Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2646: Victory

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From the beginning, the Immortal Lord has never thought of using his golden body to open the door of the void.

Although Wang Fuzi joined forces with the Undead Lord, he was also guarded.

When Wang Fuzi detonated his golden body, he completely guided the power of the golden body to his side. Once the door of the void came out, he could escape as soon as he was in the state of the spirit body.

Even the Immortal Lord ca n’t get ahead.

But Wang Fuzi didn't anticipate that Xiao Nai was able to sternly suppress himself and seal it into the 'Cause and Effect Chain'.

The Immortal Lord is taking advantage of the gate of the void that has not closed yet to escape.

"Can't let him escape."

Spirit Buddha's face changed slightly. If this immortal lord was allowed to escape outside, it would be almost impossible to win the immortal lord in the future.

Because in this fragmented world, Xiao Nai has the ability to suppress the undead Lord and King Confucius.

Once he went outside, the spiritual Buddha knew that even Xiao Naihe was afraid that he would not be able to win the unholy sage.

Thinking about this, the spirit Buddha started immediately.

The golden light blooming behind him instantly formed an aura of auspiciousness and turned into a golden Buddha statue.

When this buddha statue appeared, the sky above it suddenly seemed very peaceful, as if it were not the **** Buddha.

"War Buddha!"

The Buddha's light was in full bloom, and the golden Buddha statue opened its eyes at this time, and the huge Buddha's palm was photographed in front of the Immortal Lord.

"It is worthy of the spirit Buddha, and the existence of the sages of Ten Heavenly Devil Building."

The pity of the moon standing behind the spirit Buddha, the shock in his heart, so close to seeing the magical power of the Buddha like the spirit Buddha, the heart could not restrain the shocking emotion.

If Xiao Naihe's magical power has made Yuelianxin feel mysterious, the magical power of the spirit Buddha is the real expression of strength.

Although Xiao Naihe's various methods are extremely powerful, Yue Lianxin can't really see through them.

It is far less than the purest and most primitive power of the Spirit Buddha, directly using brute force to suppress it, and the real vertical and horizontal **** is shocking.

Whirring whirring!

The sound of the wind blew up, and the endless blood and golden light filled the entire void instantly, and it became extremely chaotic.

"Spirit Buddha, your defeat will still want me to stay, you are too worthy of yourself. Hahahaha."

The immortal Lord laughed wildly.

"Really? The power of cause and effect, the seed of origin."

Xiao Nai He Danran's voice sounded, his five fingers spread out, and suddenly he tore apart dozens of chains into a mist, and merged into the gate of the void.

For a time, the entire Void Gate became chaotic.


The Undead Sovereign screamed, and the Spirit Buddha could see that the Undead Sovereign's flesh was actually held by Xiao Naihe's death.

But at this moment, the undead sacred body burned a burst of blood, and became erratic.

Xiao Naihe grabbed the body of the Undead Sovereign, and finally was forced to struggle by the other party, but half of the body and flesh of the Undead Sovereign were forcibly captured by Xiao Naihe.

The master of the level of the Lord, even if the body is split in half, there is a way to recover.

But Xiao Nai used the power of cause and effect and origin to completely restrain the original power of the undead saint.

In other words, although the Undead Sovereign separated half of the flesh and blood, the power of the half of the flesh and blood remained in the flesh and blood, and was not brought back by the Undead Sage.

After a while, the blood that burned on the undead sage was directly disappeared into the gate of the void, and the kung fu of the finger was no longer visible.

Seeing that the undead Sage left, even Xiao Nai did not retain the other party. The Spiritual Buddha sighed gently: "Let this person run away, I am afraid that there will be another catastrophe for the human race in the future."

Yue Lian was silent, looking at Xiao Naihe, and could not help but ask carefully: "Son, Xiao, with your ability, can't you still leave the Undead Lord?"

Xiao Nai smiled slightly: "I know what you think, if it is under normal circumstances, I can use many of my means, in this fragmented world, I can indeed leave the undead Lord, but the kind of magical power he finally showed is In ancient times, a very mysterious magical power was forbidden. It can reverse the void and transform it into a state of nothingness. Without absolute preparation, I can't keep him. "

At that time, Xiao Naihe was indeed weak. If you give him a few more breathing time, he can use the power of causality to turn it into substance and re-enact the rules in this fragmented world, forcibly leaving the Immortal Lord.

Unfortunately, at that time, it was impossible to leave Xiao Naihe so much time, and finally let this immortal Lord fled.

"It turns out that it is a pity. This immortal Lord has spent so many years in this fragmented world. The origin of Qi is definitely a study of some mystery. Once he is returned to the eternal life, he is afraid that it will be more dangerous than before. More, I do n’t know how much disaster the human race will face in the future. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head and said indifferently: "That's not necessarily the case, the Undead Lord was forcibly retained by me half of the flesh and blood, and the power left in half of the flesh and blood is enough for him to cultivate and recuperate for thousands of thousands of years During this time, his strength is absolutely impossible to be as weak as the peak period, and will even become weaker. And his origins are really me, I have sucked it back. "

Xiao Naihe used Chaos Heavenly Stones to absorb the origin of Qi of the Undead Sage and Wang Fuzi. This is the same as what he said before, these two people have no insight into the mystery of origin of Qi.

It was as if Xiao Naihe was a magnet, and the origin of those two people was really iron, which was directly absorbed by Xiao Nai as soon as he was absorbed.

"What will Xiao Shi do next? Now the Immortal Lord Zun and Wang Fuzi are already fleeing and suppressing each other. Are we going to stay in this fragmented world and wait until the time to leave."

"Waiting time? Does the master still want to wait to understand the origin of the origin and leave the place naturally, or does the master want to explode his body and forcefully bomb a door to the void? Rest assured, I can safely leave here, but in Before that, I will do one thing. "

"whats the matter?"

"Conquer this fragmented world."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's brow suddenly released a ray of light, a ray of light that could accommodate all existence.

"Conquer this fragmented world."

When Lingfuzi and Yuepian listened to them, their faces suddenly changed, and they took a breath.

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