Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2887: That woman

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This battle was very fruitful, the most important thing is that he got most of the origin of the Chutian people, and also the dragon corpse.

If these things are used well, they can refine the magic weapon and formation, and even train a master.

Xiao Naihe already had his own ideas.

He wanted to finalize Yantiange among the human races. The first step is to establish his prestige now.

In the battle at the Royal Academy, it is estimated that many people already knew him.

Moreover, his previous actions, such as attracting the spiritual Buddha and giving favor to Bingyu, were actually his first step.

Now that Xiao Nai is among the human races, she has accumulated almost nothing but fame.

The second step is to find a place and settle down the Yantian Pavilion.

The reason why Xiao Nai did not settle down Yantian Pavilion slowly, he wanted to set up a formation that could guarantee the safety of Yan Tian Pavilion.

This formation must not be able to break through even the ordinary Holy Power.

Although Xiao Naihe has many treasures in his hand, those things are not suitable for refining the Holy Array.

Now the source of Chutian people Xiao Naihe obtained, and the dragon corpse of the head of the dragon, are enough for him to plant the Holy Array in the position of Yantian Pavilion to resist the attacks of some Holy Power.

"It's time to bring Yantian Pavilion out."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief. He had not entered the Yantian Pavilion for a long time.

Although the cultivation of the people in Yantian Pavilion is certainly not a problem, it is not a good thing to keep them in the inner world.

The most important thing is that in the future, Xiao Nai leaves the world of longevity and really wants to enter the secret realm of origin. Obviously, he cannot take them with him.

The secret of origin is where even Xiao Naihe may not be very sure of self-preservation.

It's definitely not a good thing to take the people with Yan Tiange in the past.

"Holy Son, what are you thinking? What should we do next?"

At this moment, Zu Long's voice interrupted Xiao Naihe's thoughts.

Now Zulong champion Wang and dragon girl are in place, it seems to be waiting for Xiao Nai's arrangement.

Xiao Naihe glanced, and all three seemed to have a situation headed slightly by Xiao Naihe.

However, it is no surprise that Xiao Nai and He Xiu appeared as one, and these three people would naturally subconsciously regard Xiao Nai He as the backbone.

"Yes, I will not pass the first tribe, now I want to go back to the human race, Zulong, will you follow me?"

"The old man is willing to follow the Son."

Zulong quickly agreed.

After going out of the starry sky world, it has traveled in the longevity world for a long time, and has suffered a lot.

Especially after seeing the details of this longevity world, Zulong knew that his semi-holy cultivation practice was not among the top in the longevity world.

Not to mention the more mysterious existence in the longevity world.

After seeing Xiao Naihe's strength, Zulong was more certain that he must follow Xiao Naihe.

"Well, Champion King, go back from wherever you come, we will definitely meet again in the future!"

"it is good."

The champion king knows what Xiao Naihe means.

After Xiao Nai Hedu transformed the champion king, the champion king naturally respected Xiao Naihe's order, and the champion king stayed in the first tribe of Xiao, maybe he could give Xiao Naihe someday help.

As for the dragon girl, Xiao Nai He smiled slightly: "Princess, then we will say goodbye to this, and we will meet again if we are destined."

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the dragon girl sighed slightly, and Xiao Naihe said she had long expected.

Now Xiao Naihe's identity is different, the human saint, even his father emperor, as well as the emperor of the emperor have to give Xiao Nai three points.

This kind of identity, even if it is placed among the clan, I am afraid that countless masters are willing to allocate their family daughters to Xiao Naihe, even if they are just a concubine or even a girl.

The status of the human race is nothing. The longevity world respects strength, and whoever is powerful can ignore the ethnic identity.

Although she is the eldest princess of the first tribe, but compared with Xiao Nai, the identity gap is very obvious.

Fortunately, the Dragon Girl only had a good opinion of Xiao Naihe, not to the point where she would never die.

So hearing how Xiao Nai wanted to be separated from herself, the Dragon Girl didn't feel very painful, but she felt deeply sorry.

"Mr. Xiao, we are destined in the future, we will see you later!"

The Dragon Girl clenched her fists, and she bit the word "Yu Yuan" very hard. It seemed to believe that they would definitely meet again in the future.

Xiao Nai was so keen, nowhere would he hear the woman's words, but he didn't care.

"Good luck, Zulong, we are gone."

As soon as the words fell, the ancient palace in Xiao Naihe's hands rose up, surrounded the two of them, and immediately disappeared into the air at the next moment.

The Dragon Girl looked at the place where the two of them disappeared, and for a long time, turned into a long sigh.

"Sister, don't worry too much, we don't have the opportunity to see you again."

