Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2445: Against the sky points (below)

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Everyone watched Xiao Naihe be taken away by another old man. These people were waiting to see Xiao Naihe's joke, but now it seems that digestion can't be completed, and it feels a pity.

"Ancestor Akihito also came, I don't know what to look for Seventh Ancestor?"

Heilong and Zhatian looked at each other and preached.

Ancestral ancestors of Akihito, like the ancestors of Qiye, are deputy deans of Suzaku College.

There are four deputy deans in the entire Suzaku Academy, one each of Kendo Academy, Wuxiu Academy, Dandao Academy and Jindao Academy.

The ancestor of Akihito is the dean of Dandaoyuan.

Don't look at Qiye Patriarch and Mingren Patriarch, they both look the same as bad old men, but Xiao Naihe knows that this level of existence can't burst out of its real strength as long as it does not reach the critical moment.

If you just think that the opposite is just a bad old man, I do n’t know how to die by then.

"Ancestral ancestors of Mingren certainly have their own business when looking for ancestors of Qiye, but we still consider how to give Xiao Naihe points now."

A face with a hard face.

The two of them are responsible for the flow of points in the mission hall, and they cannot achieve a slight deviation, otherwise it is easy to cause various things.

But if you give too much, it may cause the flow of points to collapse.

Although Suzaku College has a great career, many things can be exchanged with points, but once the points exceed expectations, it is easy to break the balance of exchange.

At that time, it is easy for the mission hall to collapse.

On the other hand, I ca n’t give too much. What Xiao Nai gave was the "Vajra not bad fairy array", one of the three most powerful defensive arrays of the year.

Three hundred thousand points is definitely not enough, not even fractions.

Not too much, not too much, which makes the two of Tatian and Black Dragon very embarrassed.

"Would you like to ask the adult?" Tatian suddenly thought of someone.

Heilong froze for a moment, then shook his head violently and said, "No, no, this kind of thing is to ask the grown-up, it seems that we are too useless. Besides, the grown-up is not so easy to see. Appearing in the academy must be a big deal, but not necessarily in the academy now. "

Tian Tian sighed softly, and at this moment he exhaled a breath: "In this case, it can only come in accordance with the rules of the mission hall, as long as it does not exceed the maximum limit."

Then, in Tiantian's hand, a seal appeared in his hand.

The points stone in the mission hall records the number of points for each student in the whole college.

At the beginning, Suzaku College deliberately exposed the total number of points of all people to this stele, mainly to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm and competition.

Everyone can see the gap between their points and others, and know the gap before they know how to compete.

On this integral stele, the first three positions have not changed.

"Today, the top three points in the mission stone have not changed. They have been for several years and have occupied the top of the list. We don't know when we can pass them?"

A student stared at the top three names of the Integral Stele and couldn't help but sigh gently.

His partner beside him snorted: "How can it be possible to exceed them by three people. The three of them are the most powerful of the three generations in our college. If you can surpass the three of them on the integral stone monument , Then your cultivation base has already surpassed them. "

"Hey, I'm just talking." The student smiled awkwardly.

"However, the positions of the three of them have never changed. The third is Beiqiong of the Kendo Academy. It is said that she had the strength to attack the strong mid-passengers in the early passive period. It can be said that we The first person in the early passive period in the college. She has four million points, and has never been less. "

"The second person is Miss Xian'er of Dandao Academy, but Miss Xian'er is a clear stream of our Dan Dao Academy. Dan Dao's accomplishments are unparalleled, and they are beautiful and beautiful, even the major geniuses in other colleges have shown right. Miss Xian'er's love. "

"Is Miss Xian'er in Dandaoyuan? Miss Xian'er is said to have achieved the passive mid-year for many years. Although she has rarely come to the mission hall to pick up the task, her total points are more than 5 million, which is terrible. "

"More terrible is the first person, Chu Tian!"

Someone saw the name of the first person on the Integral Stele and couldn't help but shudder slightly.

There are indeed many geniuses in their Suzaku Academy, but there are more geniuses, and once compared with this Chutian, they are too inferior.

Chu Tian is a generation of strange people in Suzaku College. He is a student of the previous generation college and a strong man in Wuxiu Academy. It is said that when Chu Tian entered Suzaku College, his talent was not outstanding, and it was only a seven-level mid-term cultivation.

