Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2724: Be provoked

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The fourth level of assessment is the assessment of the battlefield.

In this aspect of the Suzaku Academy assessment, Gong Yueling and Wu Xuerong, another student of the Daoyuan Academy, participated together.

Gong Yueling has already reached the rank of Zunzun in the field, and Wu Xuerong is also Zhanzun.

The frontier world, like the Dandao world, has been in decline for many years, and its talents have dropped sharply.

None of the five colleges had more than twenty celestial beings.

In this assessment, apart from those who were not qualified to participate, there were not many students left to qualify to participate.

Because Gongyue Ling was taught by Qiye Patriarch, she is a leading student in the younger generation of the Academy.

But in this assessment, even Gong Yueling did not have much confidence.

"The fourth assessment, the assessment of the battlefield, invites the players from the five colleges to take the stage."

The host standing on the high platform shouted suddenly, and the sound continued to echo in the square.

Several college players also directly came out one after another.

"The background of Baihu College and Xuanwu College in the field is not deep, I am afraid there is not much chance."

"The Royal Academy heard that the two geniuses of Jiugongjia and Wujiabao were one of them, and one of them was a holy genius. It seems that this time they should be first again."

"Qinglong College and Suzaku College seem to have little news all the time. I wonder if they will send such a person?"

Suddenly, many cultivators in the audience were talking.


From the camp of the Royal Academy, two men emerged.

When these two men appeared on the court, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It really is Wu Kongshan in Wujiabao and Gongbaozhu in the Jiugong family. One of the five great geniuses, the leader of the other Jiugong family, the leader of the young generation in the field."

"It seems that the Royal Academy is going to make up for the failure in the Dan Dao assessment, and to make up for the victory directly."

On the contrary, it was the top of several other colleges. When he saw Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu, his face changed suddenly.

Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu are the geniuses of the younger generation, and the leaders of the new generation in the field.

As soon as they played, there was basically nothing else about them.

"Hey, it's really disadvantageous to be a teacher. We at Qinglong Academy have no chance to tell the two juniors and do what we can. They are not opponents of the two juniors. The lineup competition and the Dandao competition are not at the same level. It will be dead! "

Shangguan shallow, sitting in the camp of Qinglong College, could not help but sigh.

For this year's five-comparison college, for their Qinglong College, there is indeed a small disadvantage, otherwise Shangguanqian will not call out his proud pupils, the courtiers.


Wu Bingning nodded, then passed on his mind to the minds of the two students who were preparing to play.

Not only Qinglong College, Xuanwu College and Baihu College, when they saw Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu, they also knew that there was no chance of winning.

The line-up competition and the Dan Dao competition are not at the same order of magnitude, and the line-up competition is very likely to be dead.

In the previous five-hospital competition, the people who died in the battle were only inferior to the martial arts competition.

The seniors of the other three colleges are reluctant to let their students die in this competition.

All of a sudden, the momentum on the Royal College side was at its highest, and the limelight was unprecedented.

"It seems that there is no hope. Yueling and Wu Xuerong, you two can do what you want. It seems that the other three colleges have also given up this level."

Chen Wuji sighed softly, and the situation he was most worried about finally appeared.

Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu are simply monsters of the younger generation. They are surprisingly tall in their attainments, and even many older generation masters are far inferior to these two juniors.

Gong Yueling nodded, his face pale.

She was most worried about meeting Gong Baozhu. Now that she has grieved with the Jiugong family, Gong Baozhu will definitely find a suitable opportunity to directly solve herself.

Once you take part in this assessment, you have absolutely no chance of winning, and you will even die.

However, if you do not participate, you will leave shadow seeds on your Dao heart, which is not conducive to future cultivation.

"Yueling, I suggest you not to participate in this assessment. You should know what will happen to Gong Baozhu!"

At this time, Xiao Nai suddenly said.

Chen Wuji was puzzled, "Why not?"

"Even if there are any contradictions among the juniors of the Jiugong family, Gong Baozhu will not be ruthless."

Wu Tongtian said slowly.

But only Gong Yueling knows what Xiao Naihe means. Xiao Naihe is implying that if he takes part in this assessment, he will fall into the hands of Gong Baozhu unless he takes the initiative and completes.

In the ring, players from the four major academies have already appeared.

While Gong Baozhu and Wu Kongshan stood in the middle, the other players dared not get too close to these two people. For a time, Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu seemed to have become the center of the ring, imposing death. Has held up several other players.

Everyone can see that Gong Baozhu and Wu Kongshan completely overwhelmed several other people, and the chances of winning this game have been divided.

"Wu Kongshan, this is arranged by the college, don't think I really want to cooperate with you." Gong Baozhu looked at Wu Kongshan indifferently, said coldly.

"Reassure, in my Wu Kongshan's eyes, your Gong Baozhu is not my opponent. None of your younger generation of Jiugong family is my opponent."


Gong Baozhu snorted coldly, his eyes murderously flashing past.

The grievances between these two people have been for a long time, and they usually hate to score a life or death when they meet. But on such occasions, they also know that even if there are grudges, they should be put down temporarily.

In case they have an accident because of internal strife, I am afraid that Jiang Xuanya will be the first to beat the two of them on the ground.

The authority of the Royal Academy is far above the Jiugongjia and Wujiabao, and these two people dare not offend.

"There is one person who is qualified to be my opponent!"

Suddenly, Wu Kongshan's pupils shrank and turned his head sharply. His eyes were like lightning, as if he had penetrated countless times and spaces, and the huge momentum instantly locked above the Suzaku Academy camp.

"Xiao Naihe, did you have the courage to go to the ring and fight me again on the battlefield?"

Wu Kongshan's voice was circulated and squeezed on all sides, as if thousands of emotions were merged into one, and he ran away in an instant.

Suddenly, the blood of Wu Kongshan's body burst out, as if weaving into a large net, covering the top, locking Xiao Naihe in the camp of Suzaku College!

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