Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2449: Fairy (Part 2)

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On this day, Lin Feng had just come out of retreat. He was practicing a magical power on the line, called ‘Mad God Protecting the Divine Power’, which is a kind of magical power protecting the power level.

"Unfortunately, this set of Pill Guardian Skills missed the last three most critical steps. After all, it could not be completely successful. If you can get the full version of" Crazy God Guardian God Skill ", then it will be regarded as a magical potion , I can save the four eras. This is the sixth-grade level of magical protection. "

Lin Feng sighed slightly.

Since the rise of the Terran era, the Phantom Formation has slowly been lost.

Most of the Dao Dao forces now use the magic weapon to protect the effect of the magic pill.

As for the guardian array, it is almost extinct.

Even in the big gate, there may not be a pill protection method.

Under the peak of passiveness, the method of protecting Dan is divided into nine grades.

And Lin Feng's set of Dan Dan tactics is the existence of six grades.

Even if it was placed before the time of the human race, it is a terrible trick.

"If I contribute this set of tricks to the mission hall, at least I can get three million points, which is equivalent to the point of killing a passive mid-level monster."

Lin Feng felt quite complacent in his heart. It was an extremely coincidental chance that he got this technique. At first, he stumbled upon a dark page in a book of ancient battle secrets, and actually saw this set of techniques from inside.

It is a pity that the time is too long, and the dark pages in it have been damaged too much, and the last three most critical parts have been lost.

Although it is a pity, Lin Feng also knows that he can't force it. He is learning this trick to protect the pill. Once it is spread, it is even a fairy, and even the strong people at the level of the gods want to know.

With this technique, Lin Feng may have more benefits in the Dandaoyuan.

Although he is a member of the Daoyuan, but there are many monks who don't need immortality, there are not many people who deal with the monastery.

Lin Feng never thought of giving this technique to the mission hall in exchange for enough points, because this method is definitely not a value that can be measured by points.

What Lin Feng wants is to play more advantages of this technique.


At this moment, the token in Lin Feng's waist suddenly flickered, emitting a dazzling light.

Lin Feng's eyes moved, grabbed the token around his waist, and glanced at it. When he saw the news in the token, his face suddenly changed greatly.

Lin Feng also has a lot of eyeliners in Suzaku College. The message on this token was passed by someone beside Lin Feng.

The token tells the changes of the integral stone in the mission hall.

The three in front of the integral stone tablet have not changed, and Lin Feng has always wanted to use his own ability to enter the top three names.

But now, some people take a step first.

Especially when he saw the name, his face was not very good-looking, he suddenly thought of a certain young student that Bei Qiong was supporting-Xiao Naihe.

Although Xiao Naihe's performance on the Integral Stone Tablet has not attracted everyone's attention, as more and more people know this, Xiao Naihe's name has gradually entered the eyes of some people.

After all, even Chu Tian was defeated on the Integral Stele, which made everyone feel incredible.

While this matter was still fermenting outside, Xiao Naihe and Mingren Patriarch were still talking.

After Xiao Nai said "Tianbao Divine Pill" and "Nine Heavy Yin Yang Run Formation", both Mingren Patriarch and Qiye Patriarch felt something was wrong.

"Xiao Xiaoyou, do you know this formation?"

"I know, I have learned this set of techniques, and I am familiar with them."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

He didn't have ten sets of guarding arrays, at least one set. The nine ranks of guarding arrays were nothing to him, and there were several sets in his hands that were even more powerful than the "Nine Heavy Yinyang Rune Array" Guardian array.

"This is the nine-fold protection pill array." After the beginning of the human race, it has not been seen for many years. If this method is used, I don't know how many magic pills can be maintained.

The magic weapon for protecting the Dan is too precious, and the effect is not very good.

In comparison, the Dan Dan array method is too cost-effective. Even in the Suzaku Academy, there is no such method.

Therefore, when Qiye Patriarch heard that Xiao Nai actually had such a formation, why was he not shocked?

"Hey, Xiao Xiaoyou, can we discuss something?"

"Are you hitting me with this idea?"

Xiao Nai said lightly.

He just glanced at Qiye Patriarch and knew what the old guy was thinking.

After all, this kind of thing is not even in several colleges.

And it is still the Nine Heavy Protection Pill Array, even if it is put into the clan to give a big force, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

You should know that the magic weapon for protecting Dan within one year can consume a lot of materials in Suzaku College. Even if Suzaku College has such a wealthy existence, it is also very, very lacking.

