Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2518: Crystal coffin (below)

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The former Xiao Naihe, in fact, was Xiao Naihe before, and in the face of the crystal coffin would indeed feel very tricky.

Because he knows what is inside.

In Wang Yi's memory, Xiao Nai knows a lot of things in the longevity world, and even very secret things. Even in the era of idleness, many people don't know about things. Xiao Nai knows how.

Among them, including this crystal coffin, what exists in the crystal coffin, even the Lord will feel some headaches.

But to put it this way, Xiao Naiho has just stepped into this state now, and he is very confident. He feels that even if the thing inside the crystal coffin comes out, he will not have any worries.

Thinking of coming here, Xiao Nai suddenly thought about it, as if she had thought of something.

"Do you want to see this crystal coffin up close?"

Xiao Nai suddenly asked for opinions about picking stars.

Nodding subconsciously nodded.

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly: "Well, come with me."

Not just picking stars, but Xiao Nai is also very interested.

When he waved his hand, the light under his feet turned into a stream of clouds, and flew directly into the sky.

At this time, a group of black crows floated in the sky, and the crystal coffin they dragged released a very strange atmosphere around it, which seemed to isolate everything in this world.

Xiao Naihe just stood behind and felt the breath above the crystal coffin, which seemed to seal off the surrounding space.

"French Seals of Heaven, Heaven Wheel!"

Xiao Naihe heard a faint voice, and he waved his hand, only to see his handprints condense in the void, and then spread out, and the original fragments became a magic circle.

This magic circle formed four golden copper walls, blocking the crystal coffin.

Boom Boom!

At this moment, these crows stopped by Xiao Naihe suddenly burst into wailing sounds, just like the sound of a baby crying.

The breath around the crystal coffin also became thicker and thicker.

And Xiao Naihe listened to the sound of these crows, his expression remained unchanged.

On the contrary, it was picking stars next to me. When I heard these crows crying, I suddenly felt as if I had fallen into a bottomless hole.

Her soul seemed to feel a very strong sorrow at this moment, and her Dao Xin had a feeling of being completely sealed off.

It seems that as long as she listens to these crows crying, picking stars will definitely crush her heart, and then she will die and become a living dead.

"Keep your heart in mind, the origin of the road is to take the heart of Taoism as the root.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's voice seemed to be the sound of nature, and it came to the mind of picking stars. Picking stars only felt that his soul at this moment seemed to be affected by a very gentle force.

Originally, her own soul seemed to be taken away, and after hearing Xiao Naihe's voice, the invisible fear in her heart disappeared.

"Thank you, Master Xiao."

Picking the stars could not help moving.

She knew that it was Xiao Nai who brought back her heart.

Otherwise, after listening, even if there is only one breathing time, picking stars may be completely crushed by these crows.

"These crows are so scary, so what a terrible thing is in the crystal coffin."

Before picking the stars, I still felt that Xiao Nai was there, so I did n’t have to worry about anything.

But now it seems that it looks a little dangling.

"Stop it."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, and the enchantment formed was to stop the crystal coffin.

Boom Boom Boom!

The sound of crows grow louder and louder, almost spreading throughout the seventh world.

The otherwise silent Seventh Realm was also very gloomy at this time.

Xiao Nai was unmovable and immobile.

Now no one can influence Xiao Naihe's Dao heart, let alone the voices of these crows.

Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the crow stopped to stare at Xiao Naihe.

As if these crows had their own consciousness, they could fully understand what Xiao Nai was talking about.


After Xiao Naiho had just finished speaking, at this time, a long voice suddenly came from the crystal coffin.

It was like some kind of forcibly tearing the air, one after another.

This force is so powerful that even the star picker standing next to Xiao Naihe can feel that his whole person seems to have been pulled by a force.

"You don't have to be so nervous, you don't have to shoot. Do you think that I am still the one you saw you not long ago? Even if you come out of this crystal coffin now, I am not afraid of you, believe it or not?

Xiao Naihe smiled faintly and held out his hand. The streamer bursting out between his five fingers formed a bond on Xiao Naihe's body.

After the enchantment was condensed, it seemed to be a ball, protecting Xiao Naihe as a whole.

Around this ball, there is also Xiao Naihe's power of avenue, which can isolate the power of evading all laws.

That's right, the power released in the crystal coffin just now is a force of law.

"Still shoot?"

Xiao Naiho felt that in the crystal coffin, he once again released a force.

This force is directly formed in the void, as if at this moment, it has directly changed into a vast army of horses. The continuous rumbling is directly manifested from the illusion into the real state. .

"Is this illusion?" Facing the impact of thousands of horses and horses, even picking stars, felt a chill.

That impact is almost in the face of reality.

"This is not illusion. The things in the crystal coffin have used their own power to condense the origin of different dimensions. The soldiers and horses you see now are actually in another space. They are real. In the space, I can evade all laws, even these forces of origin. "

Xiao Nai smiled slightly, if before, Xiao Nai encountered such a method, I am afraid there is no other way.

But now, he caught the void as if he had caught the wind.

I saw that Xiao Nai was tearing away with ease, as if tearing the entire void.

Under the powerful will of Xiao Naihe, those forms of thousands of horses and horses instantly turned into flying ash annihilation, just like fragments of the soul of the gods, which were torn apart by Xiao Naihe.

"Don't be so fierce, I do have something, right, it should be said that I want to trade with you, this matter is good for you." Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

The power around the crystal coffin is also at this moment, all converging back in an instant.

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