Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2718: Countless

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"What does it mean to offset a death? Is there no ability to regenerate or reincarnate?"

Shangguan Jiajia did not believe it.

Although the cultivator can be reincarnated at any time as long as he has a divine personality, everything will start again. This is the idea that every cultivator will not move until the last resort.

But if you are in danger of life, where can you find time to escape and reincarnate?

A true master will definitely cut off the enemy's vitality completely, leaving the enemy with no hope of reincarnation.

"Not the kind you think, it is equivalent to a life-saving magic weapon. When life is at stake, it will automatically excite and protect your life. Of course, without a real death threat, this kind of vitality cannot be inspired. from."

"It turns out so."

Shangguan Jiajia sighed, and then there was even a look of excitement on his face: "In this way, cann't Brother Xiao continue to produce this kind of vitality and keep saving his life?"

If this is really the case, then it's amazing.

Both Lingxiang and Shangguan Jiajia can come up with it. Xiao Naihe seems to possess countless life-saving magic weapons.

"Silly girl, how can it be so easy, if this kind of power can be triggered continuously, it is no different from immortality. Once you meet someone with a strength far beyond this vitality, I am afraid that the **** will still die."

For example, I met a master at the level of "Yuan" and "Yi".

However, Xiao Nai did not make it clear.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the excitement of the two originally calmed down.

Lingxiang nodded: "Also, if it really is like that, wouldn't it be immortal, what is the difference from invincible. Sure enough, any ability is conditional."

Xiao Naihe smiled. This time he did get a huge benefit. After understanding the true meaning of life under the causal tree, and practicing the Avenue of Life to a very high level, Xiao Naihe has strength, cultivation and No progress.

However, the penetration and the essence of penetration on the Avenue have reached a very mysterious state, almost comparable to that of the level of the blue wolf.

Moreover, Xiao Naihe's life has already evolved. As long as it does not exist at the level of "Yuan", I am afraid that no one will kill him.

Or to use masters of the same level as Xiao Naihe, at least 50 people should be directly sealed and suppressed around Xiao Naihe, so that Xiao Naihe will be sealed forever.

However, it is not known whether there are fifty sages in the longevity world that are almost the same as themselves.

"Unfortunately, Na Meirenfeng and Pei Tianhu ran away. What surprised me most was that Mei Renfeng would actually shoot. Even if Pei Tianhu, Mei Renfeng is a member of the Mei family, her identity is very special. In the middle of the high position, she will actually personally work at the Royal College to deal with the people of Suzaku College. Is she not afraid to cause a rebound of the Terran League? "

Shangguan Jiajia's tone seemed very angry.

Instead, Xiao Naihe looked indifferent and slowly said: "Of course she is not afraid, who is she? The head of the Mei family, and me? It's just a student of Suzaku College, a little-known kid. Even if it is a real kill After me, Suzaku College could n’t help her, and the Royal College must only keep her. The Terran League is at most a symbolic punishment. "

"The son said that, as that woman, in a high position among the human races, the Human Race Alliance will definitely come forward to protect her."

Although Lingxiang has no previous memories, but after this period of study, she also learned about the situation of the human race.

She was originally a master, very clever, as long as some things can be inferred, she can naturally infer the fundamentals.

"Mei Renfeng? I didn't have any grudges against their Mei family, but since she has already shot, then I can't do that."

Xiao Nai is not a kind person. Mei Renfeng has already come to the door. For the enemy, Xiao Naihe has never been soft-hearted.

"There is also Pei Tianhu. At that time, he disappeared for no reason, as if he was forcibly absorbed into another space."

Shangguan Jiajia waved his hand, and Shen Nian suddenly burst into light, and evolved the scene at that time.

Looking at the evolution of Shennian, Xiao Naihe smiled and said, "So it turns out, it's no wonder that Pei Tianhu can escape. If that's the case, even if Shangguan Qian, there is really no way to stop it."

"Brother Xiao knows what's going on? Is Pei Tianhu really rescued? But this is also unlikely, he ... that person's attainment in the space avenue, I know very well, there is no longer in the human race Several people can beat him in this respect. "

Xiao Naihe knows that the ‘that person’ in Shangguan Jiajia ’s mouth is actually her father, Shangguan shallow.

Shangguanqian has indeed reached a very high level in terms of space avenues, and there are only a handful of them in the human race.

Shangguan Jiajia has to admit that even if he is disgusted with Shangguanqian, Shangguanqian is indeed an authority in this respect.

She is unbelievable, there is someone else in the world who can rescue Pei Tianhu in front of his eyes.

"Because that person used a certain magic weapon, the extension of the Void Gate can simulate the ability of the Void Gate, and Shangguan Qian naturally cannot catch it."

"Tuopin of the Void Gate?"

Speaking of which, Shangguan Jiajia seemed to think of something, and suddenly his face changed: "Could it be ... Is it?"

"Yes, only the Royal Academy. Why did Pei Tianhu and Mei Renfeng know that I was here, and why they called at the critical moment when I entered. Why that person could save Pei Tianhu. There is only one possibility, the other side I ’m from the Royal Academy and I ’m in a high position. I know the Royal Academy very well and can plan everything perfectly. "

At this time, Shangguan Jiajia could not help but fought a chill. The other party did this, fearing that he was borrowing a knife to kill someone, and borrowing two sharp knives, Pei Tianhu and Mei Renfeng.

"Who the **** is that? There are not many people in the Royal Academy who can do this kind of thing. Does Brother Xiao have any grudges with the Royal Academy? Is it Gong Baozhu, or Wu Kongshan?"

"No need to guess, as for who I am, I already have 90% certainty. And I estimate that Pei Tianhu should still be in the Royal Academy now, no, it should have just left the Royal Academy."

"Then do we have to chase?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head: "No need, someone will go find his trouble first!"

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