But if you can get the Dan Dan tactics, you can reduce how much unnecessary consumption.

If this number is counted, even if there is such an ancestor of Akihito, I can't help but feel surprised.

Elixir is refined and cannot be taken directly.

Many anti-celestial medicines must be taken within a certain period of time.

And the more anti-healing panacea, you must be careful to preserve the panacea. You must not lose any trace of panacea, otherwise it will easily cause various reactions and make yourself self-defeating.

That is why the treasures and techniques of preserving the magic effect are so precious.

It is a pity that during the period of the Terran era, Terran cultivators were truly talented, even if they did not take the Elixir, they could practice.

At that time, Dandao was not very popular, because they were favored by the longevity world, and Xiuwei had a great advantage over all the tribes.

In that era, Dan Shi was almost useless.

That is why, in that era, many prescriptions and medicines were lost.

Among them, the method of protecting the Dan was almost lost in that era.

Every era and every race will be favored by the longevity world.

The era of the human race is the world of the human race, and the situation at that time led to the human race not paying attention to Dan Dao, so that too many things in the Dan Dao world were lost.

And if you want to find something back, it is too difficult.

So much so today that many strong human races are thinking about the things of that era, the era that made them proud and pitiful, and there are many unspeakable flavors in their hearts.

"Xiao Xiaoyou actually has a pill protection method, but this is a nine-prong protection pill method."

"Although others may not, is it strange for me?" Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

For such a long period of time in the longevity world, he has already memorized many of the history of the longevity world. Of course, he knew what happened in the era of the human race. effect.

If Xiao Naihe is willing to hand over the "Nine-fold Yin-Yang Rune Array" to the mission hall, Xiao Naihe can definitely get another point against the sky.

However, Xiao Naihe also knew that if he did this, he would be known to those who were interested, and there must be a lot of trouble.

Mingren Patriarch looked at Qiye Patriarch and was just about to say something. Suddenly, Qiye Patriarch actually caught Xiao Naihe and bowed: "No, no, I really have to go to the teacher, the master is up, please accept After praying for a while, Tu'er wants to learn the master's Nine Ranks Protection Pill Formation. "

For seven nights, the ancestor didn't even need to hide his face in order to protect the Dan formation. This is also his obsession with the formation has reached a perverted degree, no less than Mingren's obsession with Dan Dao.

"I said old man, do you still have a face?"

Even Mingren's ancestors couldn't stand it anymore.

Seven Nights Patriarch shook his head, his face indifferent, but also expressed a natural attitude: "As the so-called master is a teacher, Xiao Xiaoyou is indeed much better than the old man in some areas of the battle. The old man worships in Master Xiao, what is wrong with learning his skills? "

"You really opened my eyes. I have seen so many cheeky people, but I have never seen you so cheeky."

No matter what the ancestor of Mingren said, Qiye ancestor simply followed Xiao Naihe's side.

If he exists at this level, if he really wants to learn Xiao Naihe's certain skills, there are some means to force Xiao Naihe to confess.

But Qiye Patriarch naturally cannot do this kind of thing, which is against his own heart.

Besides, since Xiao Nai dared to reveal some means, he naturally had his own plans, and he also had a way to deal with Qiye Patriarch.

"Ancestor Qiye, I don't have the idea of ​​accepting a disciple. You are already at the level of a god, I don't want to be noticed too much."

"Hey, what's wrong with the array gods, the master is the teacher, even if the other party is only an array master, if the skill is high, the old man I can also worship him as a teacher. Master Xiao Xiao, please don't call my ancestor, just call me seven nights Now. "

"Don't, I can call you the seven-night old man at most. I can't accept you as a disciple. Of course, if you want to learn my way of protecting the pill, it's not impossible."

Qiye Patriarch could not help getting excited, and quickly asked: "I don't know what Master Xiao Xiao has asked, or what requirements?"

"This, I haven't thought of it for a while. I'll talk about it when I think about it."

"Do n’t, if you say it now, you can do anything, as long as I can do it. If you want to take the position of my deputy dean, or even want the apprentice Xianer of Mingren ’s old man, I can think Way to get you connected. "

When Xiao Nai heard the old man's words, he could not help but twitch his lips slightly.

When Mingren Patriarch heard it, he couldn't help but his face changed a bit. He stared at Qiye Patriarch: "Want to hit Xian'er's idea? Qiye Old Man, you would think very much."

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