But what is unexpected is that in just three years, Chu Tian's strength from the mid-seventh level has been surging.

In the first year, it directly crossed to half-step passive, and in the second year, it entered the passive state.

What is more exaggerated is that in the third year, he actually reentered the passive mid-term.

It's just a year, from just entering into the passive, to the middle of the passive.

At this rate, let alone the Suzaku College, even the four colleges, and even the entire human race today, no second person can be found.

This is why many people call Chu Tian one of the ten ancient geniuses.

It means that among the ancient rivers of the human race, Chu Tian ’s talent and talent can be ranked in the top ten.

"Chu Tian, ​​13 million points, nearly ten million more live than the third-ranked Beiqiong, more than twice that of Miss Xian'er."

"However, Chu Tian has not heard the news for a year. According to his speed in the past three years, will it be near the end of the passive period."

Someone said that when he came here, his face suddenly changed and he could not help but feel cold all over.

"All in all, if you want to surpass these three people in the points, I am afraid it will not work, at least not within ten generations."

Finally, all cognitions reached this conclusion.

Heilong and Tatian didn't even know what the outsiders were talking about, even if they knew it, they didn't care, because they had already made a decision and how many points were injected into Xiao Naihe's token.

Seeing the number of points in the seal, even the Black Dragon and the Sky Can't help but tremble.

Even if they were asked to pick up the task, they didn't know if they could get so many points at once.

But with so many points, it makes a kid who looks mediocre.

"Note it."

Black Dragon exhaled.

Nodding his head in the sky, the seal in his hand spun up, releasing light in the void, and then the light was injected into the integral stele.

The whole stele flashed, and the ranking of the names above changed all at once. Everyone seemed to change their position.

If you look closely, everyone's position has changed towards the back.

"The ranking on the Integral Stele has changed again."

"Really, eh? How did I lose one place in the points ranking?"

"me too."

At this time, I didn't know which one found the change on the stone tablet, and could not help but scream.

At first, few people paid attention to it. After all, the ranking on the stele changed, and this kind of thing happened every day.

Everyone has seen it for a long time.

But as some people began to notice changes in their rankings, more and more people noticed something was wrong at once.

"Why? Everyone has taken a step back?"

"There is only one possibility. There must be a change in the ranking of the front row. Someone squeezed ahead of us."

"But my points have reached the top 20, and I have taken a step back."

"So, did the ranking of the top ten people change?"

Some people feel a little surprised at this time. Although the ranking on the Integral Stele changes every day, the location of each change is basically in the back row.

For example, the scores of those in the front row rarely change. Usually, there are no changes in ten days and a half months.

The ranking of the top ten has not changed in a few months and a year and a half.

Now that the ranking of the top ten has changed, everyone's curiosity has suddenly increased.

"Not the tenth."

"Huh? Not the eighth."

"Is it the top five?"

"No, no, neither the fifth nor the fourth."

Suddenly, someone called out: "Look, who is the fourth name? It's Beiqiong."

"Before the third Beiqiong?"

"Someone's ranking is among the top three?"

At this time, everyone was the same as playing chicken blood. The top three rankings have not changed for a long time. Now they have changed. In their mission hall, they are as good as the sky.

"The third is Miss Xian'er of Dandaoyuan."

"God, this second ... actually Chu Tian from the Wuxiu Academy!"

Everyone was shocked, Chu Tian, ​​that was Chu Tian.

Chu Tian, ​​one of the ancient geniuses, has never changed his ranking on the stone tablet, but now he has actually retreated to the second.

"Then ... who is the first one ..."

Someone's voice shuddered slightly, and the whole person felt a little bad.

Chu Tian ’s myth was actually broken, which made many people feel terrible.

Although it was not Chu Tian who was defeated, the Integral Stele originally represented another kind of strength.

It is quite remarkable to be able to defeat Chu Tian on the Integral Stele.

But when someone saw the name of the first person, he suddenly lost his voice.

"First place, Xiao Naihe ... 30 million points ..."

At this time, everyone was silent, and a figure appeared in their minds, a figure who wanted to see his joke before.

But people's current names are shining first, and they look so dazzling.

The people looked at each other, they knew that the mission hall would change, and even their generation would change.

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