"Perhaps, but I don't know when I will see each other again, maybe I will see each other again, maybe I will never say goodbye."

Speaking of which, the dragon girl's voice was slightly sad.

On the other side, Emperor Zhi has returned to their tribe, and once he entered the palace, he stood beside Emperor Taishang.

But the head emperor Chi had a lingering look on his face, and after thinking for a while, there was no opening.

Taishang Dragon King glanced at the first emperor, and said lightly: "If you want to ask, just ask."

As soon as he heard the voice of Taishang Dragon King, the emperor Zhi quickly asked: "Taishang emperor, when you and this emperor joined forces at the time, why didn't you take down the human race kid first."

"There are Jiugong Zhenzu, it is not easy to do."

"Is the Nine Palace Patriarch? The emperor has heard of him, but the emperor can hold him back, and with your strength, it shouldn't be a problem to win that humanoid kid."

"Do you want to hold Jiugong Zhenzu? Can you hold it? How long can you hold it even if you hold it?"

Taishang Dragon King looked at Emperor Zhi, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his face: "You have been an emperor for so long, you have not learned to live in peace and danger, but instead you have to work hard and hard to practice. Now your eyes have become so bad. You can deal with the Nine Palace Patriarch? Before the old man was closed, his strength was not lower than that of the old man. Now after so many years, he has stepped on a higher level, and his strength is only higher than that of the old man. "

"Isn't it? The Jiugong Zhenzu is better than you?"

"Do n’t believe it, his ancestors have lived far longer than the old man. The heritage accumulated over the years has reached a terrible level. And if he is really the one behind him, he ’s just afraid It will be even stronger. At that time, even if you and I joined forces, at most it would be a battle with the Nine Palaces. "

Hearing the words of Taishang Dragon King, Emperor Zhe showed a trace of doubt: "Taishang Emperor, who is that person? And when you heard Qilian Mountain, you seemed to have any thoughts."

Emperor Zhishou pointed out very politely that he obviously felt that his face changed when he heard that Qilian Mountain was behind Jiu Gong Zhenzu.

The first emperor of Qilian Mountain also heard that it is indeed a mysterious force.

Their tribes have not attacked the human race, in fact, there is a reason, even if Qilian Mountain is still in the human race.

At that time, the emperor Zhi did not understand that with the abilities of the tribes, he was afraid that one Qilian Mountain would not dare to come forward. Why did the elders of the tribes seem to be afraid of Qilian Mountain.

"You don't know the horror of Qilian Mountain until the middle of the Holy Lord. Qilian Mountain has existed since the time of the three tribes, and the owner of Qilian Mountain is mysterious, and the living time is much longer than the ancestors. If Qilian Mountain is really behind that woman If you do n’t mention me, even among the clan, I ’m afraid that few people can provoke her. ”

"That woman? Is there such a powerful woman in the world? Who is it?"

Emperor Zhishou constantly searched the powerful women in the world of longevity, but just couldn't think of any one that would make the Emperor Tai so so afraid.

"It's not easy to say, is she not sure? And even if she is, even if you know her identity, it's a bad thing for you. How many times were there more powerful than the old man, In order to get the woman, genocide and national ruin. But she is still alive, it may be a good chance to get this woman. But more is disaster, she is a disaster. "

When I thought of the woman, even the voice of Taishang Longwang shuddered slightly, and it seemed extremely dreadful.


Although I don't know what a woman is, these four words alone made the Emperor Zhiguo think more.

No wonder the people of the Presbyterian Church seem to be afraid of Qilian Mountain.

"Then we should sue the young man named Xiao Naihe to the Presbyterian Church, but the young man has two great magic weapons, and he also got the bones of our ancestors, let him take it like this, the emperor also Too unwilling. "

Thinking of the things in Xiao Naihe's hands, even the head emperor showed a greedy look.

"Do n’t think about it, Zhenzu said that the kid is the person they want to protect in Qilian Mountain, and that the two great arrays of holy magic weapons are not simple. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the old man can defeat the kid, the old man is afraid I could n’t stop him, and let him go. In case he hid in Qilian Mountain, no one could find him. Instead, he established an unprecedented enemy. "

The emperor Chi nodded his head, and the young sage like Xiao Naihe had unlimited potential.

It was okay to take the kid, but not to let the kid run away. In the future, he would really have to sleep hard at night, and every day he was worried.

"We not only do not upload it to the Presbyterian Church, but also have a good relationship with the kid. This son has Qilian Mountain as a backer. If he pulls him well, it is equivalent to pulling Qilian Mountain. This is for our first tribe. Good thing. The relationship between Feng'er and San'er seems to be very good with that kid, so let the three of them take their course. "

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