Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2347: Easy Way (Part 1)

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"Shangguan Jiajia!"

Xiao Nai frowned slightly, and for this elder lady, he really had no temper.

He has seen many cheeky people, but women like Shangguan Jiajia have thick skin and do not know how to converge.

Xiao Naiho just pitted her a few pills, and Xiao Nai obtained those pills by orthodox means, even Shangguan Jiajia himself agreed.

The woman was thinking about her troubles, but she had to benefit from herself and make up for the few pills she had lost.

Xiao Naihe was also helpless. His current strength is beyond him. He must exhaust all means to obtain the panacea and improve his strength.

"It's really destined to meet thousands of miles, Xiao Naihe, I haven't been to you yet, so you will come to the door."

Shangguan Jiajia smiled and showed bright white teeth, and the small dimple looked very lovely and moving.

But what she was thinking about in her heart, Xiao Na didn't know.

"Correct me, I didn't send it to the door. Today I have something to go to the library."

"What do you want to find in the library, or shall I find it for you?"

Shangguan Jiajia squinted her eyes and didn't let go.

She had decided long ago that Xiao Naihe would not feel relieved one day without making up for the loss of her few panacea.

"No need, Shangguan girl, he brought me today. If there is anything he doesn't understand, he will ask me, so there is no need to trouble Shangguan girl!"

Gong Yueling next to him couldn't stand it anymore, but responded with a cry.

Shangguan Jiajia heard the words and glanced at Gong Yueling a little, with a corner of his eyes: "You are Gong Yueling!"

"Shangguan girl knows me?"

"Of course, there are a lot of people in the array school. I have known a little talent. I have already known it. Besides, the palace girl's talent is not ordinary. At a young age, he has already become a senior array master, and he is still famous. I want It ’s hard not to know. ”

Gong Yueling may not know, but Xiao Naihe knows why Shangguan Jiajia knows Gong Yueling.

I'm afraid that Shangguan Jiajia had not known the information of the people in the array of Daoyuan for that blame.

But why Shangjia Jiajia did not find Gong Yueling, this is unknown.

In fact, Xiao Nai didn't even know that Shangguan Jiajia had thought about finding Gong Yueling to solve the trouble of the Dan furnace.

But at that time, Shangguan Jiajia just happened to meet Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe solved the problem of Danlu instead, otherwise Shangguan Jiajia was still looking for Gong Yueling.

"Birth gate, I think Shangguan girl is no exception."

Gong Yueling smiled slightly.

Shangguan Jiajia's brow furrowed again, but she quickly calmed down and smiled lightly: "Princess Gong, since you are here, I won't be bothered. But maybe it won't bother you now, so I won't bother you in the future."

After finishing talking, Shangguan Jiajia took a few books and left.

Watching Shangguan Jiajia leave, Gong Yueling shook his head and gave Xiao Naihe a deep look. He couldn't help but ask, "Do you really have any conflicts with this Miss Shangguan? Are you taking advantage of others?" , Has been entangled by others. "

"Don't think too much, take advantage of it a little bit, but it is also a helpless move, at most avoiding her in the future."

If dealing with the enemy, Xiao Nai has hundreds of ways to deal with it.

But Shangguan Jiajia is not an enemy. Xiao Naihe can't go to fight with others?

Besides, how can Xiao Nai now be able to beat others? It can only avoid Shangguan Jiajia.

"Also taking advantage of others?"

Gong Yueling froze for a moment, she just made a joke at random, but did not expect Xiao Nai to actually admit it.

She didn't think that Xiao Naihe seemed to have some good seeds, she actually found Shangguan Jiajia, but that Shangguan Jiajia seemed to care a little about Xiao Naihe, otherwise she wouldn't be so aggressive with her tone, then Shangguan Jiajia seemed to misunderstand herself and Xiao What a relationship.

Xiao Nai He Wanwan did not expect that Gong Yueling would actually think of this.

He said that taking advantage of others is not about eating tofu, but that he pitted Gongyue Ling in the pit, which is regarded as taking advantage of others.

But when he arrived at Gong Yueling, it became Xiao Naihe's “lovely” move.

The two men thought about each other and entered the attic of the Bookstore.

"The Ancient History District is here. Let's find some information here."

The two came to a wall of books and looked over them. There was at least tens of thousands of books on both sides of a long corridor.

Even people like Xiao Naihe who have never forgotten, feel a little headache.

"Fortunately, there is time today."

Xiao Nai sighed and could only accompany Gong Yueling here.

But here is a good place to practice. Although you can practice in your residence, Xiao Nai and He Yin feel very uneasy.

Although the Book Collection Pavilion is outside, ordinary people can't get in here, especially in this ancient historical area, where few people usually come in half a year.

