Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2942: heart

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In front of the scene, deeply shocked Bing Xueqi.

Bing Xueqi swears that she has practiced for so many years and has seen so many scenes, but she has never seen such scenes.

Even, she suspected that if it were not for Xiao Naihe to bring her over, she would not be able to come across such a picture even if she practiced to death.

Not just Bing Xueqi.

Yun Weixue, who was very calm about everything, also had a strong discomfort after seeing this picture.

"However ... this is ..."

"Teacher, is this the treasure you told us?"

Bing Xueqi smiled bitterly. How could this scene be called a treasure? This is almost the same as the **** scene.

"Of course it is a treasure. You haven't cultivated to my level. You won't know how precious this thing is. Even if you can get one of them, it will benefit you a lot."

Xiao Nai nodded.

Xingzu's initial investigation revealed that there is a certain existence in the longevity world, which may take him to a higher level. Maybe it will allow him to really break through the threshold of the Lord.

But when Xingzu investigated the entire longevity world, inside and out, he almost opened the longevity world, and Xingzu failed to find the whereabouts of this thing.

Xingzu thought that this thing might have left the world of eternal life.

But later, the longevity heavenly daughter came into contact with some information of this thing through the ontological consciousness of the longevity world.

Xiao Naihe combined the information of Xing Zu and the eternal daughter, only to have an inference.

Originally, even if Xiao Nai knew the whereabouts of this thing, there was no way to enter it.

Until Bing Xueqi gave himself an opportunity, Xiao Naihe didn't expect that he would encounter a plague in the old human race site.

When Xiao Naihe encountered the plague, he immediately thought of things.

So when that five rounds of days dealt with plague, why did Xiao Nai take this opportunity to come to hide the plague.

All of this seems to be destined in the midst, but Xiao Nai knows that this is an opportunity.

"Xingzu has been searching for so many years, and the eternal daughter has been searching for so many years. They have not been able to find a specific location. I didn't expect it, but I accidentally found it."

Xiao Naihe exhaled deeply.

Appearing in front of them is a huge piece of flesh.

No, it should not be said to be flesh and blood, but a beating heart.

Bloody heart.

And this heart is the desolate planet of Unicom. It seems that the whole planet is the same as the body of this heart.

The huge heart is almost the same size as several continents, with hundreds of millions of miles, and it can't even see the end with the naked eye.

Above the heart, there are some strange shadows.

These shadows are actually spirit-like existences, and like the plague, they are all a kind of life.

Plague has been hiding in this place for so many years.

The reason why the ontological consciousness of the longevity world seals the outer space is because of this heart.

Xiao Nai didn't dare to be sure about the origin of this heart.

In fact, in Wang Yi's memory information, there seems to be news about this heart, but even Wang Yi himself dare not determine who the heart is.

"Teacher, this heart ... is this the star?"

"Unclear, but if I say, this star is actually a form of life, it is just sleeping, do you believe it?"

Bing Xueqi smiled bitterly, her current traditional concept was completely broken.

This matter was completely beyond her common sense, and she didn't even know how to deal with it.

"However, is it the heart of the treasure you are talking about?"

"It can be said that if you handle it well, this heart is a treasure. If it is not handled well, it is a huge disaster."

"Treasure? What kind of treasure is this?"

Xiao Naihe smiled: "If this heart is completely controlled and refined, I dare say that all the people of the human race, hundreds of millions of lives, can become holy lords overnight!"


Suddenly, Bing Xueqi took a breath.

Can all life of a race be a holy one overnight?

What is that concept?

Even Bing Xueqi didn't dare to imagine.

She has practiced for so many years, how much hardship she has been able to achieve today's realm, not only because of her talent and hardship, but also because she has got many opportunities.

But now Bing Xueqi can't see whether he can become a holy one.

And now, the teacher said that this heart can make all lives of the clan become holy, which completely subverts Bing Xueqi's common sense.

"As long as you can take a piece of flesh inside, even a fist with big flesh is enough for you to practice to the Lord. Of course, the premise is that you can get it."


Bing Xueqi recovered, "If you can get this flesh, why do you say ..."

"You think this heart is here, you can move it casually? The plague has been here for so long, if you can get a random piece of flesh inside this heart, it will also need to absorb the anger of war. The ontological consciousness of the real world really controls the longevity realm. "

Xiao Nai paused and smiled: "I just said that if it is not handled well, this is a catastrophe, a catastrophe that can cause any race to disappear overnight."

Listening to Xiao Naihe say this, Mingming teacher was talking with a smile, but when Bing Xueqi heard it, it seemed extremely cold and terrifying.

"See those things in gaseous form above the heart? Those are also creatures, the same level as the plague, and the worst are the holy ones like your father, except that they do not appear in the form of cultivators, but the power is genuine. of."


Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi shuddered, especially Bing Xueqi, a cold sweat was born behind him.

Dare to love from the beginning, the things below are actually the existence of the level of the Lord.

Bing Xueqi found that his voice was a little trembling: "Since ... If that is the case, why are we here, they will not find ... discover?"

"I discovered it long ago. As early as when we came in, almost all life here discovered our existence."


Yun Weixue almost screamed, "Since they discovered our existence, what is indifferent?"

"Did we find our existence, the other party will attack us? There are so many creatures here, in their eyes, you two are just like ants? You said, did an elephant discover one or two ants, Will there be an impulse to encourage teachers to squeeze the ants to death? "

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi glanced at each other, and they finally understood why Xiao Nai knew the situation here again and could still have such a performance.

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