Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2708: Negotiation strategy

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"I'm afraid that the Royal Academy and the Qinglong Academy should be holding two trump cards, and this special rule should be used in the final round."

Wu Tongtian's face is not very good-looking.

Everyone present knew that Wu Kongshan of the Royal College and the secret master of the Qinglong College were afraid that they were not fuel-efficient lamps.

"And I have also heard that it seems that the Royal Academy is interesting and wants to call out Kirin Emperor and let him participate in this conference."

"What? Emperor Kirin?"

When everyone heard it, they could not help but take a breath.

What level of existence does Kirin Emperor exist? That is a master who surpassed the five great geniuses. The top champion among the first batch of students of the Royal Academy is also the top three in the entire Royal Academy at this stage.

In the same way, among the students of the five colleges, Kirin Emperor is definitely the master of the first three levels, even the first.

"No, I heard that Kirin Emperor seemed to have participated in the opening of the world's money road. Why did he come here?"

"The Heaven and Earth Money Road has long been closed. Although I haven't got any news about the Heaven and Earth Money Road this time, but the Emperor Qilin appears here, then there is only one possibility. He must be in the Heaven and Earth Money Road. A huge opportunity. The former Kirin Emperor alone is not good enough to deal with it, and now I do n’t know what the chance is. "

Suddenly, the seniors on the side of Suzaku College were all frowning.

Many people know the strength of the Kirin Emperor. The champion of the Royal Academy is appointed as the heir to the Royal Academy, and may even compete for the position of the Holy Lord in the Human League.

Once this person joins this time, I am afraid that no one can compete with him.

For the first time, the Royal College participated in the five-comparison, it is estimated that it would like to borrow this one to force down the opponent.

"Is Emperor Qilin going to participate or not? Let's focus our attention first. We don't have any chances. There are Gongyueling in the lineup, Chutian in the martial way, and Lingyue in the pill path. Unfortunately this time, The girl did not participate, otherwise we are not without opportunities. "

Chen Wuji said regretfully.

"Since the predecessors were so impressed by Xian'er, Xian'er was really flattered. This time he was ordered by the teacher to come to help the Academy."

At this moment, a softly fluttering word came from outside the door, and it was like a drizzle that hit the hearts of everyone, awakening the softness deep inside everyone.

"This is, fairy girl?"

Wutong looked back fiercely.

I saw a beautiful girl standing in the back, this person is no one else, it is the fairy of Dan Daoyuan.

"This woman is the fairy of Dan Dao Yuan? The leading figure among the young students of the previous generation?"

Some young students at Suzaku College are looking at Xian'er, and Gong Yueling is no exception.

Her eyes were also slightly on Xian'er.

In Suzaku College, almost no one does not know Xian'er.

Two of the younger generation must know, Chu Tian, ​​Xian'er.

Chu Tian was a strong man in the martial arts academy, and he received Wang Huaian's stern school, one of the five great geniuses.

Although Xian'er is not as well-known as Chu Tian and not as good as Chu Tian, ​​she is also very popular among many students because she is also a close disciple of Ming Ren, one of the ancestors.

Even Gong Yueling has heard a lot about her.

"Xianer girl can participate in this competition? Did the ancestors already agree?"

"Yes, this time the Master ordered Xian'er to come to help, this is true."

"Great, now there is a fairy girl in Dandaoyuan and Chutian in martial arts court. The two major assessments are reassuring. Although Gong Yueling ’s time for promotion to Jinzun is still shallow, she was born in the Jiugong family and has experience in battle The aspect will not fall into the disadvantage. "

Chen Wuji said slowly.

As a matter of fact, several high-ranking officials on the scene knew that in lineup, there was no better person in the lineup, but those few people were all waiting for the next time they participated in the Dabi and cultivated the cards.

Pick to pick, Gong Yueling is the best match for this battle.

Gong Yueling was born in the Jiugong family, and his skill in lineup was not bad. In addition, he was also a newly-disciplined disciple of Qiye Patriarch, and now only Dao Yueling is the most suitable.

But compared to Chu Tian and Xian'er, Gong Yueling is much worse.

"Is Ms. Gong participating in the lineup?"

