Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2338: Who is the best student

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Xiao Naihe just walked out of the Daoyuan and heard someone calling himself.

At this time, Xiao Naihe had already heard who this person was.

"Shangguan Jiajia, do you have anything to do with me?"

Xiao Nai frowned slightly, and the woman came to find herself again, afraid that it would not be a simple meeting.

The last time Shangguan Jiajia apparently was very angry with herself for pitting her panacea. If it was not Mr. He who was nearby, Xiao Naihe estimated that the woman wanted to take all the panacea in one bite, and gave none to herself.

If it were before, Xiao Naihe certainly would not go to pit this woman's panacea, but now it is not as good as before.

Today, Xiao Nai is in great need of some panacea to restore his strength, even if he uses some means, Xiao Nai does not care.

Besides, if there is no Xiao Naihe to crack the Dan figure in the Demon's Dan furnace, it is estimated that this woman can't get her own Elixir.

"Why? It's such an attitude when you see your benefactor?"

Shangguan Jiajia cheered.

Xiao Nai He glanced at each other slightly, his expression indifferent.

I have to say that this woman's expression, combined with her face and figure, is almost lethal.

She is not that kind of gorgeous woman, but her exquisite face does not have another taste to match her expression.

Ordinary men, even men with poor concentration, are easily attracted by Shangguan Jiajia.

Xiao Naihe just glanced at the woman a little, but in his heart was Gujing Wubo, slowly said: "What kind of lord? I don't understand what you mean!"

"Don't you admit it? If it's not me, you can stump those immortals? I can't be your lord?

Thinking of the hard medicine that I had collected so hard, it was cheaper for Xiao Naihe. Even if there were only some, Shangguan Jiajia felt like losing money.

She never thought that Xiao Naihe would actually give away part of her panacea.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said, "What is this? The two of us are just trading. You didn't say that at the time, as long as I got things done, I could get enough benefits. Now that I have done things, don't they? Can you get your own benefits? "

"I did say it, but ... but ..."

Shangguan Jiajia wants to say that the benefits I want to give you are just a little medicinal materials, or formation props, but it is definitely not a panacea.

But these words, even if she is thick-skinned, are not so embarrassed to say so as not to be despised by Xiao Naihe, so she can only be generous.

"That's what I gave you. I'm your lord. If there is anything that you need to do in the future, you can do it as you please."

In the tone of Shangguan Jiajia, there is an undoubted command.

It's just that Xiao Nai stretched out a lazy waist, and the lazy tone came: "Oh! Nothing, I have to go, wait for something to happen to the Daoyuan Academy?

However, Xiao Nai thought in her mind that this woman was absolutely idle and deliberately came to find fault. She must have taken away some of her panacea before she was upset.

However, Xiao Nai has dealt with all kinds of characters. For such a woman, he is handy to deal with.


Shangguan Jiajia seemed to find that someone was looking at himself, and could not help suppressing his voice, saying: "You can hear what you said today, and I will come to you later."

"No delivery."

Seeing Shangguan Jiajiasheng sulking and turning around, he left, and Xiao Na couldn't help but shake his head and didn't care.

This woman seems to be determined to work against herself.

Sure enough, the worst person in the world is a woman.

Especially for a woman like Shangguan Jiajia, once she gets some benefits, she will haunt you without playing.

"Xiao Naihe, how do you know Shangguan Jiajia?"

At this time, Gong Yueling's voice came from the side.

"How? You know Shangguan Jiajia?"

"Of course I know that this woman is now in our Daoyuan, and she has a small reputation!"

A smile appeared on Gong Yueling's face, "She looked for a lot of students from our Daoyuan Academy before, it seemed that she was going to see a red furnace, and there was no one knowing what was cultivated in the red furnace. It hinders the effect of alchemy. Many students of the Daoyuan Academy were found, but they could not see anything, and they were blasted away. Now the entire Daoyuan Academy is just like Shangguan Jiajia as a plague. "

Xiao Nai nodded.

He also knew these things yesterday.

The woman in Shangguan Jiajia has become the most unwelcome person in the battle hall. No wonder the woman just left as soon as she felt that someone was watching her.

She dared to walk in the residence of the students in this school today, and Xiao Nai had to admire her courage.

"But this Shangguan Jiajia's identity is actually even simpler. It is definitely not worse than me, even higher."

"Um? Than your identity?"

Xiao Naihe was a little surprised.

Gongyueling is a member of the Jiugong family. Although he knows that Gongyueling is only a sideline of the Jiugong family, after all, the Jiugong family is a super large family handed down from ancient times. Even the sidelines have a very high status.

Gong Yueling's fame in the array school, as well as the identity of the Jiugong family, can obviously be doomed to this woman.

However, Gong Yueling actually said that Shangguan Jiajia's identity is not simple, compared with her only high or low, it is a bit intriguing.

"Shangguan Jiajia, she seems to be a child of some big power, but I don't know what this big power is. I just heard that before she joined the Suzaku College, there were strong followers from the late period. By her side. "


Xiao Naihe's expression moved, and then he knew why Gong Yueling said that Shangguan Jiajia's identity was not simple, and was only higher than her.

Although the Jiugong family is also a big family force, after all, it is far less than before. There is no passive late master among the Jiugong family. Xiao Nai is not very clear.

But being able to let a master of the late nineth layer follow, it is obvious that Shangguan Jiajia is not an ordinary person.

The identity of such a person is definitely not simple.

It's no wonder that the woman can actually get those herbs, and he can also make Master He refine the Elixir, which seems to have something to do with her identity.

But the more simple the woman is, the less she wants to be related.

"Shangguan Jiajia is such a talented student, I think it is better for you to have less contact. I heard that she is in the college and there is a team of people who seem to want to have a closer relationship with her. If you get too close, you may suffer."

"Tao Caisheng? Who is Gao Caisheng? Is that Shangguan Jiajia?" Xiao Nai laughed.

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