Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2364: You, be my friend

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Time passed by little by little.

Xiao Naihe looked as usual, but secretly raised all his attention to the highest level.

Although he knew that he had all his strength in the end, it was impossible to defeat the other party.

Unless he burns the divine personality, he will return to the eighth or even nineth level in a short time, and has the strength comparable to the passive state.

But this method of killing 800 enemies and damaging one thousand is unwilling to adopt it until a last resort.

Because the price he paid was even heavier than dealing with the enemy.

"Well, I finally met the holder of the second Tianji disk, but couldn't get the Tianji disk, and it would be useless to force you."

The woman sighed softly.

Xiao Nai exhaled and asked, "Do you believe me?"

"Do n’t forget, I also have the ability to calculate the heavens, I will not know if what you said is true or false?"

But after waiting for a while, the woman suddenly said: "Since I got the celestial disc, I practiced the smooth winds, calculated the celestial plane, held the palm of the earth, predicted the opportunities, and deduced everything. If you have the ability of two types of celestial discs, maybe you can get more Great benefit, but the Tianji disk has been integrated into your body, even if it kills you, it is useless. "

The woman seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, there was an illusory darkness in the sky.

A series of fine awns slowly penetrated from all directions and fell on the woman in front of him, showing his own appearance.

This woman looks almost seventeen or eighty years old, looks pretty, is a national beauty.

Even Xiao Naihe, who is accustomed to beauty, still has to admit that this woman, in terms of appearance and temperament, is the most outstanding level.

But what really attracted Xiao Nai's attention was the side of the sky machine floating above her head.

This celestial disc is similar to the celestial disc before Xiao Naihe did not merge, and the appearance is roughly the same.

"You are also a member of Suzaku College. Although your cultivation behavior is nothing in Suzaku College, you can get a chance of chance, no one is simple."

The woman took a slight pause and slowly said, "I want the power of your heavens."

"Huh? I said, even if you kill me, it's useless. The Tianji disk has been merged into the Tianji star map and becomes a part of me."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

"Yes, if the Tianji disk is still in your hands, maybe I will kill someone and grab the treasure. But since the Tianji disk has become a part of your body, it will be a pity to kill you. I will only be afraid of this opportunity in the future. Not at all. "

"Then what do you want from my power of heaven?"

The woman's eyes blinked and she looked at Xiao Naihe with an indifferent look: "I want the power of your celestial power, so, you, be my friend!"

At this moment, there was silence in the void.

Xiao Naiho suspected that he had heard it wrong. He looked at this brilliant-looking woman with a weird face: "What are you talking about?"

"Be my fellow, you only have this choice!"

The woman was expressionless.

Hearing this, Xiao Nai suddenly laughed.

There is nothing strange in this world.

If it ’s a male cultivator, say to a woman: You can be my buddy.

This is not a strange time.

But one day, a female nun told another man: Be my mate!

And there are undoubted commands in the tone, which is very strange.

Especially the strength of this woman is far beyond the woman.

Now, Xiao Naihe is in what kind of situation.

Although Xiao Naihe's peak strength is far more than 10,000 times and 100 million times that of this woman, but now he really is not as good as this woman.

One is the sevenfold realm, and one-passive existence.

The gap between the two people is like a world apart.

But the woman really said to Xiao Naihe, let him be each other's companion.

Even Xiao Naihe couldn't help but have all kinds of weird and bitter smiles.

"You don't have to doubt, what I said is true."

"It's not a question of true or false, it's just that you use your strength to say such things to me, I do think it's too sudden."

Xiao Nai shook his head, not knowing how to describe it for a while.

The woman said lightly: "Because you have the power of heaven, if you are my buddy, I can get the power of your heavenly machine. When the time comes to integrate my heavenly machine disk, I will naturally get huge benefits, even if it is a hundred feet Going further is not a problem. "

"Similarly, if you double repair with me, you will definitely get huge benefits, which will do you no harm."

Xiao Naihe has a weird face: "Because of double repairs, you must be your companion?"

A burst of fineness suddenly broke out in the woman's eyes, locking Xiao Naihe violently, making a clanging powerful voice: "Because, no matter who it is, unless it is my companion, it is impossible to double with me. .Fixed. "

Although this woman wants to get Xiao Naihe's natural power, she is not the kind of person who ignores her own skin.

She can cultivate to this state and push her own body to the passive state. It is impossible to abandon her own body before the last resort.

Especially after the red pills disappeared, it must have been a huge impact for her.

It is impossible for her to give her body to other men.

Unless it is her companion!

"Hey, I understand your thoughts, but it is impossible for us two to become fellows!"

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

"what did you say?"

The woman's eyes flashed sharply. Although she is not the kind of woman who pays much attention to her appearance, she also admits that her appearance and figure will definitely make any man covet.

And Xiao Nai actually rejected his request, which made the woman feel a ridiculous idea.

You know, if you tell other men outside and let any one of them be her own companion, she believes that no man in the world can refuse.

But the man in front of him really refused his request.

This made this woman feel an incredible.

After thinking for a while, the woman who came back suddenly made a cold voice, and there was a coldness that could exist between the frost and the earth: "You actually rejected me? Do n’t you not Do you know that if you become my companion, can you have more benefits? "

That's right, if Xiao Naihe and this woman became Taoist couples, after the two yin and yang are reconciled with each other, maybe Xiao Naihe can step into the realm of eighth and nineth tier faster.

But Xiao Naihe really can't do it.

"No more persuading me, we are impossible."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" The woman seemed really angry.

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