Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2936: plague

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When Xiao Nai saw the scarlet flowers, she knew what it was and how to use them.

Those three cultivators would not be able to withstand the rhythm of this flower before they would be forcibly refined.

"What the **** is this? Can such a rhyme be hidden?"

Bing Xueqi was also curious. She looked at the blood-colored flowers in Yun Weixue's hands, but she dared not touch them.

"This is called" Daozi Flower ", a flower that condenses pure Tao Yun. It absorbs various avenues and the spirits of all things between heaven and earth. Even if the half-holy strong can be refined, it is a huge opportunity."

"No wonder that Ji Changfang just attached great importance to this scarlet flower."

"He doesn't know how precious this 'Daozi Flower' is. At this time, with his strength, as long as he gets this 'Daozi Flower', he will directly block the prohibition engraved in the 'Daozi Flower', and he will naturally not die. It is a pity that he is too cautious to dare to fight. Everything seeks stability, without the hard work, it is easy to fall into the disadvantages. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

It is not undoubtedly that the half-holy strong man gets this 'Taozi Flower'. Xiao Nai paused: "If he can put away half of the Daozi flowers here and forcibly refine them. Within a Jiazi, he will surely be able to comprehend the Opportunity Avenue , Stealing the opportunity to step into the Lord, what a pity. "

Hearing this, Bing Xueqi was slightly surprised.

Not only Bing Xueqi, but Su Yongnan and Yue Lian also stunned, "Can you really step into the Lord?"

"Of course, in fact, this Jichang house has accumulated almost now. Unlike you, he really belongs to one leg and has stood in the ranks of the holy sage. But he is too seeking stability, so he did not gamble, otherwise the human race would have There is an extra lord.

Xiao Naihe smiled.

This time several women knew how important this ‘Tao Zihua’ was.

"With your qualifications, if you get enough" Daozihua ", there is indeed a great chance to step into the Lord. Of course, it is still far from Ji Changfang. I still have use for this" Daozihua "now, I will soon Planting 'Daozihua' in Yantian Pavilion, endlessly, if you have the will, you can try it in Yantian Pavilion. "

Xiao Naiho's words were already clearly stated, and he wanted to solicit pity on them.

It ’s not that Yue Lianxin is to be a disciple of Yantian Pavilion, but once Yue Lianxin and Su Yongnan are really in the Yan Tian Pavilion, try the wonders of the 'Tao Zi Hua' The huge human relationship is definitely Xiao Naihe's way from now on.

Or maybe, they are under the favor of Xiao Naihe, so they will help Yantiange everywhere.

Su Yongnan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Since Master Xiao is so kind, in the future when Daozi is full of flowers, I will go to the door to seek opportunities."

"Thank you, Master Xiao."

Su Yongnan and Yue Lianxin became the same as Xiao Naihe's words.

From now on, Su Yongnan and Yue Lianxin are truly tied to the Yantian Pavilion.

Bing Xueqi, who was on the side, witnessed the two great masters of the human race, and was directly recruited by Xiao Naihe.

Whether it is Su Yongnan or Yue Ping, they are all overlords.

Even if Xiao Nai is not in Yantian Pavilion in the future, Yantian Pavilion can definitely rival any human force with such a background, and even has a huge deterrent in the longevity world.

At this moment, Yun Weixue's expression moved, and she seemed to think of something: "However, you said just now, there is a prohibition in this" Taozihua ", what's going on?"

"It's Wei Xue, you really can see it. That's right, this flower was banned by people. The reason why the three monks died just now is because of the ban. The three of them were sacrificed. Yes, Daozihua is just attracting others, and it is a means of subscribing. "


"It will soon be known that the object of the sacrifice is at the front. The guys just ran so fast, and there may not be any good ending."

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed with a fine awn, as if everything was under his control.

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, several women all changed their looks and concentrated.

There was still a beam of blood at the front connecting the two ends of heaven and earth.

When they followed Xiao Naihe's footsteps, they stepped into the central eye.

And this central eye is actually another independent space.

They entered into it as if they had entered into another cave.

This independent space world seems to be divided into two worlds.

It is dark on one side and day on the other.

Night and day are separated from each other, as if separated by a mysterious force, forming two different worlds.

After a while, a shouting shout came from afar.

The whole earth seemed to vibrate, causing this independent space to continually oscillate as if it were to crack apart.


