Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2703: Black blood, Yuan Nian (Part 1)

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After Xiao Nai got the blood monument in the Peacock Holy Land, he directly collected the blood monument into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Even Xiao Nai didn't have time to study, so he threw it directly to Gu Shengzi.

He knew that it would be difficult to study the cause from the blood stele. Otherwise, when the ancient saints got the blood stele, they had already studied the true meaning of life on it. Where would the blood tribe cause great trouble?

Gu Shengzi is, after all, a holy and powerful person. It is most appropriate for him to study the mystery in the blood monument.

Although Gu Shengzi also wanted to wait for Xiao Naihe to study together, but after coming out of the Peacock Holy Land, Xiao Naihe had no time.

Xiao Naiho seems to be doing nothing, but in fact, after coming out of the Peacock Holy Land, he often does not get much free time.

The rush to the Royal Academy from Suzaku College is also to get news about the longevity of the heavenly daughter from Gong Yueling.

The longevity goddess has already appeared, and Xiao Naihe also knows that the other party is in Qilian Mountain, but where is Qilian Mountain in the end, this is unknown.

Prior to the disappearance of the Realm King, Xiao Nai had to find a longevity goddess and protect him to fulfill one of the conditions of the longevity goddess, as well as his favor.

At that time, many people knew that the Realm King had found the Changsheng Tiannv and took it back to the ancient clan.

However, they did not know that at that time, Changsheng Tiannv accidentally pointed out Jie Wang's doubts. At that time, Jie Wang did not have much desire to occupy Changsheng Tiannv Yuanyin.

He owes a favor to the longevity goddess.

And Xiao Naihe got huge benefits from the realm king. Without the legacy of the ancient realm, Xiao Naihe was afraid that there would be no way to step into the passive realm until now.

Therefore, Xiao Nai and He owed to the king of the world would be too great. It is not enough to simply take in the descendants of the ancient world.

Secondly, Xiao Naihe wanted to find a longevity goddess, not only for the favor of Jie Wang, but Xiao Naihe also had her own plans and had to find a longevity goddess.

"Xiao Naihe, it's finally waiting for you. Since you threw the blood monument into it, you don't care about anything here."

At this moment, Gu Shengzi's voice interrupted Xiao Naihe's thoughts.

A shadow emerged from behind the blood stele, and it suddenly came over, it was the ancient son ‘Pan’.

Xiao Nai sat on the floor, naturally in his own knowledge of the sea.

"The true meaning of life on this blood monument is more important to you than me. For me, the priority is not high. I also have to get free time before I come in."

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Gu Shengzi couldn't help but embarrassed a smile, "That's what I said, but it's impossible for me alone to participate in the true meaning of the blood on the stele."

"You can't get through, why did I get through? You have a generation of ancient saints and saints, the pinnacle of the three-clan era. If you can't get through, maybe I don't have that ability."

"You are a person with good luck. In general, you can do many things with good luck. If you don't have this chance, you can't get a blood monument."

"Oh? I really can't get through."

"Come on, come this time, you must have mastered certain abilities, and you must have an understanding of the mystery above the blood monument. Otherwise, you cannot choose to come in at this time."

Gu Shengzi showed an old fox-like smile. After all, he was a strong man at the level of the Lord. He could infer something with a little inference.

"You're quite clever, I did find a little bit, but I can't say if I can penetrate the mystery above this blood monument."

"It's enough to find something. It's enough to find something. I can wait. It doesn't matter if I wait another time. Anyway, after so many years, I don't worry about waiting for one or two more times.

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Gu Shengzi can wait, he can't wait.

He did not think that in order to recast the life of the ancient saints, he had to spend one or two times in this eternal life.

Gu Shengzi followed Xiao Naihe, only to see Xiao Naihe stretched out his hand, and there was a burst of emerald green light between his five fingers, like a streamer of characters, surrounding the blood monument.

"There is still a **** smell on this blood monument? It seems that the black blood really killed a lot of people at the time. It has accumulated so much anger and it is really a bit of a trouble to get rid of it."

Xiao Nai frowned.

Only the space inside the blood monument can be entered by Xiao Nai. Gu Shengzi is now just out of a state of mind. Once deep into the inner space of the blood monument, it is likely to be bounced out, or even directly worn away.

As soon as the thought moved, Xiao Naiho injected his own mind into the inner space of the blood monument, and the soul body seemed to become a light and blend into it.


