Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2926: The Mei Family's Disaster

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This sword gas pierced Mei Renfeng's body. At the next moment, Mei Renfeng's vitality was pouring like the Yellow River.

I only heard Mei Renfeng screaming, and at the next moment, Mei Renfeng's flesh was withered directly and his vitality was cut off.

A generation of half-holy strong men died.

Seeing this, Bing Xueqi sighed slightly.

Although the Meirenfeng colluded with the demons, they betrayed the tribes and died.

But after all, once the head of the human family, now dying in front of the teacher, it is no wonder that Bing Xueqi has an unspeakable emotion.

The people of the Mei family, when they saw the death of the owner, were all frightened.

Those high-ranking Mei family dared not speak again.

I was afraid to anger the killing **** in front of me.

If the Mei Renfeng did not betray the human race, they Mei family will definitely desperately fight with Xiao Naihe.

But now the Meiren Fengshi hammer betrayed the human race, and they don't know what to do.

Xiao Naihe killed Mei Renfeng, as if he had just done a trivial thing. After all, Mei Renfeng had hatred with him, only because of the feud.

Xiao Nai will not let Mei Renfeng go too far because he is not as good as himself.

Bugs are small, they are also bugs, and they can be disgusting.

When dealing with enemies, even weak enemies can grow to the point of threatening themselves.

Xiao Naihe knew this reason, and killed Mei Renfeng, it was not soft at all.

Subsequently, Xiao Nai glanced at the Mei family.

No matter the children of the Mei family or the masters of the Mei family, Xiao Naihe's gaze swept away, one by one as if every killing **** was put on hold, shaking all over, a little frightened and took a step back.

You know, this young man just killed the killing **** of their head of the family. He was afraid that this killing **** would be angered. Then the young man did something.

However, although Xiao Naihe's eyes swept among their crowd, he only stopped at one of the unremarkable trench coat men.

"I said, I just have an enmity with the Mei Renfeng, and it won't involve your Mei family. As for the Mei Renfeng colluding with the foreigners, it doesn't matter to me. It's up to you, and the things here, you clean up."

After that, Xiao Nai turned around and slowly walked outside.

The man in the trench coat came out slowly, clenching his fists and said: "Slow walk."

Xiao Naihe didn't seem to hear the voice of the man in the trench coat, nor his head. He took Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi to leave the Mei Family Mansion.

The Mei family who heard the voice of the man in the trench coat turned back one by one, and several senior leaders recognized the master of the voice.


"Have seen Grandpa Grandpa."

These disciples quickly fell to their knees one by one.

Mei Renfeng died, originally they had a sense of panic that had lost their pillars, but now they found out that they also had this ancestor of the Mei family.

To be honest, although Mei Renfeng is the head of the Mei family, Mei Renfeng was married to the Mei family and was previously a foreigner.

And the ancestors are the people who really keep their plum blood.

The reason why Mei Renfeng was able to become the Mei family was mainly because the previous generation's owner died, and the old ancestors were closed to practice and could not easily come out.

Mei Renfeng became the head of the Mei family.

Now that the ancestor came out, then the position of the Mei family head would naturally fall back on the ancestor.

"Ancestor ..."

Mei Longde, the head of the Mei family, leaned over respectfully.

"Long De? Do you know what kind of grievances the son and the person have just now?" Mei's ancestor asked coldly.

"This ... it seems that the other party killed Merlin."

"Ren Feng's son? What's going on?"

"We have also investigated before. In fact, Lin Zuo clashed with others after an academy auction, and was later killed. It is said that before he died, the other party just took the Royal Academy Void Gate ... "

Speaking of which, Merond didn't go on.

The Mei family's ancestors are so smart, naturally they can hear the meaning. I am afraid that the Merlin seat is fancy to the door of the void, and wants to get robbed.

The Gate of the Void is a treasure of the Royal Academy and is of great value and cannot be underestimated.

Actually the auction will go out, and even Mei's ancestors are a little surprised.

If you change to him, the ancestors of the Mei family will also be moved, and you can naturally feel the mood of the Merlin.

However, the ancestors of the Mei family shook their heads and said indifferently: "In this case, there are still many innocent deaths in the forest, which is not to blame others."

If Merlin can kill each other, then kill, and the Mei family ancestor will not say anything.

But Merlin's skills are not as good as humans, and they die in the hands of others, and the person who killed Merlin is still an unfathomable character, and the Mei family ancestors have no other way.

"Ancestor, that owner ..."

"She is not my Mei family. My Mei family does not have her own owner, colluding with foreigners and betraying my human family. If this matter is spread, how can my Mei family stand among the human family?"

When it comes to Mei Renfeng, the ancestors of the Mei family do not come together, they are directly angry.

Merond didn't dare to say anything about Mei Renfeng.

"From now on, Ren Feng is not my Mei family. Today's affairs, for the time being confidential, if I hear someone outside talking about the family law at this time, do you know?"

The ancestors of the Mei family looked like electricity, sweeping across the crowd.

Everyone in the Mei family shook their bodies one by one, and quickly shouted, "I know."

After saying this, the ancestor of the Mei family sighed slightly. He also knew how long he could not hide it at this time. The people of the Mei Renfeng collusion with foreigners could not hide it. Was convicted of a traitor associate.

At this time, the ancestors of the Mei family turned their eyes and looked into the distance, whispering: "It's the young man, Yan Xiao of the Yantian Pavilion? What is the origin?"

What happened after the Mei family has nothing to do with Xiao Naihe.

He took Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi, and after leaving the Mei family, he left the city directly.

Xiao Nai was not in a hurry to take Yun Weixue back. He still has time to take Yun Weixue around.

As the so-called Xiaobeisheng's newlyweds, Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue haven't seen each other for many days. When they meet at this time, they naturally hope to be together.

"Teacher, where shall we go next?"

"Where do you want to go? There are other places in the human race where you can play. I don't know. Xueqi, you are familiar with the territories of the human race. Tell me about it."

Upon hearing this, Bing Xueqi suddenly smiled: "Since that, the students know that there is a very good place in the human race. If the teacher wants to go, the students don't mind taking you and the mother."

"Well, where?"

"The old land of the human race, Tiangu Garden, the former site of the human race era!"

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