It was a long horn sound, as if it sounded the music of battle in this world.

Soon, everyone found out that countless soldiers and horses were sprinting ahead, and tens of millions of fighting power directly rushed to the front.

These tens of millions of soldiers and horses are all human races.

On the other side, it looks like a variety of different races. These people want barbarians, some are demons, some are spirit demons, and some are the first tribe. It's all here.

The two sides seemed to have formed two huge nebulae. Tens of millions of forces collided and fought, and they would be killed on the spot.

Suddenly, the entire independent space seems to form a real battlefield, one minute and one second on the battlefield of the dead.

"This ... this is a battle between the human race and the clan."

In the field, only Ji Changfang passed the war between the human race and the clan, and survived from that war.

After hearing Ji Changfang's words, the other practitioners were all surprised, seemingly not expecting this to happen.

Civilized human beings are now well-behaved because of the lessons of the "Tao Zi Hua" before, and will not act rashly.

I saw the civilized real person pacing in situ, frowning and saying: "Brother Dao, is this an illusion?"

"If it is an illusion, this is too realistic. I feel that if we are in that battlefield, it is very likely that we will be sunk into it at once and will never be able to get out."

Before waiting for the opening of Ji Changfang, the undefeated Dharma King said instead.

This time Ji Changfang glanced at Xiao Naihe.

To be honest, although he did not take Xiao Naihe seriously, Xiao Naihe really impressed him when he took away the "Tao Zihua" before. He even doubted that Xiao Naihe was likely to know the situation here.

Just when Ji Changfang had such a feeling, suddenly, a huge and extremely imposing momentum, or, in other words, murderous! From the sky.

Originally on the battlefield of almost their world far away, as if at this moment came to all of them.

At the moment, they are as if they are in the battlefield of this human race and the clan.

Ji Changfang's body was slightly stunned, as if it were a dream back to his situation during the war.

The breath of this kind of war is in, and the endless blood is full of people.

The collision between tens of millions of lives.

Every moment, every minute, every second, the breath of life in the battlefield is diminishing sharply, and there are countless lives withering in one breath.

"What kind of war is this in order to produce such a breath of war? We are only in an illusion, and we can all feel this kind of war."

Qingzhou Princess shook her body slightly, and her face was very pale. If she didn't use her source to protect her heart, she might have lost herself in this virtual battlefield.

At this moment, both Shangguanqian and Su Yongnan could not help admiring Ji Changfang.

Although Ji Changfang is indeed very annoying and hateful, but I have to admit that this Ji Changfang can actually come out of that kind of war, it really has the ability.

"How come, what's wrong?"

Although Yun Weixue was also somewhat deterred by this horrible atmosphere of war, it was not obvious. Her attention has always been on Xiao Naihe.

As long as Xiao Naihe showed a little change in her expression, or her mind was fluctuating, she knew what Xiao Nai was thinking.

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of breath. His eyes looked like a straight line. He looked into the distance and said quietly, "Here he is."

"Come? What's coming?"

Bing Xueqi asked subconsciously.

At this time, the battlefield illusion in this independent space disappeared directly.

The huge force counter-currents, forming a vortex in the sky, as if to devour everything.

In this vortex, countless blood particles came down from above. These blood particles piled up thousands of together, forming a perfect figure with a perfect proportion.

"These blood particles have the vitality of the three monks just now."

"It's not just those three people, but the vigor of the cultivators."

Su Yongnan suddenly understood, what Xiao Nai said just now meant what the three cultivators were sacrificed to.

Soon, this figure-shaped thing stood up, and his body turned into a cyan light, and a huge black gas enveloped him.

When he opened his eyes, a few half-holy strong men in the field seemed to be struck by lightning, trembling.

"This is-plague!"

When Ji Changfang said the word, a terrified expression appeared on his face.

"Plague? What is this?"

Bing Xueqi was stunned for a moment, and Su Yongnan and Yue Lian were not very clear.

In fact, Zhao Gongming, Tu Shanjin and others did not know what the "plaque" said in the mouth of Ji Chang's house.

But at this time, it seemed that I thought of Shangguan shallow, his pupils shrunk, and his face also showed a deep sense of fear: "Is this 'plague', is it the 'war plague' in the history of the human race? It seems to be remembered. "

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