Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2878: Soul disappears

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Mr. Chu's idea is simple is not simple, complex is not complicated.

From the very beginning, Master Chu took a fancy to the dragon girl, but as the grand princess of the first tribe, the dragon girl also had a marriage relationship with the war demons.

If Master Chu took the dragon girl forcibly, he would not only be chased by the first tribe, but also offended the entire War Demon Clan and the Presbyterian Church.

So how do you take the dragon girl away without any loss?

This point has been thought of by Master Tai very long ago. He stayed in the first family of Zhi for so long. After so long, he finally found a good opportunity.

That is, by taking the opportunity of the war demon clan, the goddess took away the dragon girl without knowing it.

Before that, the marriage relationship between the dragon girl and the war devil must be destroyed first, so as to avoid any excuse for the war devil to leave the dragon girl in their war devil.

It is certainly not easy to destroy the marriage relationship between the two.

However, the appearance of Xiao Naihe not only disrupted Master Chu's plan, but also gave him new plans.

He wants to use the relationship between Xiao Naihe and the Dragon Girl to destroy the marriage relationship between War Devil and Dragon Girl.

Therefore, some of the things among the war demons are also in the calculation of Chu Taishi.

Even Xiao Naihe's decisive battle with Zhanzizi, this has been guessed by Master Tai.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious Demon God appeared, but as soon as the Demon God appeared, Master Tai even felt that his plan was over.

However, what I didn't expect was that Xiao Nai actually singled out the demon **** and war demon clan, and let Master Tai Chu flee with the dragon girl alone.

At that time, Master Tai did not think that his plan was still done by chance.

He and Tarot have been in existence for a long time. Over the years, Tarot has been able to devour the spirits of many cultivators.

And Master Tai would like to borrow the forbidden technique of the Tarot Demon Clan to allow him to coexist with the Dragon Girl Spirit Fox and gain wisdom.

He doesn't worry that he can't control the dragon girl's body, as long as he slowly wears away the dragon girl's soul, he will be able to slowly control the smart eye.

As for Master Chu's body, it was the body of the holy sage, and lost the body of the holy sage.

But his own body can also be separated, just survive in another way.

And with the wisdom of the eye, there is a greater possibility to see the opportunities of the passive mid-to-late period.

He calculated for so long, all to go further.

Although Master Chu has already achieved the Holy Lord, he stayed in the early stage of the Lord for too long. He also knew that he wanted to go further and it was almost impossible.

Therefore, he counted on Huiyantong.

With the ability of smart eyes, he can spy on everything, and even the opportunity for promotion may not be peepable.

So there was such a play.

As for Chu Taishi's plan at the beginning, it doesn't matter whether Zulong and Champion King are dead or alive.

However, Master Tai was afraid of Xiao Naihe, even if there was a 1 in 10,000 chance that Xiao Naihe would be brought in, as long as they were taken hostage, it might not be a hole card.

Sure enough, Xiao Naihe did not disappoint Master Chu. He still came out of the war demon clan safely, and came to the barren land.

Counting this point, Master Tai also had another strategy, that is, to join forces with the Taro demons, so that the Tara demons devour Xiao Naihe's flesh.

Devouring the flesh and blood of a holy deity, the Tarot species can definitely restore the body.

At that time, the forbidden technique of coexistence of souls can also be performed to achieve the plan of Master Tai.

All plans are well understood by Master Tai.

The only thing that has not been calculated is that Xiao Naihe's powerful strength is completely beyond the expectations of Master Chu.

"You can't kill people. If you kill, then all your planning is in vain. Without Wisdom, your plan will be ruined."

"Yes, I can't kill the princess. However, the other two people are of no use to me. They have no use value. I don't mind their lives."

"So what. I am here to save people, but if I can't save them, I will regret it at most. You still want to borrow their lives, what benefits do you get from me?"

Xiao Nai smiled, he was right to save people, but it wasn't the kind that had to be saved at all costs.

He has a better relationship with Zulong. The champion king is the object of his own transition, and the dragon girl is only trading with him.

Zu Long is dead, Xiao Nai will be a pity.

And the champion king and dragon girl are dead, Xiao Nai will not have too strong fluctuations.

Xiao Nai wanted to kill Master Tai. The main purpose now is not because he took the three dragon girls, but Master Tai actually calculated that he had come to his head and deliberately united with the Taro demons to deal with himself.

At this point, no matter whether it is the Tai Luo Demon or Chu Taishi, they must die.

"Xiao Naihe, don't threaten me anymore. I can't be stimulated. When I try hard, all three of them must die."

"Hey, I said, you can't threaten me. If I don't have a little preparation, I dare to confront you like this? Since I can figure out your plan, wouldn't it be considered what happened? Can't figure out how to cope? "

It was at this moment that Master Tai was cold, and an extremely dangerous feeling was derived from the depths of his heart.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and pulled back toward the back holding the crystal.

And when he retreated, it seemed to think of something: "Careful devil ..."

A golden aperture emerged from the top of the Tarot.

A hand stretched out from the golden aperture, this hand merged with endless golden light.

A force of Buddhism and Taoism burst out from the palm of your hand, and the palm of your hand rolled down, and a shadow of a monk appeared from the aperture! ,

"Who is that?"

Teacher Tai Chu was slightly surprised.

However, when the Tarot Species felt the power of this mysterious monk, he suddenly showed a look of fear.

"The power of the ancient Buddha race! Is it the sage of the ancient Buddha race?"

In ancient times, the Buddha took a picture with a palm, opened a crack in the space in the aperture, and took a picture with the palm. The next moment, the entire void was suddenly filled with endless golden fragments.

And when the Tarot Moment felt this power of Buddhism and Taoism, its face was changing wildly, and it also tore the void directly and wanted to escape.

But his speed is not as fast as this Buddhism power.

I saw that when the palm wind of the Buddha broke out, it immediately covered this piece of heaven and earth, and countless golden lights wrapped endlessly, instantly killing the demon in this soul state. ! !

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