Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2559: Mysterious key

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Thousands of stone statues in the first cave house, not every stone statue can get a chance.

These stone statues seem to be conscious, if the stone statues are in you, they will spit out the opportunity directly.

But once the stone statue doesn't eat your set, the spirit will be swallowed at the lightest level, and the life will be lost at the worst.

In this world of money, any chance is born with danger.

"We are seeking wealth and insurance, and I will come."

Although some people died in front of them just now, others did not want to give up.

Those who come here must have been prepared for a long time.

The cultivators were originally cultivating against the sky, and the road to monasticism is dangerous.

For them, there is no need to care about the dangers here.

Even if the chance of getting a chance is only 1 in 10,000, everyone is rushing.

"Haha, I got the chance."

"It's the Thor Pearl, but I didn't expect it to be a unique treasure."

"Ahhh! Let me go."

"Do not……"


In the first cave, various situations continue to occur.

Some people have been recognized by the stone statues, and opportunities have been obtained from them.

There are more people who not only get no benefit, but are even swallowed up by the dangers summoned from the stone statues.

Even after seeing these people die, many people continued to walk in front of the stone statues.

Thousands of stone statues, there are people in front of almost every stone statue.

Everyone carefully took out the Lingbi, waiting for the result of the stone statue.

"Sir, would you like to have one first?"

Zhan Tianli carefully asked Xiao Naihe.

In fact, this battle force is also very enthusiastic in his heart, he also wants to find a stone statue.

But Xiao Naihe is still here, he did not dare to act rashly, and he also wanted to see how Xiao Nai chose stone statues.

Xiao Naihe didn't answer. He walked to a stone statue in the corner.

This stone statue has no facial features, no person, no ghost, no ghost.

It is like a kind of ancient creature, with a very evil atmosphere.

Xiao Naihe's Dao Yun has been hidden very deeply. No one can see it in the field. Xiao Naihe is actually a master of the level of the holy.

He walked in front of this stone statue, but did not cause any idea.

Instead, Zhan Tianli closely followed Xiao Naihe.

I saw that the black light flashed in Xiao Naihe's hand, and it was another stone bridge and spirit bridge.

"Good boy, it is actually the Stone Bridge Lingbi. Shouldn't this kid want to use this Lingbi as a knocking brick?"

"The first stone statue in the First Cave House only needs a thousand pieces of bamboo bridges. Will the friends get it wrong?"

There is a kind-hearted old man who can't help but remind Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly: "It's okay, I just don't have a bamboo bridge Lingbi on my body, only this stone bridge Lingbi can do it."

When he heard Xiao Naihe's words, everyone around him couldn't help but look weird, and some people even looked a little different, looking at Xiao Naihe.

The value of a stone bridge Lingbi far exceeds a thousand bamboo bridge Lingbi.

Like Xiao Naihe said this, some people think that Xiao Naihe is just showing off in disguise.

But where do they know that Xiao Naihe really does not have a bamboo bridge spirit wall, and the stone bridge spirit wall is already the lowest value among all his spirit walls.

"Hey, this kid wants to be an injustice, maybe he will be swallowed by stone statues even after a while, even ..."

Speaking of which, the man gave a slight pause, a smile of bad intention on his face.

But when others heard it, it was natural to hear the deep sourness in this man's tone.

Where did Xiao Nai care about the eyes of others? The stone bridge Lingbi in his hand was placed in front of this statue. This time some people stopped to look at Xiao Naihe.

Because the first cave house is the first cave house in the money road of heaven and earth, the knock on the door is the least.

But Shiqiao Lingbi was used in this first cave house, and I have never heard of it.

These people also want to see what will happen when they come here

I saw the stone statue's eyes glowed with black light, and then swallowed the stone bridge Lingbi above the table.

"Why is the light of his stone statue different from ours?"

"The old man estimated that it was because he used the Stone Bridge Lingbi, and we used the Bamboo Bridge Lingbi."


"Don't believe it? Then try it for yourself, and cast a stone bridge to go down."

"Good boy, where do I have the Stone Bridge Lingbi? I don't have much bamboo bridge Lingbi now."

Several people talked about it, and Xiao Nai heard nothing.

Suddenly, in the eyes of this stone statue, a ray of light escaped and a secret book appeared.

"Vajra refining divine code."

When everyone saw the big characters on this cheat book, they couldn't help but scream.

