Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2882: Direct seal

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Because of the fusion of the causal tree, the power of the causal tree is obtained.

The causal tree leaves the karma in Xiao Naihe's body, so Xiao Nai can control part of the causal force.

Using this causal force, you can see through all the causal lines in the world.

Not all cause-and-effect lines can be cut off, or not always.

Only when the causal line is the weakest, Xiao Nai has the ability to cut the causal line.

For example, if the relationship between a pair of buddies is very close, like glue, the causal line between the two is very strong.

Even if Xiao Nai was ten times more powerful, he could not cut off the causal line between the two.

However, if the relationship between these two people is very poor, and the difference is so close that they almost add up, then Xiao Nai can cut off the causal line between the two as long as it is within such a time.

Once the cause-effect line of a pair of buddies is cut off, the relationship between the two buddies will disappear.

Therefore, the power to cut off cause and effect is not purely killing the opponent, but directly cutting off and erasing the other party ’s most important existence, which is more difficult than killing a person.

But for Xiao Naihe, doing this kind of thing is only a matter of time.

He waited for a long time, the head dragon corpse was in the hands of Master Tai, and there was never a good chance to cut off the causal line.

However, when Xiao Naihe used the square cage formed by the Ancient Realm Hall and the Jielong Stone to prevent the dragon head corpses from breaking, this was the first time that Master Tai had confidence in the strength of the dragon corpses.

And this is the first time, also a momentary suspicion, and also the time when the cause-effect line is the weakest.

Xiao Naihe knew that if he missed this opportunity, he would no longer have the opportunity to cut off the causal line between the two.

Therefore, take the opportunity to act decisively and use your own card-Dao Da Zi.

Coupled with the ability of cause and effect, it is necessary to cut off the cause and effect line directly.


At the moment when the lightsaber fell, Master Chu immediately felt that something was lost, and a helpless moment swept through.

When he recovered, he seemed to hear the sound of ‘jumping’, and it seemed that a certain string was broken.

"No, what about the imprint of the dragon corpse?"

This Master Tai really can't feel the imprint of the dragon corpse, even the dragon corpse can't be called.

"go in."

Xiao Nai couldn't help but say that on the side of the Sifang prison, the white light suddenly flickered, like a mirror, the light refracted directly absorbed the huge dragon corpses.

That was the power of the Dragon Stone, forcing the dragon corpse into the small world.

Xiao Naihe obviously had no energy but planted the dragon corpse at this time.

But the causal line has already been staged, which is equivalent to erasing the brand inside the dragon corpse.

Now this dragon corpse is no longer Master Chu's.

"Hugh wants to **** it, come back, come back dragon corpse."

Master Tai Chu slapped his palms one by one, and the mysterious characters were revealed from his heart.

This is obviously a spell that controls the dragon corpse, but no matter how Master Tai Chu summons it, he still cannot summon it.

It seems that I really lost contact with myself.

"You ... Xiao Naihe, what the **** did you do? Why can I cut off the connection between the dragon corpse and the head dragon?"

"You don't practise Buddhism and Taoism, do not practise the power of ancient Buddhism, naturally you don't know what a causal line is, and it's useless to tell you more. You don't have a dragon corpse, and it's not my opponent. Obediently, just grab your hand and catch."

Xiao Naihe spoke slowly.

But Chu Taishi immediately knew that it was bad, and fought hard to get up, not even thinking of taking back the dragon corpse.

If he was caught by Xiao Naihe, then everything would be over.

"You can't escape. The Quartet is caged down and suppressed."

Xiao Naihe actually had the ability to win Master Chu from the beginning.

But he wants to get the dragon corpse, which has some good use for Xiao Nai.

Before taking away the dragon corpse, Xiao Naihe could not suppress Chu Taishi down. In case Chu Taishi dog jumped the wall in a hurry, the dragon corpse exploded directly, and Xiao Naihe could not stop it.

"Landscape sky soul, dragon weilonghenglong sky fist."

At this time, Master Tai Chu directly burned his own source.

A saintly strong man burns his own source, even if he is a mid-early cultivator, burning his own source is equivalent to burning his vitality in advance.

What kind of horror is the power released at this time.

The burning source is enough to leapfrog the enemy, even Xiao Nai dare not underestimate.

"Do you think I will let you burn to a critical moment?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

The Ancient Realm Hall and the Realm of Dragon Stone appeared at this time.

As if it were a sky world, the huge ancient world palace severely suppressed Chu Taishi.

The state of the planet formed by Jielong Stone, from top to bottom, directly pushed Master Tai to the sky.

One has to suppress it, the other has to go up.

Master Chu squeezed up and down the two holy objects, and he had no time to even resist.

In the next moment, Xiao Naihe's two holy objects were mixed in the middle immediately.

"Do not……"

Master Tai, who had burned half of the original source, had not yet had time to escape, but was squeezed in the middle by the two holy weapons, unable to move.

The joint exclusion of the Ancient Realm Palace and the Realm Dragon Stone, even if it is a master of the middle and late sages, may not necessarily escape.

Not to mention a monk in the early stage of the saint.

"I said, you can't escape."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

The ancient world palace and the world dragon stone were directly collected back.

Melted into the eyebrows.

In Xiao Naihe's hands, there was an extra crystal.

This crystal is the seal of the three champions.

And this battle was also seen by three people in the crystal.

When Xiao Naihe opened the prohibition in the crystal, these three people also unlocked the seal.

Zulong looked at the barren scene in front of him, his body could not help but shivered.

Looking at Xiao Naihe's expression, Zulong felt shocked and frightened, and said respectfully: "The Son is magical and invincible, even the Holy Master can be taken down. If this is not the Son's rescue, only I ’m afraid I do n’t know how this will end.

"What's the end? Without me, it is estimated that you should become the sacrifice of the holy spirit."

Xiao Nai smiled.

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the old dragon couldn't help shaking.

The soul of the Gu era just now was very powerful, and he saw the other party's horror in the crystal.

But even with such a powerful existence, in the hands of Xiao Naihe, he was still killed by the seal, and even if there was no room for resistance, he was completely destroyed by Xiao Naihe.

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