Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2685: He lost

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"Eternal life is really the same as the information investigated by the fellow Xingzu, Qilian Mountain really has some relationship with that person."

Xiao Nai suddenly had a decision in his heart.

After Xingzu entered the longevity world, in order to see the essence of the longevity world and hide its strength, he investigated various things in the longevity world.

Xiao Naiho's understanding of the longevity world is half derived from the memory of Xingzu.

The time of Qilian Mountain creation is very far away, so far away that Lian Wu Bingning didn't know it.

From what Wu Bingning just said, this woman seems to think that Qilian Mountain was only created in these two eras.

However, in the investigation of Xingzu, Qilian Mountain created much longer than two eras, even before the beginning of the blood race.

Qilian Mountain is arguably one of the most mysterious sects in the longevity world.

The disciples in this sect have never exceeded five.

Everyone has the ability to shake earth and earth, as soon as they are born, they will be attracted by all forces.

The disciples who came out of Qilian Mountain did not know the purpose. Every time they came out, they would find some special masters to compete.

It's like this time, this woman is looking for Tianchenzi, a passive late strongman within a Jiazi.

But Xiao Nai can see that this woman is also a master within a Jiazi.

The characters who can achieve the passive late period within 60 years of age can be counted with both hands.

"Strange? The breath of that woman has become strange, what power is that?"

While Xiao Nai was thinking about things, Shangguan Jiajia suddenly called out.

Wu Bingning's expression seemed a little cautious, and there was also a puzzled look in his eyes.

Although she does not know what this power is, it is definitely not a simple power, otherwise she will not even see through herself, or even Wu Bingning feels the mysterious power in that woman, there is a way to put everything between heaven and earth The ability to contain it and turn it into its own.

It is normal for these people not to know that Changsheng is really angry. There are not many people in this longevity world who know that they are really angry. Many people have never seen it in their lifetime.

Especially after the age of the three tribes, the long-lived goddess disappeared mysteriously. After many unknown times, it has not been passed down.

Many people have even forgotten the existence of a long-lived goddess.

"But it seems that Brother Tianchenzi did not fall into the disadvantage. He still has a lot of winners."

When Wu Bingning spoke, he looked at Xiao Naihe: "I don't know Master Xiao ..."

At this moment, Wu Bingning's voice was slightly suspended, and she found that Xiao Naihe had closed her eyes. She seemed unconscious to watch the contest outside, and even yawned.

Obviously this level of battle is definitely a visual feast for many cultivators, and it will greatly help Shangguan Jiajia and Lingxiang.

The direct contest between the two passive late strongmen, it is difficult for the human race to have a chance to meet again.

But Xiao Nai could actually ignore it and close her eyes boredly.

"You talk, Sister Bing Ning asks you."

Shangguan Jiajia was a little embarrassed. She and Wu Bingning had a good relationship. Seeing Wu Bingning being ignored by Xiao Naihe, she could only quietly pull Xiao Naihe's sleeve.

Seeing Wu Bingning keep silent, it is obviously a bit angry at Xiao Naihe's attitude.

"Jia Jia don't embarrass Xiao Gongzi, Xiao Gongzi has a lot of magical powers, and naturally he wouldn't like this kind of battle." Wu Bingning's tone was slightly sullen.

Speaking of which Wu Bingning is a girl after all, the temper of a girl is normal.

"Well, this level of battle really doesn't look too good."

Xiao Naihe opened his eyes slightly, swept Wu Bingning, and said with an open mouth.

"Oh? Did Mr. Xiao have any insight?"

As the sister of Tianchenzi, Wu Bingning also felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Xiao Naihe's words.

In Wu Bingning's mind, her brethren's talent can be said to be the first person since Qinglong College was founded, and will take the path of the holy sage in the future.

When Xiao Naiho said so, it is no wonder that Wu Bingning's tone was a bit uncomfortable.

Xiao Nai smiled faintly: "What can be the result? The woman of Qilian Mountain has won. Unless your brother has anything to surpass his strength, there is no chance of winning."

"Is this Mr. Xiao's superior opinion? It seems that Mr. Xiao understands the magical power of that woman very well? Or is it disrespectful to my brother?"

Wu Bingning smiled without anger.

"Is that woman in Qilian Mountain? I don't know what she has, and I don't know your brother. But if you lose, you lose."

"Since Prince Gong said that my younger brother was defeated, why don't you ask Master Xiao to ask Bing Ning's doubts?"

"You don't need to worry, unless your brother has any powerful cards, you must lose within three moves. Of course, this kind of battle wants to overcome that woman, unless it is your consciousness of life and death."

