Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2912: Dacheng

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To be honest, Xiao Naihe still feels helpless about Qiuyue's heart.

Xiao Naihe is very clear about Qiuyue's heart now.

As early as the first plane, Xiao Naihe vaguely noticed something.

Until later in Taiyu, where Qiu Yuexin expresses herself, Xiao Nai really determined her mind.

I have to say that Qiu Yuexin is indeed a very playful woman, both external and internal.

Such a woman, not many men would not like it.

Although Xiao Naihe knew Qiuyue's thoughts, he already had Yun Weixue.

At the beginning, Yun Weixue even allowed himself to collect a few confidantes. Xiao Nai refused directly, and now it is even more impossible.

Therefore, even if Qiu Yuexin has thoughts, Xiao Nai is afraid that he will not have any thoughts.

It is precisely because of this situation that Xiao Nai feels helpless.

He could not run everywhere in Qiuyue's heart. Qiuyue's heart is now helpless in the longevity world, and he brought Qiuyue's heart over.

Xiao Nai He is naturally responsible for Qiu Yuexin.

Of course it can't be the kind of responsibility between men and women, but Qiuyue still wants to keep Xiao Nai's attention.

"Moon Heart Girl, the situation in the longevity world is complicated now, so you will stay in Yantian Pavilion for the time being."

Xiao Nai didn't know how to speak.

Even if Xiao Nai is so powerful, the existence of the level of the Lord is unparalleled outside.

But when faced with things between men and women, he felt a headache.

The most difficult thing to deal with between heaven and earth is the word 'love'.

What's more, Qiuyue's love is the most among these women, except Yun Weixue, more than Xian'er and Shangguan Jiajia.

Once Qiuyuexin is given a chance, it is estimated that Xiao Naihe will have a hard time recuperating, so now, his feelings for Qiuyuexin must be handled very properly.

Qiuyuexin had a very good relationship with Yun Weixue during this time in Yantian Pavilion.

She knew that when there was a Taoist companion in Xiao Naihe, she was sad.

As early as the first plane, Qiuyuexin knew why Xiao Nai had a companion, but he didn't see it with his own eyes at the time, and now he saw Yun Weixue.

Yun Weixue's excellence makes Qiuyue's heart feel pressure, and a feeling of powerlessness emerges spontaneously.

But Qiuyuexin has never been a person who likes to give up.

Even if Xiao Nai had a companion, and even if she really couldn't be the woman next to Xiao Naihe, she wanted to be with Xiao Naihe, and she was willing to do whatever she wanted.

But for the time being she put away her strong thoughts, she knew that Xiao Naihe's words had no other complicated meaning.

"Thank you son."

Qiuyue heart showed a mournful color, but soon hidden this expression.

Yun Weixue saw the woman's expression clearly, and she sighed softly in her heart.

However, even so, Yun Weixue did not think about how to let Xiao Nai out.

Her feelings for Xiao Naihe can no longer be described in words. Even if Qiuyue Xin has a deep affection for Xiao Naihe, she will not give in.

After Yantian Pavilion settled down, Xiao Naihe also stayed in Yantian Pavilion for a while. He has now solved the problems of protecting the mountain and the dragon soul of Zhishou.

The next step is to directly borrow the causal tree and advance to the mid-term.

The causal tree has now reached the final step in creating the "burial sky pool". Previously, because there were causal spirits in the "sky dome", the causal power of the causal tree could be strengthened.

So ‘Fun Tianchi’ will be completed so quickly.

Looking at the funeral pond, there was a burst of fine awns on it, just like the mirror of the river of time, flashing slightly.

A force of time wandered, and Xiao Nai He Lima felt a mysterious breath.

"This is the burial Tianchi. It felt exactly the same as when I was in the first tribe. It is indeed a causal tree that can create two identical burial Tianchi."

If the people of the first tribe come, it is estimated that it is not clear whether this burial Tianchi is true or not.

Xiao Nai took the source of the funeral pond in the first ancestor of the Chi, and the empty husk was left in the funeral pond in the first ancestor of the Chi.

Although it can hold for a long time, it will eventually disappear.

Xiao Nai didn't have any burden to take the burial Tianchi of the first tribe.

After all, the location of the burial Tianchi was originally the location where the first tribe robbed the mainland of the human race.

It ’s better to cheap yourself,

Xiao Nai is not a great saint anymore, and the benefits that can be obtained cannot be simply ignored.

"Whirring whirring!"

At this time, a pure wind of gods and thoughts rose from the sky, and the time force of the burial Tianchi spread and merged with the life breath of the causal tree.

At this time, Xiao Naihe knew that the funeral Tianchi was finally completed.

"Well, with the burial sky pool, then my starry sky world is truly perfect."

Xiao Nai suddenly had an idea, if you let the funeral pool and the time river merge, I don't know what will happen.

Burial Tianchi, like the river of time, has the power of time.

It's just that the power of time in Tianchi is a direct jump process to get results.

And whether the river of time accelerates or slows down the flow of time, the process is still there.

On the surface, the time force of the funeral pool seems to be even better.

But in fact, there are different characteristics between the two, and Xiao Naihe is not sure which of the two miracles is better.

"Yes, let ’s talk about the integration of the river of time and the funeral pool. I wo n’t talk about it for now. Now that the" burial pool "is completed, it ’s time for me to go through the catastrophe and enter the middle and late stages of the Lord.

Xiao Naihe's previous heritage has actually accumulated to almost.

But if you are alone, you want to get past this level and step into the middle and late stages of the Lord, Xiao Naihe's grasp is not great, at most it is only 30%.

But now with the power of ‘Fun Tianchi’ and ‘Cause and Effect Tree’, Xiao Nai is more confident, at least 80%.

Even if the remaining 20% ​​fails, it is not a problem.

Even if someone is sure of 90% success, once it is the result of that failure, it will be repaired to a great loss, and the road will be dissipated.

That's because other people's robberies are outside, borrowing the world naturally.

But Xiao Nai is different. His starry sky world is very perfect, and it is no different from the outside world.

Borrowing the ability of the causal tree can simulate the power of the catastrophe, exactly the same as outside.

Even if it fails, Xiao Nai will have no worries about his life.

"It's time to start, cause and effect trees, help me."

Xiao Naihe drank, and suddenly a seed appeared on his eyebrows, which was his own seed.

Then from above the causal tree, a Dao fruit also rose.

The two forces collided, and suddenly, a robbery came into being, and immediately formed.

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