Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2653: Mysterious Naughty Son (Part 1)

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Two people walked in the downtown area, crowded with people, Xiao Nai suddenly couldn't help but sigh.

"In the final analysis, this world is actually a mortal world."

"How to say? The strength in the longevity world is respected, isn't it our world of cultivators? Only our cultivators can customize the rules."

"Really? Many cultivators started from mortals. Everything in the world started from red dust. Causal reincarnation, even if we are cultivators, is inevitable."

Bei Qiong was silent. Although she didn't speak, she also had some thoughts in her heart.

She also had to admit that Xiao Naihe said something reasonable, and Bei Qiong was not a person with a very deep background.

Bei Qiong also began to cultivate from mortals, and cultivated step by step to the present state.

It can be said that there are too many cultivators in their human race, not only from the beginning, they have a unique background, most of them start from mortals.

No one is born a monk.

No one is born to be a strong character.

As soon as everyone is born, they start from scratch and start to grow from the ordinary child.

Xiao Nai is no exception.

Because they are not a kind of divine beast or holy beast.

"However, although our human race is not as good as before, at least it has slowly started to improve and it has recovered."

Beiqiong's hope for the human race is still very good.

"Era changes in the longevity world, one era has another era in the past, and there has never overlapped two same eras in the past. The human era has passed, and if you want to re-start another human era, I am afraid it is unlikely. , Not as simple as you think. "

Xiao Nai looked at Bei Qiong and said lightly.

The longevity world has its own will. It is absolutely not allowed to appear twice, even three times or four times in the same era.

Looking at these three years, the age of the tribe, the age of the blood, and the age of the Buddha and the Devil, when did they reappear again?

It is like the era of the Buddha and the Devil. If there is any interference from the will of the eternal life, I am afraid that this era can really survive for a long time, and it may even be passed on forever.

In the end, the will of the longevity world was shot, which directly cut off the roots of the era of Buddha and Demon.

The masters of the two great kingdoms of Buddha and Demon are also unwilling to join forces to create a causal tree. They want to use the power of the causal tree to stop the ability of the eternal life.

The power of cause and effect is indeed strong, and once any existence is infected with cause and effect, this cause and effect wheel can never be avoided.

Even the will of the longevity world is no exception, but the masters of the kingdom of Buddha and Demons have overlooked a phenomenon.

That is, as long as it is in the world of longevity, there is absolutely no way to resist the will of the world of longevity.

Unless their causal power is strong enough to transcend the will of the eternal life, they will not be able to fight the will of the eternal life.

However, in the longevity world, how could this will see you stronger than it.

So for so long in the longevity world, almost no one can jump out of the longevity world.

Because all people are suppressed by the will of the longevity world.

There are two exceptions, one is Wang Yi.

At that time, Wang Yi created a battlefield, created a road of change, surpassed the limitations of the longevity world with his own avenue, and jumped out of the framework of the avenue.

The other person is Xingzu.

Xingzu is not a person in the eternal life world, he is a foreigner, but Xingzu is too powerful, if he wants to enter the eternal life, once this will wants to contend and reject Xingzu, it is not impossible, Will definitely pay a very high price.

Therefore, this will does not exclude Xing Zu, but only allows Xing Zu to enter its own plane world.

Even if Xingzu acts in the eternal life world, there is no way for the eternal life world will suppress him, only to restrain it a little bit.

These two people, because they are strong to a certain level, can't control the will of the longevity world.

However, because of the presence of these two people, the will of the longevity world has its own means, as long as it is not the power of its own phase, it is absolutely not allowed to exceed itself.

Why are there everlasting goddesses? Why can a cultivator get real energy for longevity?

This is the means of the will of the longevity world, it is to cultivate their own forces.

This will also grows, it also needs to be detached, and like the Lord, to become more powerful.

And those who have the vitality of longevity are the objects of the will observation of the longevity world, borrowing their practice to pry into the opportunity.

"Why did Brother Xiao have some opinions about the human race?"

"It's not that I have a prejudice against the human race, but I look far and know the nature of the longevity world. You have seen so many times in the longevity world, has any era repeated twice?"

Bei Qiong couldn't help but stunned slightly, then shook his head.