Xian'er suddenly laughed softly.


Gong Yueling didn't think that Xian'er actually knew her name and couldn't help but feel flattered.

"I don't know how confident Ms. Gong is in this battle."

Gong Yueling was stunned and sighed softly: "I'm not sure. Whether it's Gong Baozhu or Wu Kongshan, the skills of the two of them are not inferior to me, and the other four colleges are not easy. In terms of aspects, I can exert my best efforts, but the results are not easy to say. "

Xian'er nodded.

Suddenly, Xian'er's beautiful eyes turned slightly and asked with a very relaxed tone: "Miss Gong, I heard that Xiao Xiaozi has come to you. I don't know if Xiao Xiaozi is in the Qilin Holy Land now?"

"Young Master Xiao?" Gong Yueling thought, and subconsciously asked, "Did Xian'er Xuexi mean Xiao Nai?"

"It's Prince Xiao."

"Sister Xian'er also knows Xiao Nai?"

"Son and I have met a few times and have a little friendship."

This time Gong Yueling's turn was a little surprised. Xiao Naihe and Xian'er actually knew each other?

You must know that Xiao Naihe was able to join Xiao Daoyuan through Gong Yueling's original life-saving.

He will not join the ballpark for more than two years.

In less than two years, Xiao Naihe had actually become a master such as Xian'er. Why should Gong Yueling not be surprised.

Where did she know that this time Xian'er got the hint of Mingren's ancestors, if they wished, Xian'er could develop a relationship with Xiao Naihe, and with Xiao Naihe's ability, I was afraid that they would not be inferior to their ancestors.

Moreover, Xiao Naihe has a lot of room for growth, and may become a character like Qilin Emperor.

Xian'er was originally disgusted with these things, but fortunately, Xian'er was a little fond of Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe's behavior was also appreciated by Xian'er.

After some consideration, Xian'er also agreed with Master's words.

This time Xian'er came to the Royal Academy and had no idea of ​​participating.

However, the Master allowed her to start from this time if she wanted to cultivate a good relationship with Xiao Naihe.

Through the eyes of the college, the ancestor of Akihito soon knew how Xiao Nai went to the fifth college.

With some background of Xiao Naihe, the ancestor of Akihito speculated that Xiao Naihe should come to meet Gong Yueling.

Only Xian'er knows these things.

Chen Wuji couldn't help but ask: "The fairy girl also knows Xiao Nai?"

One is a student who joined the Daoyuan Academy shortly, and the other is a master of the Daoyuan Academy. It stands to reason that the two should not be involved.

"Me and Xiao Naihe did meet, but he was not with me. He is still in the Shitang Garden to the west of us."

Later, Gong Yueling told Xian'er what happened to Xiao Naihe.

After listening to these things, Xian'er's face suddenly changed.

She can be said to be the person who knows Xiao Nai's strength best in the field. She has great attainments in Dao and Dan Dao, and she can also play a few tricks with the ancestor of the Kendo Academy, Gui Fan, without falling into the disadvantage.

Xiao Naihe, who even dare not deputy dean Wang Huaian to underestimate, can be said that Xiao Naihe's talent is definitely much higher than her.

Such masters, if they really have a new opportunity for understanding, I am afraid that they might be closer to the step of the Lord.

"Relax, there are also teachers watching over us, and Xiao Naihe has a girl from Shangguan's side, plus a master, there will be nothing wrong."

Xian'er nodded.

She knew that the mysterious master should be Lingxiang, the master in the middle of the passive period.

With her care, Xiao Nai should not be okay.

"Unfortunately, if there is Mr. Xiao in the game, you can actually add him a place in the line game, based on his attainments ..."

Xian'er's tone was rather regrettable.

However, when Chen Wuji and Gong Yueling heard it, they couldn't help but have a certain idea.

"Xian'er girl take a rest first, this time, Dabi will have to wait another four hours before starting."



The Royal Academy is located in the center of the Kirin Holy Land, and to the east of the Royal Academy is a small hole in the Kirin Holy Land.

That place is home to one of the most sought-after masters of the Royal Academy-Emperor Kirin.