After seeing this cheat book, some older generation masters suddenly changed their face, as if they thought of something.

"This is the ancient magic of the Vajra Gate. I remember that the descendants of the Vajra Gate entered the money path of heaven and earth, and the last person died in the first cave. , Is it from the Vajramon descendants? "

Some well-informed people thought of something at once.

The secret book in Xiao Naihe's hands was not the scriptures of the Buddha, the Devil, and the Chaoyang, but from the descendants of the Vajrasattva gates who had come to the first cave in search of opportunities.

"It seems that the legend is true. I heard that some of the opportunities of Tiandi Money Road are not simply produced from the Tiandi Money Road. Some of the opportunities are derived from the masters who broke through the Tiandi Money Road. Those masters died on the Tiandi Money Road. Inside, all the treasures and cheats on them have been absorbed by the world of money. "

The patriarch with a big gate said slowly.

Xiao Nai had long known that there would be such a thing.

Although there are endless opportunities in Tiandi Money Road, if it goes on like this, it will be opened in three hundred years, and in a few more years, the treasures in Tiantian Money Road will naturally be obtained cleanly.

Unless the Heaven and Earth Money Road can absorb the things from the cultivators who failed to pass the level, and transform it into the opportunity of the Heaven and Earth Money Road, then it can be endless.

"I heard that the Heaven and Earth Money Road once sealed a strong man of the Saint level. If the Heaven and Earth Money Road has the opportunity to use the things from the cultivators who failed to pass the level, then the good things of the strong man of the Holy Level will It will not and may become a certain opportunity for the money road of this world. "

A wise cultivator suddenly said that his eyes flickered like flames.

Not just him, the expressions of other people became extremely hot.

Lord, that is the Lord.

In their eyes, a saint is standing at the top of the longevity world. The treasures and cheats on them are so precious and rare.

If you can get any benefit from the Lord, you will be endless.

"Wait, what do you think that young man is doing?"

Someone came back to look at each other to Xiao Naihe, and was suddenly taken aback.

I saw Xiao Naiho threw the cheats in his hands into the stone statue without looking back, and walked directly towards the other stone statue in front.

"Don't he want that cheat book? That's the handed down cheat book of the King Kong Men."

"Is he dissatisfied with this opportunity? Is it possible that this stone statue can be exchanged for other opportunities?"

"Impossible, I have never heard that the opportunities in this first cave can still be replaced."

Several cultivators could not help being surprised when they saw how Xiao Nai did.

But what did a master of a big family think of, staring at Xiao Naihe violently, said: "Could it be ... this young man, can't get the money key?"

"What is a money key?"

"Legend, in this world of money road, there are money keys in each cave house, if you can complete the mysterious assessment, you can get the money key. Once the key of each cave house is collected, you can get the world road of money Mysterious heritage. "

"There is such a thing, why haven't I heard of it?"

"You have n’t heard that it ’s nothing, because there are very few people who can get the key to the money. At that time, the masters of the Terran League broke through the money road. Although they discovered this secret, they wanted to stick to it and get more keys. Individuals can do it. "

"In the first cave mansion, if you want to get the money key, you must pass three stone statues in succession, and each stone statue can not take the chance of the previous stone statue, otherwise it is regarded as giving up, so this young man gives the cheats he got to Throw it back. "

These people have already let go of their actions and looked at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe suddenly became the object of everyone's attention.

I saw Xiao Naihe walked in front of this stone statue and continued to take a stone bridge Lingbi from his arms.

The people around him saw the stone bridge Lingbi in Xiao Naihe's hands, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, but instead he had some preparations.

It was not as shocking to see Xiao Nai for the first time using the stone bridge Lingbi.

Opening his mouth with this stone statue directly grabbed the stone bridge Lingbi in Xiao Naihe's hands.


There was a constant sound in the mouth of the stone statue, as if there was a constant collision of stones.

Then, from the mouth of the stone figure, a radiant spit out, like the sun illuminating the night.

"That's the Huohuo family's hand-in-hand bead. I didn't expect to be here, so to say that the Fenghuo family died here. This news is true.

Some people recognized the origin of this bead.

But when everyone lamented Xiao Nai's good luck, Xiao Naihe once again threw the fire and fire beads into the stone statue.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe walked to the third stone statue and once again took out a stone bridge.

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