Xiao Naihe, who said Xu Xu, no longer spoke at the moment, but looked at this battle with boring faces.

The woman of Qilian Mountain has already got a certain amount of longevity. If you can't win, you can only say that this woman is too useless.

Even if the amount of eternal vitality that this woman gets is extremely rare, it is enough to cope with Heavenly Son.

Wu Bingning snorted softly, and no longer ignored Xiao Naihe.

In her eyes, Xiao Naihe was nothing more than an arrogant kid, presumably a little capable, and thought he knew everything together.

Wu Bingning's feelings about Xiao Naihe's current situation suddenly dropped by several grades.

"Women, my trick is my own secret method, you have to be careful."

In the field, Tianchenzi put up a move, his body tilted slightly toward the front, and with a double fist, the body burst like an artillery shell and burst out instantly.


Jiangmian was suddenly blown out of a huge vortex hole, blowing out the airflow in all directions.

At this moment, Tian Chenzi's body seemed to be surrounded by layers of Liu Guanghui, appearing very expressive.

In every move, there is a boxing spirit that dominates everything.

This boxing spirit seemed to travel through time and space, ignoring the world of space. His eyes shone with light, and countless words flashed in his eyes, showing a superb wisdom.

His boxing spirit penetrated the void and formed a series of white exercises, lined up in the void, representing his never-ending head of fist idea.

"Brother Shih, this unique skill came out. It seems that the woman of Qilian Mountain will not be an opponent."

After talking, Wu Bingning also looked at Xiao Naihe unintentionally, as if to see a trace of embarrassment on Xiao Naihe's face.

It's just that Xiao Naihe's face is very calm, with a light smile, or that pair can't affect his expression.

When Wu Bingning considered whether to speak, suddenly, the woman on the field was directly rammed towards the front.

That's right, after facing a powerful punch like Tianchenzi, this woman not only did not retreat, but moved forward bravely.

"What's the plan for this woman?"

Lingxiang froze for a moment, even she couldn't see through herself.

Wu Bingning narrowed his eyes. In her view, the woman should have exploded temporarily, desperately.

Bang Bang Bang.

On this woman's body, a layer of white mist spread out instantly, and the eternal vitality at this moment formed a coat of armor and treasure, which wrapped the woman's body tightly and tightly.

"Useless, my punch can ignore all strength and pierce through."

Tianchenzi shook his head, his voice seemed extremely confident.

He has hidden his strength for so many years. Less than a year of Jiazi's cultivation into a passive period, he just waited for this time to shine in the five-yard Dabi.

This was something that was planned a long time ago. Nowadays, Tianchenzi is in a state of extreme aura, and he has no problems at all.

"Jinmu water, fire and earth, with five elements in between, live forever and live forever. Tianchenzi lost."

Xiao Nai had to say something.

Wu Bingning frowned, but she didn't expect Xiao Naihe to be hard-mouthed at this time, and her affection for Xiao Naihe dropped to a freezing point.

At this time, Tianchenzi, this fist formed a bridge above his head.

This bridge seems to connect the two ends of heaven and earth, ignoring all space-time distances.

Afterwards, the bridge seemed to be transformed into a physical state under the auspices of the boxing spirit, and it struck directly towards the woman, and it was necessary to smash the other party under the river.

In an instant, the rivers and rivers raged in full swing.

After the bridge hit the woman's armor and treasure, there was a crack, and a burst of fist burst from the gap, becoming very chaotic.

It was like a box that was pryed open, and it was completely exposed in front of everyone. The boxing spirit on the bridge was also directly collapsed and collapsed at this moment.

The armor formed by the white mist on the woman's body now turned into layers of characters and formations, which seemed extremely mysterious.

Fuse together, transform into tens of thousands of formation patterns, and dissolve the boxing intention.


Tianchenzi's body retreated sharply, but it was too late to avoid this layer of white mist. A powerful will suddenly revealed from this mysterious white mist power, attacking the spirit of Tianchenzi.

Tianchenzi was shocked, retreating irrevocably, only standing on the spot and grabbing.

"You lose, you can't do it either."

The woman of Qilian Mountain started to speak, her voice was extremely cold, and there was no trace of emotion, just like a mechanical read.

She didn't even have the joy of victory.

At this moment, Tianchenzi looked as if he was not earthy. Although the other party did not start anymore, Tianchenzi's self-confident Taoist heart had finally cracked, and he had a thought that he was not a genius.

Even if the other party did not kill him, the courtier felt that he would die even worse.

"How is it possible? The younger brother will actually lose? How could someone in this generation be able to surpass the younger brother?"

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