Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2855: Runaway

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Lord Demon God once said that when it is absolutely necessary, do not open the ban.

War Devil didn't expect that the last moment would come so early, he would be forced into this field by Xiao Nai.

In terms of strength, he knew that he was a little worse than Xiao Nai. He originally thought that there was a war devil ancestor in hand. Unless the Holy Lord came out, no one in the world was his opponent.

Even if it is the Lord ’s shot, he may not have gotten himself.

But Xiao Naihe could actually suppress his war devil ancestors. The feeling is not that Xiao Naihe is so powerful that he is against the sky, but this kid, it seems that he has seen through the war devil ancestors ’weaknesses and directly attacked the law ’s weakness .

The war devil ancestor is not invincible, it also has weaknesses.

The two biggest weaknesses of this aspect are the first one is to consume too much spirit.

Even if the war demon is urging the war devil ancestor, it can't be used for too long, otherwise the depletion of his own power will be worth more to himself.

Another weakness is that the Fa phase fears the power of light.

Similar to the orthodox light power, but the general light power can not suppress the law.

The light power that can really suppress the law must reach a level close to the level of the Lord.

Everything has a mutual restraint, even if it is an invincible war devil ancestor, it will be restrained by certain things. The light power is the only kind of restraint war devil ancestor.

This Xiao Naihe's avenue doesn't mean that time magical power can be used.

The most important thing is that there is an orthodox light power in the strange road of the other party, which is completely beyond his own expectations.

Otherwise, he did not think that Xiao Nai could overcome himself.

In fact, War Devil did n’t know that Xiao Naihe ’s “polar” Dao can evolve three thousand avenues. Since he has realized all the avenues of life, he can basically evolve that kind of avenue as long as he understands the laws of a certain avenue come out.

With the ability of astrology and star charts, Xiao Nai can see through the weaknesses of this facies faster, and thus evolve the ability of the Bright Avenue.

"Are you still struggling? Can't even lose?"

Xiao Nai looked at the war devil and said slowly.

"Who said I lost, do you think this is my full strength? How can you, a human race, know the true strength of the war devil ancestors, I will let you see what the horror of this law is."

During the talk, I saw the war demon beat with both hands, and there were words in his mouth: "Heaven and Earth Soul, the two souls return to the body, the devil helps me, and the law moves the world."

At this moment, the war devil ancestor behind the war demon was restored to its peak state at this time, and the surrounding thunder breath merged into the war devil ancestor's body.

I saw a lot of thunder in the torso of the Fa phase, and it seemed extremely violent.

"What a powerful force? Is there any hidden power in this aspect?"

The dragon girl's complexion changed.

The fact that War Devil still has a hole card is unexpected to others.

The present power of the war devil ancestors is even stronger and stronger than before.

At that moment, people on the War Demon Clan couldn't help but give birth to hope.

"this is……"

Only Xiao Naihe looked at the war devil ancestors whose strength was growing, his face was very calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Haha, how is it? This is the true power of the war devil ancestors. I have said that I have not lost."

War Devil laughed madly, he possessed the Fa, and the original heavy wounds on his body actually healed slowly at this time, and soon all the vague flesh and blood regenerate, just like a new life.

"No wonder? No wonder I felt so familiar at first. This kind of rhyme is the breath of the ancient demons. Was the blood of the ancient demons passed down, or did someone get the chance of the ancient demons?"

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, revealing a sudden realization.

"What ancient demon race? What chance? No matter what you say today, you can't stop your fiasco."

The war demon showed a terrible smile.

In fact, he and Xiao Naihe had no big enemies in the beginning. Even if Xiao Naihe and the war devil were fighting for the dragon girl, it was only part of the budget.

However, in this fight, Xiao Naihe planted himself fiercely, letting himself suffer a big loss, and there was a flaw in Dao heart.

If Xiao Naihe could not be resolved, it would be equivalent to admitting that he lost to Xiao Naihe.

Once there is a flaw in the state of mind, if you want to go further, it will be difficult.

This war demon is definitely not allowed. He has now reached the most critical time. Within ten years, he will surely step into the realm of the holy.

If it is impossible to remove the magic barrier that Xiao Nai He has brought to himself, let alone ten years, even a hundred years or a thousand years may not be able to improve.

Therefore, he must kill Xiao Nai.

Today's battle is the fight between life and death, without endless death.