Emperor Kirin was awarded the word "Kirin", which represents the hope of the Royal Academy now.

Since the last time Emperor Qilin escaped from the money road of heaven and earth, he has not practiced a lot.

He did get a lot of opportunities in the world of money, and through this training, he has already consumed this opportunity a lot

Now the strength of Kirin Emperor has also improved to a certain extent.

"Unfortunately, there must be some great chance in the Sacred Heart Temple. I wasn't able to get it and let the boy at Suzaku College get it. And he was also punished by him. This hatred is not common.

Every time he thought about what Xiao Nai calculated in the world's money path, Qilin Emperor's heart was very hated.

He still can't forget the last time Xiao Nai did everything he could to suppress himself. Even if it was the punishment that caused the world's money, he must force himself to use his true skills.

At that time, Qilin Emperor didn't dare to reveal all his strengths. It was necessary to know that the two old guys in the vacuum were born because they caused the prohibition of the world's money road.

Although Qilin Emperor admits that his strength is skyrocketing, he dare not say that the two headmasters have the power to kill each other.

By Xiao Naihe's lifeless play, Qilin Emperor could only succumb to escape.

As long as he thought of this, Emperor Kirin had a strong murderous intention in Xiao Naihe's heart.

What's more, Xiao Naihe definitely got huge benefits in the world's money road. Those chances should be his Qilin Emperor. He must one day take it back from Xiao Naihe.

"The big five colleges should start, I don't know what other four colleges have the cards to compete with my royal college for the first place?"

Emperor Qilin pressed his thoughts down.

He is now in a state of fullness, unless he has a chance or comprehension against the sky, it is useless to practice further.

"Zhuangyuangong, the dean invites you to go to Dabi and participate in Dabi."

At this time, a black figure appeared at the door of Dongfu, forming a man.

"Did the Shadow Guard? Tell the teacher that I can get out of the gate now."


The shadow guard retired respectfully.

Qilin Emperor's body moved, and every acupuncture on his body seemed to burst out with a full of charm, showing his powerful background.

Walking out of the small hole of heaven, a strong breath came from the north.

"It seems that this time there are many masters from the four colleges."

Emperor Qilin was about to head in the direction of Dabi. Suddenly, he noticed a strange feeling appeared on his heart.

That is a kind of irritability from the heart.

"Huh? What is this?"

Just when Emperor Qilin's mind was a little uncertain, he saw only a short distance away, a thick qi and blood wolf smoke poured into the sky from a yard.

People in his realm almost never have the negative emotions above Dao Xin.

That blood and smoke must be related to the negative emotions on his own soul.

"Shadow, is there anyone in that place?"

Emperor Qilin spoke indifferently.

The shadow guard who had disappeared once again appeared in the back, revealing half of his body from the shadow, respectfully said: "Zhuangyuan Gong, the east Shitang Garden, this time the temporary camp of Suzaku College."

"Don't you feel the **** smoke there?"

The Shadow Guardian glanced down the line of sight and shook his head: "It is still shallow in the Xiu Xiu and has not been found."


Qilin Emperor knocked on the thigh, what is the practice is still shallow, Qilin Emperor knows that the strength of this Shadow Guard is at least to the middle and late middle of the passive.

If even this shadow is not found, I am afraid that there must be some powerful characters in that yard.

"I want to see, who is there?"

Somehow, Emperor Qilin suddenly felt a hint of impetuousness emerging in his heart. After giving birth to this idea, he felt a sense of excitement.

After suppressing this kind of thought, Emperor Qilin's five fingers spread out, forming a ray of light, and a golden Fuzhuan swirled in the air.

The Fuzhuan seems to be reflected in the courtyard.

The two pretty women caught in the eyes of Emperor Qilin at once.

"I didn't expect there is such a beauty in Suzaku College, um, who is that?"

Emperor Qilin's eyes flickered, Void Seal was turned a bit, and a man immediately reflected in his pupils.

When Emperor Qilin saw the man's appearance, his pupils shrank suddenly, his tone condensed, and a huge aura and killing burst directly out of his body, making a crackling sound, as if it were a firecracker. Directly blow through the entire small cave.

"It's actually him."

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