Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2506: The Seventh World (Part 2)

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Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, the palm of his hand was caught in the void, and a mysterious power of the Dharma Seal burst from his palm.

Just like the sky and thunder, it is endless.

Rumble rumbling.

The huge power of France and India thundered constantly, hitting the space in front of it, and the whole void was pulled into fragments by this thundering force.

At this time, every blood was very gloomy as if under thunder.

"Blood Lotus World."

At this time, a lotus flower appeared above the pale man's head. At the moment when the lotus flower was in full bloom, a huge blood flow continuously moved from the lotus flower.

The entire void became fragmented and pulled up violently. The blood lotus enveloped Xiao Naihe's dharma seal. It seemed that he would devour the power of his dharma seal into it.

The next moment, a strong blood lotus already appeared above Xiao Naihe's head.

The moment the blood lotus bloomed, it blocked Xiao Naihe all around.

"Don't move here, I'll come as soon as I go."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and he waved his hand to evolve a light in the void, and enveloped the star picking.

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe got a meal, as if ignoring the distance of space and the flow of time, and shot instantly.

In one shot, it seemed that thousands of miles of rivers gathered in the palm of your hand, and the mountains and rivers shattered, shattering the world into a vacuum world, and shaking the entire peacock holy land fiercely.

"Promise against the current, the road is forty-nine, and it will be a big show."

In Xiao Naihe's voice, it seemed to be full of some kind of wonderful power, and this power was filled with huge majesty, as if it was a golden saying.

Every word contains powerful power, and every power seems to represent the most advanced Tao Yun in this world.

"What avenue is this?"

The man froze slightly.

From a long time ago to now, their memories have been passed down from the blood monument.

Some previous memories are randomly inherited from the blood monument.

After they evolved from the blood monument, they will also get some of the memories.

Like this man now, he got some memories of this time from the time of the tribe to the blood.

In the memory, he has seen all kinds of roads in the longevity world, but Xiao Naihe has never seen such a road, which seems very strange.

Especially in the breath of the mysterious man in front of him, there seems to be some kind of thought that can restrain himself and make him instinctively produce fear.

Xiao Naihe ’s avenue is called Promise, and is re-evolved from six different avenues.

Wuji has a kind of essence, that is, Wuji produces Tai Chi, from nothing to existence, from nothing to nothing.

Wu Dao Dao has a kind of instinct restraint for the life created by the blood clan.

In other words, Xiao Naihe's road is very restrained by the blood people.

Neither Xiao Naihe nor this pale man knew this.

But after Xiao Nai He Shi exhibited his infinity, the pale man directly felt a certain reaction on the instinct, that was the instinctive fear of Xiao Nai He.

"Impossible, our blood race is not afraid of any existence, even the ancient saints. Why is this man who is equivalent to me, but it makes me feel instinctively afraid, this must be this man's strange magical power, see I broke him. "

The pale man waved his hand, only to see the few men who were also bloodless next to him, they started to work together, as if burning like ice and fire, they immediately attacked Xiao Naihe.

A few people punched and punched, and their blood exploded, as if they wanted to break away from the entire world of heaven and earth, and enveloped all their existence in their own world.

"Big blood continues to evolve."

The voice of the man came slowly, only to see another **** vortex emerge in the center of several of them. The huge **** vortex rushed into the sky, directly covering the land of thousands of miles, this piece of heaven and earth at this time, It was like falling into darkness.

"Without the Great God Wheel, the heavens will destroy the wheel!"

Why didn't Xiao Nai hurry, he grabbed his left and right hands in the void, and two different **** wheels immediately appeared in his palm, and then they grew bigger and bigger, just like a giant palm print.

At the moment when the two **** wheels became larger, they squeezed the **** vortex directly into fragments.


Xiao Nai burst into drinking.

The two **** wheels rolled and collided, hitting several blood races.

Those blood tribes seemed to be blocked by some invisible force, unable to move, and were squeezed into powder by two **** wheels.

"Sure enough, I just felt that my Infinite Dao seemed to spur their blood. The original powerlessness in the Infinite Dao could dissolve their blood."

There was a smile on Xiao Naiho's face.

He never imagined that the blood of these blood tribes was actually restrained by his immense doctrine.

But thinking about it, Wu Dao Dao evolved and merged with six kinds of avenues, and merged into one kind of avenue, among which reunion and crush.

The power to smash the points is to restrain the blood refining limits of the blood clan.

"The nemesis, his strength is the nemesis of our blood."

The pale man's face at this time really turned pale, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

That kind of fear stems from the fear above the instinct of the soul, which cannot be refused.

"Since my Wu Dao Dao restrained your blood, it would be better to do it, just take you down, wait for me to extract your memory, get what I want to know, and send you on the road."

"Oops, go!"

At this time, the pale man felt a breath of death.

That mysterious man really wants to refine himself.

The pale man's body was like a blood of light, slashed in the void, and suddenly retreated.

Where can Xiao Nai let this blood-race man leave, let alone his way of restraining the blood-race, even if he is not restrained.

With Xiao Naihe's current strength, this pale man was definitely crushed.

In the face of absolute power, as long as it is terrible, as long as it is crushed to death.


Xiao Naihe's eyebrows burst out into a dazzle, which was refracted instantaneously, forming a hexagonal space cage, crystal clear, enveloped the pale man.

The speed is so fast that the man's body is opened!

"Blood refining."

As soon as the man gritted his teeth, his body burst into a burst of blood, and the thick **** smell filled the void again.

"Xiao Naihe, he's about to explode and quickly back away."

At this time, Gu Shengzi's rapid voice came from the sea of ​​knowledge.

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