As for Gong Yueling's desire to find information on the six colors of the battle rock, Xiao Naihe did not have much thought.

He is most aware of his situation. Many of his lineup abilities are due to the fusion of the life experience of a lineup in the Tiangong, and the memory of the lineup of the other party is merged into his own.

"You are over there, I am here."

Gong Yueling said, and then did not enter the back of the book wall.

Soon, Gong Yueling disappeared in front of him.

Xiao Naihe randomly grabbed some of the basic books above.

This book records all the geniuses that have appeared since the establishment of the Confucius Institute, or some major events with the Confucius Institute.

But they are all things from the old years and have no value at all.

Xiao Naihe then read a few books, all of which were of little value.

Simply, Xiao Nai He gave up all these books directly.

I saw him coming behind another wall of books, sweeping through the sea of ​​thousands of books with his own consciousness.

"Well, this is ..."

There was a trace of surprise in Xiao Naihe's eyes, and then Xiao Naihe grabbed a void, and suddenly a book flew out of a hidden corner.

The book flew out and fell directly into Xiao Naihe's hands.

"History of the Tribes!"

Xiao Naihe's expression moved slightly.

The books he has just read, without exception, are records of the geniuses and some major events that occurred in the front court or the human race.

But all are limited to the human race.

And this "History of the Tribes" does not seem to record the history of the lineage of the human race alone.

This time Xiao Nai became interested.

Although he has been on this continent for some time, he basically understands the things in this world.

But he also has limited knowledge, limited to some major deeds of the human race.

After turning over the "History of the Clans", Xiao Naihe suddenly showed a shocked look on his face.

Because the name of a person printed in the first column is called Wang Yi!

This person is the fourth owner of Chaos Celestial Stone and the owner of the fourth largest Tiangong World.

And the memory of Xiao Naihe's integration is Wang Yi's!

"Is he from the Daoyuan Academy? But why did I not encounter the Daoyuan Academy when I experienced Wang Yi's life experience."

Xiao Nai froze.

He still remembers that when he experienced Wang Yi's life, he had never encountered anything about the Jin Tao Academy or even the entire Suzaku Academy.

When investigated, Wang Yishi had existed before the human race was completely suppressed by the clan.

As for the Suzaku Academy, the Terran League is only when the tribes join forces to suppress the Terrans.

So in terms of time, Wang Yi is definitely not a member of the Dao Yuan Yuan.

"Easy to have Tai Chi is to give birth to two ceremonies, two ceremonies to give birth to four elephants, four elephants to give birth to gossip, eight gossip to make good fortune, good fortune for good and bad."

This is Wang Yi's move, and Xiao Nai is very clear.

At the beginning, Wang Yi was creating a new line, creating another genre, with his own name as the main name, claiming to be a Dao.

However, Yi Dao is also one of the formations, and Wang Yi did not pass on this Yi Dao to others, so that Xiao Nai experienced Wang Yi ’s life and once felt from Wang Yi ’s memory. A sad.

It is a pain that no one can inherit.

Not everyone can inherit the Yi Dao, and Wang Yi has been looking for someone who can inherit his own Yi Dao while he lived in the longevity world.

But it was not found after all.

How Xiao Nai would inherit the Yi Dao perfectly, which Wang Yi himself could not have imagined.

Xiao Nai combined five kinds of avenues to create the infinite way, which can perfectly fit the easy way.

Coupled with such artifacts as Tianjixingtu, Yi Dao is simply tailor-made for Xiao Naihe.

"I used to think that Wang Yi's Yi Dao did not pass on, but it doesn't seem to be the case! Someone knows Yi Dao."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Then Xiao Nai slowly looked down. The first person mentioned in this book was Wang Yi.

"Zhen Sheng Wang Yi, the founding genre, claimed to be the Yi Dao, is the first person in the history of Jin Dao. Yi Dao is vast and all-encompassing, with astronomy, geography, rhythm, art of war, rhythm, arithmetic, etc. The fire can help Yi Yi to say, and the Yi Yi can also help to enter the Yi, so it is easy to say to the complicated ... "

Xiao Nai slowly looked down, which introduced some of Wang Yi's deeds.

Although it is not completely accurate, there is generally nothing wrong with it.

As can be seen from the books, not only the human race, but even other races seem to have a very high evaluation of Wang Yi.

However, Wang Yi was standing at a very high position, so that he had nothing to do with the conflicts among the clan.

His idea is very simple, as long as anyone can inherit his own Yi Dao, even if the other person is not a human race, Wang Yi can pass on his Yi Dao.

It is mentioned in the article that Wang Yi's Yi Dao was not passed down, which is the biggest regret in the history of the human race.

Up to now, the lineup masters of the human race are looking for the inheritance of Yi Dao.

Because who can get the Yi Dao, who can become the first person on the front line.

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