Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2866: Sleepy Gua

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Although for a long time, the first-generation tribes despised the human tribes very much, and in the battle between the two tribes that year, many territories of the human tribes were taken away by the first-generation tribes.

But that's what happened many years ago.

Now because of the complicated relationship between the tribes, even the first tribe of the lords are unwilling to be the first to move the cake of the tribe.

In the eyes of Emperor Chi, the human race is weak, but the human race is different.

There are soldiers and soldiers in the human race. Although a strong sage cannot compare with the three sacred lords of their first ancestor, the sacred lord is still a sacred lord, and once he is in a hurry, he is in danger of dying together.

The young man in front of him was obviously a human saint. When he thought of a human saint, he thought of the man in the human race.

"Is your Excellency a sacred soldier of Yuchen? Isn't that right? The Emperor has seen a soldier of Yuchen, but he doesn't have the blood of your youth. The Emperor heard that the spiritual Buddha son of the high Tibetan Buddhist gate of the human race has returned recently. Is it yours? Spirit Buddha? "

"Why did each of you treat me like that great monk, Master Chu is like this, and so are you."

"Daoyou know Taishi?"

"Emperor Zhi, you may not know it. I was following the last time when Master Tai was sent to war demons."


Emperor Zhishou's face changed, why didn't he know about it?

Seeing the expression of Emperor Zhi, Xiao Naihe's previous guess really verified.

At the time Xiao Naihe estimated some reasons, Master Chu certainly wouldn't tell his emperor about his existence. Now it looks true.

The expression on the emperor's face kept changing, it seemed to be thinking about something.

The relationship between him and Chu Taishi is very good, and the relationship between the monarch and the minister is very delicate. It is better to say that two people are confidants than a prince.

But now Master Tai Chu has not told himself the existence of this young sage, is Master Tai Chu intentional.

The first emperor Zhi can see that Xiao Nai did not deceive himself. He said that following Master Chu to the war demons, he must have followed.

Afterwards, the first emperor Zhi thought a lot of things in his head, and finally frowned, "Since the Taoist and Taishi know each other, why are they murderous in my imperial city. If the Taoist came to my imperial city as a guest, the emperor It ’s very welcome, but the previous behavior of Daoyou does n’t seem to be a guest in the Imperial City. "

"It's free to be a guest. This time I came to find someone, your daughter, the princess."

"Find Feng'er?"

The first emperor Zhi was a little bit unable to touch the relationship between Xiao Naihe and the Dragon Girl. His eldest daughter did not seem to have any communication with the human race. When did he know such a human clan?

With this in mind, the emperor Zhi asked tentatively: "Do you know Fenger?"

"Recognize. Speaking of it, I have also helped you."


"You should have discussed with Master Chu, and want to terminate the marriage between the Grand Princess and War Devil. I helped you once. The family affairs between them were still terminated by me."


The news immediately shocked the emperor Chi.

He did discuss with Master Chu, and the reason why he wanted to terminate the relationship between the princess and the war demon is because the dragon girl awakened Huiyantong. middle.

Mr. Chu said before that this matter was left to him.

Emperor Zhi also believed, after all, he and Chu Taishi have known each other for many years.

The first emperor Zhi did not know what method Master Chu moved.

And now it seems that I am afraid that it has something to do with the young saint in front of me. Not only that, the reason why Master Tai has not told himself the existence of this young saint may be because of this matter.

Even the first emperor of Zuo did not understand what the truth was.

This king emperor was not originally the kind of person who was clever and intelligent. He was not good at calculating, and was far inferior to Master Tai in the calculation.

The first emperor of Chi can reach the realm of the holy king, mostly because of the help of his emperor.

However, the emperor's own emperor can't figure it out, so naturally he doesn't know the truth.

"It's strange. I'm so troubled. I'm afraid that the surnamed Chu knew it already. Why haven't I come over?"

Xiao Naihe flicked his fingers, only to realize that he didn't seem to have counted at first.

They are not in the imperial city. It should be said that Chu Taishi and others have not returned.

Originally, the agreement between Xiao Naihe and the Dragon Girl was completed. This time, he wanted to take Zulong away.

Zulong has already stayed with Xiao Naihe by default.

For Xiao Naihe, a semi-holy strong is also a big help.

Xiao Naihe is ready to move Yantian Pavilion out of the inner world. When the time comes, Zulong will help guard the Yantian Pavilion, which saves Xiao Nai a lot of thoughts.

"Master Chu, they haven't returned yet. Am I coming too fast, or are they too slow?"

I saw the star flicker in Xiao Naihe's eyes, constantly urging the calculation of the sky chart.

Emperor Zhishou frowned: "What are Taoists thinking?"

"This is ... Shan Huo Gua, there are mountains and rivers trapped in the Gua. Are these few people trapped? It seems so, how are they trapped?"

Xiao Nai thought about something, and immediately thought of something.

Judging from the hexagram image, Chu Taishi and others were trapped.

It stands to reason that the first few people left the War Demon Clan, and should have returned to the Chi Clan.

It hasn't come back yet, it should be trapped.

However, according to Xiao Naihe's Gua Xiang, there are only three people trapped. Xiao Naihe estimates that it should be Zulong, Dragon Girl and Champion King.

The champion king is definitely trapped. After he became the champion, he can sense the champion's actions.

Three are trapped, then one is not trapped.

Logically speaking, it should be Master Chu.

After all, Master Chu, as a holy deity, must be different from the other three.

"What kind of operation is this? Zulong's guy is just causing me these troubles."

Xiao Nai raised a brow.

If it was the former Zulong, Xiao Naihe would not have bothered to ignore it.

But now it's different. Since Zulong has to be loyal to himself, Xiao Naihe certainly can't die.

"Jie Longshi comes."

At the next moment, a black stone flew out of Xiao Naihe's heart.

This is the real dragon stone.

Jie Longshi flew out, immediately breaking the space barrier, Xiao Nai He was driving this dragon stone, and flew out of the Imperial City directly.

Even the first emperor did not expect Xiao Naihe to go away, and he could not stop it. After all, the opponent's strength was no less than himself, and there was a powerful holy weapon.

"What I said just now was trapped. Is it because Master Tai and Feng'er could not be trapped?"

The first emperor Zhi was also puzzled at this time, thinking about it, and considering the reason of the dragon girl, waved his hand: "The four knights listened to the order and set off with the emperor."

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