Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2906: Holy place, Holy place!

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Bing Xueqi has also studied the formation for a while, and she is now considered to be a strong player at the formation level.

But she couldn't see the origin of Xiao Naihe's big formation.

The God of Bingchi seemed to see through Bing Xueqi's thoughts and smiled: "Don't think too much, he is not only a holy person, but also a sacred person. There are a few sacred persons in the human race now, if you can understand him , You are also a saint. "

"The teacher is still a saint. This junior does not know this."

"You don't know much. The secrets of this guy are so many that I don't want to investigate. Your Lao Tzu really has a unique vision, leaving you next to him is better than the prospect of staying in your military hometown. too much."

Bingchi God nodded.

The characters who can control the money road of heaven and earth, even if the ten saints are brought out, it is not a matter of fact. This is something that their military strategists simply cannot do.

Just as Bing Xueqi was talking to Bingchi God, a huge figure emerged from this fine mang.


It was the sound of the space being torn apart, only to see a huge dragon corpse, spreading the sky dome, it seems to connect both ends of heaven and earth.

And as soon as this huge dragon corpse came out, it immediately made this area windy.

"Zhoushou Dragon Clan? Good fellow, but this is the body of the Shoushou Dragon Clan's sacred strong who sat down, how did he get it?"

The Bingchi God was completely calm this time.

In a sense, the sacred and strong men of the first tribe have an advantage over their sage and strong men.

After the first clan strong man sits, the body will be recovered by the clan.

Even the most common corpses of the first ancestors are no exception.

What Xiao Naiho summoned now is actually a dragon corpse of the first lord of the Chi, which is completely beyond the imagination of Bingchi God.

"Chi Chief Clan? Isn't that one of the big clans among the clans? Why can the teacher even get the Dragon Corpse of the Chi Chief Clan?"

"Then you have to ask him. Your teacher is simply a god-man. It seems that there is nothing he can't do. If I guess correctly, he should use the dragon corpse of the first tribe. Puppet, protect the Yantian Pavilion. But even if the dragon corpse is even more powerful, without consciousness, the power will be halved. It is a pity. "

Bingchi God sighed slightly, and all of them revealed a regretful tone.

But just after the mythical sound of Bingchi just fell, Xiao Naihe suddenly had a Dao Guo flying out of his head, and as soon as this Dao Guo flew out, it was like the stars in the sky, and the light shone down.

Cover all the huge dragon corpses.

At this moment, the decayed bones on the dragon corpse of Zhishou suddenly seemed to spread countless vitality, and they continued to breed bleeding meat.

At the next moment, the dragon corpse, which was originally a skeleton, turned into a dragon corpse with only flesh and blood.

No, it can no longer be called a dragon corpse, but a real dragon.


Suddenly, the giant dragon head opened its mouth and gave a roar, and the whole world of Aoba began to vibrate.

And this huge shock was not only caused by the Aoba Small World, but also caused a celestial change in the three nearby continents.

Suzaku Academy, that Su Yongnan has returned.

She was originally discussing with the other four ancestors, and suddenly her face changed, and she looked up into the distance.

"What a powerful breath, what is this momentum?"

"Even the ordinary half-saint has no such momentum."

"It seems to be in the East."

Su Yongnan and the four great ancestors felt extremely shocked.

They looked at each other, and at the next moment, they disappeared into Suzaku College like a shadow.

Gaozang Bumen, Lingfozi was knocking on the wooden fish, and suddenly his hand stopped a little, and touched the beads in his arms.

"Deliver my order, let the Buddha take them to visit the Aoba world in the east ..."

After speaking, a slight smile appeared on the face of Lingfozi, as if he had already noticed something.

It ’s not just them. Those half-holy strongmen on the three continents near Aoba, feel the powerful fluctuations.

But no one dared to get close.

Only a few people want to find out.

The transformation of the dragon corpse from the corpse into a life form is equivalent to regeneration. Such actions are completely beyond the realm of any holy lord.

But for Xiao Naihe, it was nothing.

He controlled the avenue of life. He could use the cause and effect to create a cause and effect line, and use the cause and effect line to directly create the consciousness of life and regenerate the dragon body and flesh.

Such methods, even outsiders, even the Hyochi God felt incredible.

However, this method is a thousand times more difficult to create the body of life than when Xiao Nai regenerated the flesh and blood of the ancient son.

After all, Gu Shengzi's ability is far beyond the dragon corpse.

Xiao Nai was not able to directly use the dragon corpse of Chishou to create a life ideology.

He almost consumed the life rhyme accumulated a lot before, and added the power of cause and effect.

Adding a lot of treasures, treasures of heaven and earth, let the dragon corpse of Chizu really regenerate.

Even if Xiao Nai is now regenerating the first dragon, it is estimated that he can't do it, at least it will take ten or eight years.

And also need to have the right dragon head corpse.

"Is this the first dragon? Did you resurrect the dragon corpse?"

The God of Bingchi flew up, staring at the dragon head in wonder.

"Resurrection? Even a top sacred lord, it is impossible to resurrect a dinosaur that has been dead for thousands of years. I am just creating a consciousness of life form, using equal cost to create a regenerative body of bleeding flesh. It The consciousness has just been created, and it is no different from the baby just born. "

"Regenerate life forms? What is this avenue?"

The God of Bingchi was stunned for a while. Xiao Naiho's method was unheard of and unseen.

"I can't say clearly for a while, but it's the last thing. I just click on it and it's really done."

"Once it is completed, is it the same as the real lord lord?"

"It looks like this, but in fact it is not a real living thing. It belongs to a half-dead half-lived state. I have also said that I cannot create a real resurrection body, even the most powerful holy lord No. I just created regenerated flesh and consciousness now, but the dragon corpse is still dead and has no previous life, so it is at most half-life. "

After that, this huge dragon head flew up, as if to smash the whole world, and issued a huge hind foot

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