Among the blood monuments, a **** gust of wind swept up suddenly, bursting incomparably, as if torn the sky and shattered the earth.

The tyrannical atmosphere was extremely eerie.

Blood gas surrounds it, and the entire inner space suddenly shows the shape of hell.

"Is this the inner world of the blood monument?"

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of anger was very tyrannical in it. Even the semi-holy level strongman stayed here for a long time, and could be ingested at any time.

"Really uncomfortable, there is no need to exist in this world."

After finishing the talk, Xiao Nai and his eyebrows flew out a rune in the form of ‘卍’.

Xiao Naihe held out his hand just to grab it, and suddenly grabbed the entire world of blood monuments.

His catch shrouded in the whole world.

Originally already a tyrannical **** world, he became wildly hunted at this time, sending out a torn world-like sharpness.

"Five days and ten places, the avenue is the same as before."

Xiao Naihe slapped with two palms, and his body was radiant, as if he had become an ancient saint, the breath of holiness spread from his body.

Say it all!

This is the means Xiao Nai is good at. When his soul reaches an impeccable state, one can become sacred, one can become a buddha, and one can be changed at any time.

"I am immortal, I am immortal!"

At this moment, in this **** world, a sharp cry suddenly came out.

This sound seems to break the whole blood monument, break the whole **** world, rush out of the sea and return to the outer world.

"Xuanxue, do you still have a few thoughts in it? It's really a ghost."

"You can't kill me, I'm" Xuan ", no, I'm the idea of ​​the blood of" Yuan ", no one can kill me."

The voice shouted wildly.

The "Yuan" said in the other party's mouth is that Xiao Nai was in the second plane, and he saw the horrible monster "Yuan" in the ancient war picture.

From the memory of De Cangwolf, this monster called ‘Yuan’ seems to claim to be ‘Mysterious’.

Therefore, this idea in the blood monument will also call itself 'Xuanxue'.

Whether it is ‘Yuan’ or ‘Xuan’, it ’s just a code name.

But for its origin, Xiao Naihe did not know.

This ‘Xuanxue’ is just the separation of the sperm and blood in the ‘Yuan’ body, which falls in the eternal life world and forms a self-consciousness.

You can nurture life out of thin air, get rid of the control of the eternal life world, jump out of the eternal life system, and you can't help but even that will.

Not to mention how powerful the "Yuan" body is.

But now Xiao Naihe's main focus is still on this 'black blood'.

"Even if" Yuan "appears, you won't be able to save you. You are nothing but the blood of" Yuan ", which is still much worse than that monster."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

When I saw the picture of that ancient war, even Xiao Naihe now, I thought it was terrifying.

He knew that even if he is now, he is definitely not an opponent of Yuan, Yi and Huang.

Unless Xiao Nai can evolve his starry sky into a small Taiyu, digest all the opportunities he got.

For example, fully exert the power of the causal tree, and integrate the power of Baosha Tianshu into your body.

In this way, he may have that ability.

Of course, Xiao Nai didn't need to deal with this "black blood" so much trouble.

"You also know my identity, who the **** are you?"

Xuan Xue's tone seemed a little suspicious, vaguely revealing a fear.

"You do n’t need to know, anyway, you will be completely refined by me and completely disappeared. Unfortunately, you are not a real life form, otherwise you will refine your memory thoughts, I might know some What about "Yuan". "

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Between the words, the five fingers were pressed down, and they looked like empty mountains, suppressed in this **** world, and enveloped half the world.

"I am eternal, you cannot destroy me, don't waste your time."

Xuan blood issued a cold irony, the body continued to grow, the **** radiance turned into nothingness, no physical state.

This profound blood does not exist in substance, and it is no wonder that the other party is not afraid of Xiao Nai.

No matter how powerful Xiao Nai is, it is nothingness, so there is no way to kill him.

"It turns out that there is no state? There is no substantive state. No wonder you are so sure. Indeed, it is really a big problem to destroy you."

Xiao Nai frowned.

Xuan Xue smiled coldly: "Then let me go, maybe I can give my ability to comprehend life ..."

The profound blood hadn't been finished. Suddenly, I saw a big tree flying out of Xiao Naihe's eyebrows. The emerald green light suddenly bloomed in this **** time.

Rich anger and mysterious thoughts surround it, and it seems to purify the world.

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