is an ordinary passive peak, it is difficult to break the golden body of Xiao Naihe.

However, this method is not without a price, the price is that Xiao Naihe's cultivation behavior will fall into a period of exhaustion after a period of time.

That is to say, the strength of Xiuwei will decline, and the decline may not be small.

Although Xiao Nai wants to come back to practice is not a problem, but it will definitely affect the future progress of cultivation.

Now he can't control that much.

"The origin of chaos, the golden body is not broken! Everything is unified, and the poles are not transformed!"

At this time, Xiao Naihe's body released a fine awn.

This fine rush directly into the depths of the starry sky, seems to break the starry sky.

"Four of you, stand behind me, don't go away."

Xiao Nai snorted, and he pulled these four people behind him as much as possible.

When Fu Mengwu saw it, there was still hope, and it was not nonsense. He took his daughter and hid behind Xiao Naihe.

The ten old men next to him also took Qiuyue's heart, and were close to Xiao Naihe.

"Are you able to stop it? After bumping you into a fan, I don't have to worry about not finding 'Yixing Jing'."

This Mingshizang had no idea of ​​forgiving people at all. He knew that he had killed Xiao Nai and others, and then there would naturally be a way to find out the 'Yi Xingjing'.

This "Yi Xing Mirror" was obtained by his Skull Island after a huge effort, otherwise he would not personally hunt down White Boss and them.

In any case, this "Yi Xing Jing" must be taken out, and others must not know that this "Yi Xing Jing" was obtained by the people of their Skull Island, otherwise the consequences will definitely be unthinkable once they are transmitted.

Thinking of this, Ming Shizang's murderous body was even sharper, with a long wolf smoke running through his head.

This wolf smoke burst into the void, seeming to be directly integrated into the starry sky, and the void warship cooperated with this wolf smoke, as if making a loud noise, with a wave of destruction and sweeping all the momentum directly towards Xiao Naihe Roll over.

Meteorites and small planets along the way were crushed into pieces by this huge void warship.

It can be seen how terrible this dark-skinned void warship is. At least the moonlight warship does not have this huge crushing pressure.

Thinking of the original Son of God facing his moonlight warship, and suffered a big loss, now Xiao Naihe finally knows how embarrassed the Son of God at that time was.

Even now it is even more embarrassing than it was at that time. The void warships of the Ming Dynasty are not moonlight warships, even worse moonlight warships.

"Whatever you want!"

Suddenly, a word emerged in the mind of Humengwu standing behind him, describing the word of this void warship.


Xiao Naiho's body shone with golden light, and within a few miles of his body, he instantly gave birth to dozens of forbidden enchantments.

These enchantments suddenly made a loud noise, which was caused by the collision of the void warship.

In the space of hundreds of thousands of miles in the entire starry sky, there seems to be a big collision between thousands of planets, and a violent vortex black hole burst out from the rotation, engulfing all the surrounding stardust.

"I actually used my body to block the Nether Warship? Even I have to admire your courage." Ming Shizang couldn't help but said the sneer on his face became more obvious: "Unfortunately you can't stop, you will soon You will know that this is just the mantis blocking the car. "

Having said that, the Nether Warship has already broken through more than 40 forbidden barriers, and has not stopped. It is even more mana that is approaching the past in the direction of Xiao Naihe.

Bang Bang Bang!

Click and click.

The nearby star stone was squeezed into pieces, and it was overwhelming!

Rao is the four people standing behind Xiao Naihe, all feel this terrible coercion.

Qiuyue was deeply worried about Xiao Naihe. She could feel the strong threat of death, not to mention Xiao Naihe had a positive impact.

When she was about to say something, suddenly Xiao Naihe's body had been broken through the 80th banned enchantment.

"It seems that my current practice is not enough to fully urge the two true spirits."

Xiao Nai smiled bitterly.

In the past, in the Tiangong World, the former owner of the nine Chaos Heavenly Stones suggested Xiao Naihe. It is better to enter the Passive Peak and fully integrate the two true spirits.

Now he finally knows the meaning of the nine people. Although Xiao Naihe can now use the two true spirits, he can only use less than 30% of his abilities at best, and he is still reluctant.

"No matter what you have to do, don't move like a mountain, Promise blessing!"

When Xiao Nai gritted his teeth, he had already bleed seven holes on his face, and under the huge pressure, the body and mind only felt as if they were being crushed.

As long as you are a little relaxed now, you will immediately fall down like dough, and you will definitely die.

But not only Xiao Naihe, but Ming Shizang also clearly felt that the Void Warship was a bit weak. He repeatedly broke through Xiao Naihe's 80 forbidden enclaves and found that the Void Warship seemed to have slowed down a lot.

"It's really blocked, this kid ... No, he must be killed."

Seeing that Xiao Nai blocked the impact of his void warship, Ming Shizang was even more murderous.

He was about to take control of the Nether Warship once again, gaining momentum again.

At this moment, a rainbow of light suddenly came out from a crack in the void below.

Xiao Naihe now discovered that they seemed to have entered a strange corner of the starry sky.

He immediately understood that it must have been the Void Warship that drove him out of the distance of hundreds of thousands or millions of miles.

And he also saw that below, a huge black vortex appeared.

This black vortex even has the size of the first plane. The black gas transmitted from the vortex swallowed all the stars and stones wherever it went.

The light penetrated into it and was devoured, as if it were a pure dark energy.

"This is ... Taiyu Da tear!"

When Ming Shizang spoke these five words, his voice was a little trembling.

Not just him, even Xiao Nai saw the huge vortex formed by this dark matter, as if countless stars had swallowed it.

Consume, tear!

There are only these two phenomena.

He immediately thought of a catastrophe in Taiyu.

Xiao Naihe got the memories of the masters of the Nine Heavens Palace and the memory thoughts of Xingzu. He is very clear about many things in Taiyu.

In Taiyu, there are five kinds of natural disasters, and these five kinds of disasters are also called five major disasters.

The emergence of every kind of phenomenon-level disaster is rare for thousands of years or even billions of years. Among the vast Taiyu, it is rare.

But once these five phenomenon-level disasters appear, even if the passive peak powerhouse encounters, there is a life-threatening danger.

There is a phenomenon-level disaster called "Taiyu Great Tear".

This kind of disaster was a certain position of Taiyu, which suddenly inflated like a huge balloon.

This huge expansion position, involved in the surrounding starry sky, engulfed all the plane world nearby.

Finally it bursts directly, producing powerful and terrifying chaotic energy.

If the energy is greater, it is very likely that the entire Taiyu will be taken to the peak, but this may be said to be one in a million.

Rao is so. At this time, the "Taiyu Great Tear" can definitely destroy everything, even masters like Xiao Naihe and Ming Shizang.

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