Instead, Xiao Naihe shook his head when he heard the war demon's words.

"Why? Knowing that it is not my opponent, do you want to surrender? Unfortunately, this duel between you and me is a life and death duel, which is endless. Today, the two of us can only be destined to go out alive.

The war devil's voice is like Mugu Chenzhong, with a heavy breath in every word.

"I am pitiful that you don't even know that you are calculated. Someone should help you refine this Fa. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to refine such a Fa alone."

"Huh? What do you want to say?"

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the war demon was moved, and he seemed extremely vigilant as if he was caught by the other party's tail.

"In this war devil ancestor, the" Devil's Devil Order "was planted. Once activated, it will automatically use the flesh and soul of the user as a sacrifice, allowing the war devil ancestor to produce a sense of mind and body.

"What are you talking about?" Devil's Devil Order "?"

This war devil doesn't know what the **** is going on, but Xiao Naihe's tone doesn't seem to deceive himself.

This war demon can still tell.

But War Devil just didn't believe Xiao Naihe's words: "Do you want to be alarmist?"

"Do you believe it or not, look at your hands and feet."

Looking at Xiao Naihe's ironic look, War Devil's heart suddenly developed an ominous hunch.

Quickly looked at his own hands and feet.

Sure enough, I only saw layers of gray scales above my hands and feet.

Among these scales, it seemed unusually cold.

At this moment War Demon even felt that his hands and feet had not listened to his orders.

"Not good, my body."

The war demon immediately knew that it was wrong, and the sense of the limbs was gone, which was probably the negative effect of the ban.

At this time, War Demon hastily used Shennian to cut off the connection with the Fa phase.

However, no matter what urges the mind, the Fa's power still grasps itself tightly.

It's as if this war devil ancestor forced himself to be bound, otherwise he would be out of the center of the Fa phase.

The war demon felt his breath of life and flowed towards the depths of the Fa.

Soon, the war demon came out of his head, the other parts of his body were completely unconscious, and the purple scales were all over every inch of his body.

"Patriarch, save me."

Now War Devil also felt the seriousness of the matter, he quickly called loudly, and there was great fear in his voice.

It was a fear of the unknown, and at this moment he really felt the death threat posed by the war devil ancestor.

"not good."

War Tu Tian also saw that the clues were coming. This war devil ancestor seemed to start to bite back, swallowing up the war devil.

The war devil ancestors can give up, after all, it is only a foreign object, and the bones of the old ancestors are not as good as a flesh and blood war demon.

Because War Demon is the existence that can fulfill the Lord in the future, he spent a lot of energy on War Demon. If the war demon dies, it would be a huge loss for them.

Of course this kind of thing can't let him happen.

"Sankun Divine Art."

At this time, I saw Zhan Tutian's wrist turn, and a circle of light changed from the void. Like thirty-six prisons, the war demon was trapped.

As soon as the War Slaughter Force worked, the original breath of the body was pushed to the extreme, and immediately showed the essence of the Holy Power.

Afterwards, Zhan Tutian volleyed out his hand, grabbed the war devil ancestor's head, and then pulled the Fa phase out.

"It seems that War Tu Tian is to separate this war devil ancestor from the war demon's body. Sure enough, the more powerful the god, the greater the cost."

Master Tai Chu exhaled deeply, and the appearance of this war demon is not a good thing.

Xiao Nai did not do anything, just watched the two men's every move.

The other six elders are even more afraid to take action. They are powerless because at this level, it is no longer possible for them to take action.

Everyone looked at Zhan Tutian to urge the source and wanted to force the Fa phase out, but the harder the force, the more the Fa phase remained unmoved.

"Is there really no other way?"

Zhan Tutian frowned, for the first time he felt powerless.

This war devil ancestor could not be restrained in any way.

Suddenly, Zhan Tutian thought of Xiao Naihe's remarks against the devil just now. The kid seemed to know what was wrong with this aspect.

He also did not have time to ask how Xiao Nai He knew, but said deeply to Xiao Nai He: "You know the question of the war devil ancestor, you must know how to detain the law and tell the deity."

This tone has an imperative taste, and it seems that it does not allow Xiao Naihe to reject the aura.

Xiao Naihe didn't care either, but smiled lightly: "If you shoot before his heavens spread to all four limbs, you can still save him. Now, it's too late. Unless you step into the late stage of the Lord, remind Move supremely and force out. "

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