Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2880: Wipe out

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As soon as this mighty death was covered, the emperor Chizu felt a danger, a danger that could crush himself.

"not good."

It was almost a time of thought, and the head emperor immediately withdrew and retreated, leaving the place. Danger.

This is a thought of Emperor Zhi.

For the first time in years, he felt danger.

He doesn't know how many years he no longer feels dangerous. After all, after achieving the holy sacred person, he is one of the masters on the list of longevity.

The longevity list has a Ming list and a secret list.

Mingbang is to mark most of the powerful players in the longevity world.

There is no actual record in the dark list, but only after entering the realm of the Holy Realm, will you know that the dark list of the Longevity List is the rank of the Saint.

The first emperor is the master on the dark list.

It is even ahead of the rank of Chu Taishi.

However, at this time he felt the danger of Master Chu.

Master Chu, who possessed the dragon corpse, is definitely not something the emperor of the dragon can compete with now.

"Unless the Emperor Tai is invited, the emperor cannot move him."

The first emperor Zhi felt the danger and simply gave up. Without any hesitation, he immediately withdrew and retreated, leaving the place.

"Did you see that, even the emperor Chi, under the coercion of the dragon corpse, could only escape. Xiao Nai of the human race, do you have any last words to say?"

With the help of Chishou Dragon Corpse, Master Chu's momentum is now at its extreme, as if the world is invincible, with the dragon corpse in hand, and the world I have.

Xiao Naihe looked at Master Chu, as if looking at the mentally retarded. It was an expression of caring for the intellectually disabled.

Although Xiao Naihe didn't speak, Master Tai could clearly feel the mockery and disdain in Xiao Naihe's eyes, as well as a pitiful look.

The hallowed saints were ridiculed by such mocking eyes, which instantly gave Master Tai a feeling of anger.

He cultivated to the realm of the holy lord, and according to the principle, he could perfectly control his emotions.

But Xiao Naihe made Master Chu feel for the first time that his emotions were out of control.

"court death."

As soon as the words fell, the giant palm of the dragon corpse waved down from the sky.

It waved a huge palm and was dead for thousands of miles. The entire wasteland was shrouded in this horrible coercion, and half of the wasteland was turned over.

"Ah ..."

"What monster is this?"

"Go away."

"My life is alive."

Under the cries of crying and crying, many people turned into nothingness under the envelope of death.

Just like what Master Chu said, even if it is only a tenth of the body of the Lord, the power it brings is still not something that those who are under the Lord can bear.

In the wilderness, screams filled the ears.

In an instant, the entire wilderness seemed to be a **** on earth.

The emperor Zou, who retreated to the distance, saw that the body of the ancestor actually had such power, and all shivered.

If he could get the dragon corpse of his ancestors, it would be a big hole.

At that time, even a sacred person who is even stronger than himself, can he contend.

It is a pity that the dragon corpse is still in the hands of Master Chu.

If you want to take control of the dragon corpse, you must kill Master Chu.

"I don't know if there is any way for the human race boy to kill him? But looking at the situation now, it is probably impossible."

The emperor Zhi shook his head, he felt that Xiao Nai did not have that ability.

Even if he is the first emperor, he feels that there is not much chance of winning in the hands of Chu Taishi who owns the dragon corpse.

Unless it is the Supreme Emperor please come out.

When the first emperor Zhi went out, he actually secretly passed his mind back and asked the emperor to come.

However, the Emperor Tai has been closed for a long time, even if he has received the idea of ​​his own past, if he wants to come over, it seems that it will take a long time.

"As long as the emperor arrives, the teacher, even if you own the dragon corpse, you can only obediently capture it. This emperor can never spare the betrayal."

Under the attention of Emperor Chi, the other side, Dragon Corpse and Xiao Nai played happily.

Although Xiao Naihe's methods are universal, dealing with dragon corpses is indeed more troublesome.

"Hahaha, Xiao Naihe, the human race kid, what kind of aura did you have? You called the mysterious monk to see if it was the magical power of the ancient Buddha race, or the dragon corpse of my head.

Now Master Tai has a dragon corpse in his hands, which is a burst of confidence.

Seeing Xiao Naiho dodge around, Master Tai has a thrill of controlling the world and the situation.

"Unfortunately, even if there is a dragon corpse, it is only an external force."

In the heart of Master Tai Chu, he regretted that the dragon corpse was not his own strength.

Only when you step on a higher level is your greatest strength.

But now Master Tai has a dragon corpse in hand and still occupies a huge advantage.

"Kill you, why bother to find a Buddha? I will show you today, my other hole card."

Suddenly Xiao Nai slapped his palms and swept the source of his body.

A force of qi and blood erupted from Xiao Naihe's body, like a severe storm, connecting both ends of the world.

On top of Xiao Naihe's head, he not only had the power of blood and blood, but also appeared a scripture.

This book emits a variety of colors, but there is only one word on it-pole.

"Extremely in hand, everything reverses."

After Xiao Naihe evolved into a "Ji" Dao in Dadao, the previous Wuji Sutra had already become the current "Ji" Sutra.

However, Xiao Naihe has not used this book for a long time.

Because this book is not only the Dao Jing Shu, but also includes Xiao Nai He's experience of combining the masters of the nine heavenly palaces, as well as some of the powers of origin and chaos.

This book of Scriptures can be said to be more powerful than any Scriptures.

Once this book appears in the world of longevity, it can definitely cause countless holy and powerful people to fight and fight. That degree of importance is even more important than longevity.

"What scripture is this?"

Do not know why? When I saw this scripture, Master Tai Chu vaguely felt a danger in my heart.

It is also dangerous. For the second time today, he felt danger in Xiao Naihe.

When this kind of dangerous thought came into being, Master Tai Chu subconsciously retreated.

"Dragon corpse devoured him."

Master Tai was directly hiding behind the dragon corpse and let the dragon corpse deal with Xiao Naihe.

"Ancient Realm Hall, Realm Dragon Stone, smash the vacuum area for me."

Xiao Naihe burst into a sigh, and from this moment Xiao Naihe's eyebrows suddenly released countless lights.

The entire void seemed to explode.

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