"This is the longevity world. In fact, the longevity world has its own will. It does not allow an era to appear at the same time. The peak of the human race era has passed and it is impossible to reappear."

"Is it really impossible?" Bei Qiong was a little unwilling. As a human race, her heart has always been towards the human race, and she always hopes that the human race can once again show her own glory.

"It's not impossible, you come with me."

After talking, a white mist filled Xiao Naihe's body, forming a light mask, holding the two of them and sending them into the air.

After a while, the two suddenly appeared on top of the mountain.

"What do you see when you look down?"

Bei Qiong followed Xiao Naihe's words and looked down at him.

I saw a crowd of people, mountains, rivers, forest beasts.

"What we see is the reduced view of this continent. Similarly, if we look at a higher position, we can see a larger and wider picture. The eternal life will is looking down from this height Sentient beings. "

Between the words, Xiao Nai raised his head and pointed to the sky again, as if he had penetrated into the sky.

At this time, Bei Qiong seemed vaguely aware.

"This is the same reason. The eternal life will stand at the highest level, so it has the right to speak. Like our practitioners, as long as you can stand tall, you can have your own right to speak. The best way is to stand taller than you. The will of the longevity world is even higher. "

Wang Yi gave Xiao Naihe's memory thoughts, which were all related to the study of the longevity world and the real energy of the longevity. Those were Wang Yi ’s greatest experiences when he was in the longevity world. He relied on these research results to surpass the longevity world .

Xiao Naihe just stood on Wang Yi's shoulders, but he also had his own experience, so he looked slightly further than Wang Yi.

"Standing higher than the will of the longevity world, can you surpass the longevity world? Can you really achieve this kind of thing?"

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Bei Qiong couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

She heard Xiao Naihe's words today, and it was a new world.

Bei Qiong is also a very intelligent person. Hearing these words from Xiao Naihe, he will soon be able to understand some of the truths in Xiao Naihe's words.

In the past, she thought that the Lord was the most powerful being in the world.

But now from what Xiao Nai said, the Lord is not actually the strongest person.

It should be said that as long as it is deep in the eternal life world, the sacred person who cannot detach himself is not the strongest, not even the will of the eternal life world.

"Of course it is possible, of course, someone can do such a thing."

At this moment, suddenly a laid-back laugh came, as if Qinser intersected, playing a very beautiful sound.

After listening to this voice, Bei Qiong only felt that his mind was as if it were erratic, and there was a feeling of relaxation.

"You have listened to us for so long, just for this moment?"

Xiao Naihe didn't move, but he looked in a certain direction, his eyes flashed like red lightning.

You can even hear the sound of "zizizi" in the void, just like a very sharp voice after the lightning broke through the sky.

Afterwards, under the reminder of Xiao Naihe's voice, Bei Qiong violently recovered and quickly backed away.

She is also a master of the longevity world. After the achievement of the passive mid-term, the perception has become very sensitive. With the ability of the celestial machine, few people can cross their perception.

But now, some people can quietly appear near them, which makes Bei Qiong suddenly alert.

"Who is it?"

"I am just a passerby."

The voice in the void came again, but this time Xiao Naihe did not have any nonsense, but snorted coldly, and stepped slightly under his feet.


The ground suddenly cracked open, and a cold mountain that flowed out, like Bai Lian, was cut above the volley and directly broke the space.

"Good means, this kind of space magical power is really amazing."

I saw that Bai Lian in the void seemed to be pinned by a mysterious force at this moment, and disappeared instantly, as if it was introduced into another void.

Slowly, from afar, a vast and aura-like breath directly swept through.

This force completely suppresses his majesty. It can be seen that people should suppress their own authority, but they cannot suppress it.

It was a man, a man in a Chinese suit, facing like a crown jade, very handsome.

It seems that it is only 16 or 7 years old.

However, in Xiao Naihe's eyes, one's appearance is the least able to judge the age.

He slowly operated the heavenly star map, the stars in his eyes flickered, and seemed to have penetrated everything in this crown jade man.

"Huh? Is this still the case?"

There was a trace of surprise in Xiao Naiho's face, which was his very rare expression.

After reaching his realm, he was rarely surprised by anything, but just now he calculated some things using the celestial star map, and was really surprised.

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