Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2860: Your illusion

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"It's already enough to be able to hurt the ancestor. It's a pity that's the case. He can't do it at all. There is no chance. Let's do it, patriarch."

"it is good."

As soon as the words fell, the two men's figures flickered, and they came to Xiao Naihe in an instant. With one punch, they greeted Xiao Naihe.

"No Dao Dao Quan."

"Death is in thirteen days."

At this time, two powerful forces were mixed together, merged in the void, turned into a huge vortex, and enveloped Xiao Naihe.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to become chaotic, full of magical breath.

"Vajra Dhara Seal."

In the vortex formed by these two forces, a golden light sprang out instantly, like a smoke, straight into the sky.

With this golden light, Xiao Naihe broke out of the vortex.


Watching Xiao Nai fly out of the vortex, Zhan Feifeng reached out his hand, but caught him from the air.

An incredible power is instantly absorbed Xiao Naihe's body.

"The great chaos of the heavens!"

Xiao Naihe's eyes glared, his hands turned into hand knives, and he cut them off from the air, and instantly separated himself from that powerful suction.

At the same time, Xiao Naihe, under the reaction force of this suction, could not support it but was hit by another mountain peak, smashing the mountain peaks into fragments.

These three sacred and powerful men started working on themselves at the same time, especially Zhan Feifeng, who was able to escape just now, and it was also very dangerous.

"It's worthy of the existence of the Lord's midterms. It's really difficult to deal with masters like you. At least my current behavior is not as good as you. I thought the three of you would say such brazen words."

Xiao Naihe corrected his broken arm just now.

With a click, the arm was intact.

"The people of my war devil are never the same as your human race. As long as we want to kill people, any means can be used. In our war devil, there has never been a single fight."

Zhan Feifeng Xu Ran said.

"That's true."

"You still have to worry about yourself first. You alone ca n’t go today. The old person admits that you are really powerful, but you should only be in the pre-middle and middle levels of the holy level, at best. People, even with the elders, you may have the power to fight. But if you add the old body, you will not be able to walk away if you do this kind of cultivation. "

"Of course I know this. When the three of you appeared together, I knew that I could not walk away alone."

Xiao Naiho has indeed reached a state where it is difficult to kill, but he is not invincible.

If Zhan Feifeng acts forcefully and uses his roots, he will not hesitate to lose his personality to seal himself, and to cooperate with the other two people, Xiao Naihe is also fierce.

The strength of this battle of Feifeng is not much worse than that of Longqing.

With only one battle against Feifeng, Xiao Nai is not an opponent, but he still wants to go if he wants to go.

But with Zhan Tutian and the elders, it is difficult for Xiao Nai to want to go.

"The true qi of the origin and the real qi of the chaos can't be used now, and many hole cards can't be used. What should I do next?"

Because of the "Burial Tianchi", the world tree fragments in the Chaos Heaven Stone are being refined, and the Chaos Heaven Stone is temporarily unavailable, originating the True Qi and Chao True Qi.

And the ability of the causal tree is also creating a new ‘burial Tianchi’. He can't use it either.

That is to say, the two strongest artifacts in Xiao Naihe's hands can't be used now.

But using it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Jilong Stone."

When the thought moved, Xiao Na couldn't help but use the power of Jie Longshi.

As soon as the boundary dragon stone appeared, countless arrays of images popped out of the boundary dragon stone, descended from the sky, and directly enveloped the tops of the three of them.

"Holy artifact?"

Zhan Tutian's complexion changed, and it was a punch.

The elders also shot with a palm, two forces blasted up, knocking tens of thousands of maps away.

"Do you think our War Demon Race does not have a holy weapon? Come out, Heaven Demon Treasure Map!"

With the call of Zhan Feifeng, there was a black gas from the depths of the War Demon Race, which gathered in the sky, finally formed a black pattern, and then wrapped the Dragon Stone .

"Um? Holy weapon?"

Xiao Nai raised a frown, and had to collect Jie Longshi back.

Jade Dragon Stone is not invincible. Although it has the ability to smash the space, the "Treasure Demon Treasure Map" seems to have the ability to make up for the space. Obviously it is a sacred object of the enchantment formation.

At the single-round level, the Jielong Stone is definitely the dominant one, but all things are mutually exclusive, and the ability of the Jielong Stone seems to be restrained by the "Treasure Treasure Map".

"It's not over yet, open it for me."

Zhan Feifeng shouted again, the dark air spread all over, and suddenly formed a three-dimensional quartet form, surrounding all the places except the War Demon Clan.

And Xiao Naiho and four people were wrapped in this cube.

"Is the Great Enchantment? Even the space cracks are blinded. It seems that it is impossible to force the Dragon Stone's ability to break through here forcibly."

Xiao Naihe looked around, and his heart was clear.

Looking at Xiao Naihe's expression, Zhan Tutian couldn't help but say: "Yes, the power of the devil's treasure map is to make up and block the space. Even your holy weapon can't break this space. The deity is curious that you There is no chance to escape anymore. Why is this light-hearted expression? Do you still have any hole cards? Or, are you already looking down on death? "

There is no way to leave this enchantment?

If Chao Chao Tian Shi is used, he can still break this boundary, but Chao Chao Tian Shi is obviously inconvenient to use now.

Xiao Nai looked at Zhan Tutian: "When did you get the illusion that I was dying? When did you think I couldn't leave this ghost place?"

"Are you still struggling to die? Tu Tian, ​​do it yourself."

Zhan Feifeng stood high, looking down at Xiao Naihe, and gave orders.

"Yes, ancestors."

Zhan Tutian and the elder elder sneered and flew towards Xiao Naihe. The two of them joined forces and felt that they were enough to deal with Xiao Naihe.

"No way, I didn't want to let them out so quickly, it seems that I really have to do this now."

"You are still talking to yourself, die."

The elder complexion was about to punch down.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows bloomed like the sun.

At the next moment, the elder's body was like a broken kite, and was shot directly out.

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