Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3494: Is this the end

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Yi Tianjun is in a good mood.

To tell the truth, from the beginning, he did not expect that Xiao Nai would actually fight against him to such a degree. He originally thought that he would take Xiao Nai for ten decisive gains.

But he never thought how Xiao Nai's progress is far beyond his imagination.

The naked eye has become stronger, from obtaining the chapter of eternity to comprehending the eternal avenue. Even now, from the original system of monasticism, it has realized a higher level of avenue power.

These are things that Yi Tianjun has never done before.

This is why Yi Tianjun suddenly became afraid of Xiao Naihe.

However, Yi Tianjun has been preparing for so many years, starting from calculating Yuan and Huanglin, and then opening Tianshi, he has been calculating.

Although Xiao Naihe exceeded his expectations, he still had a lot of followers left behind.

"I have observed your every move in Tianshi, and I have made sufficient preparations for the nine of you, especially Xiao Naiho. After knowing that you have stepped into the uppermost realm, I have estimated that It's been a day. This cage is specially prepared for you. "

Between Yi Tianjun's speeches, the nine heavenly worlds kept squeezing Xiao Naihe together.

At the moment, Xiao Naihe's flesh burst out of blood, the flesh and blood were vague, and even the soul of the **** seemed to be imprisoned.

"This thing is called‘ Road Lock ’. I simulated your avenue and tried to calculate it tens of thousands of times. Even if you get the eternal chapter, you may calculate it. You have lost.”

The more he spoke, the tone of Yi Tianjun suddenly became pleasant, and even the laughter was released, resounding through the eternal secret realm, and the whole secret realm seemed to vibrate continuously under this laughter.

Listening to Yi Tianjun's laughter, Xiao Naihe's complexion was very calm, he looked at the 'Dao lock' around him.

Nine Heavenly Palaces suppressed him, and the "Dao Lock" directly drawn the power of Yin and Yang, and the breath of the Avenue cut off the line connecting his own soul and body. It is estimated that even if Ye Tianjun was implicated by this kind of "dao lock", his flesh would die out even if he was stronger.

Because Xiao Nai got the chapter of eternity, the flesh was irrigated with the essence of Eternal Avenue, but it still blocked the demise of Dao lock.

However, Xiao Naihe knew that the "Road Lock" would penetrate incessantly, and his body and soul would be cut off directly by this "Road Lock".

At that time, no matter how powerful the supremacy is, it will definitely die.

"It's you, and Yi Tianjun. It's a means to cut off the yin and yang and crush the road. This kind of magical power is enough to pierce all the supremacy. It's a terrible killing method." There was no way to praise.

Yi Tianjun raised his eyebrows slightly, somehow, he felt a sudden discomfort in his heart when he saw Xiao Naihe's expression.

However, Yi Tianjun cut off his thoughts and slowly said: "Xiao Naihe, your miracles have indeed created too much, and there are many nights and dreams, so absorb your eternal avenue and talk about it again."

"Absorb Eternal Avenue? I'm curious how do you absorb my Eternal Avenue."

"Humph!" Yi Tianjun smiled coldly, "You will know it later."

Between the words, Yi Tianjun reflected the yin and yang in his eyes, as if a galaxy appeared in front of him, circling continuously, cutting off the entire eternal secret.

This galaxy not only spreads throughout the eternal secret realm, it even spans hundreds of millions of stars Qiong Qiong, spreading in an incomparable horror, and instantly spreading the entire starry sky.

Under such a general trend, it is difficult to be self-sustaining even if it is seen from the top.

Subsequently, the eternal chapter above Yi Tianjun's head also jumped up, making a humming sound.

"Huh?" Xiao Nai moved in his heart. He looked at the eternal chapter above Yi Tianjun's head, and suddenly felt that the eternal chapter seemed to have his own consciousness and was actually jumping.

"This is devouring."

Xiao Nai can clearly feel that the other party's eternal chapter really carries such a desire to devour. I have a very strong thought about my "eternal chapter".

Not only that, Xiao Naihe can even feel a touch of movement in the 'eternal chapter' above him.

"Don't the eternal chapter of Yi Tianjun and me come from the same source? Or does the eternal chapter have separate parts?"

At this time, Xiao Naihe suddenly had an idea in his mind. As soon as this speculation came up, Xiao Naihe's eyes lit up.

In an instant he seemed to understand all the truth, and why Yi Tianjun would say that from the beginning.

At the moment, Xiao Naihe's mind was so clear, his thoughts were so transparent, as if he already knew everything.

"I understand, it turned out that I was wrong from the beginning. Easy, you are more cunning than I thought. If it wasn't when I was most at risk, I'm afraid it would really be in your hands. "Xiao Nai shook his head and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

For some reason, Yi Tianjun in the distance saw Xiao Naihe's self-deprecating expression, and suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He didn't hesitate at the moment, the movements in his hands are getting faster and faster.

Covered by the Milky Way in the sky, the range of hundreds of millions of miles suddenly remembered a Sanskrit sound, like the sound of a avenue, turned into a natural sound.

Among the roaring sounds, countless stars seemed to be the reversal of yin and yang, wrapped around the 'eternal chapter'.

In the next moment, the chapter above Yi Tianjun's head directly glowed with countless brilliance, and rushed directly to Xiao Naihe's 'eternal chapter', which was about to devour and merge.

Yi Tianjun looked at Xiao Naihe's powerless resistance, and couldn't help but show a smile, his expression was even more excited.

"How many years, how many epochs, my Eternal Avenue can finally be completed, I finally began to step into the Eternal Kingdom and pursue a higher road." Yi Tianjun's body was a little trembling with excitement.

At that moment he seemed to see the eternal path he pursued, and he also had a figure on that peak.


It was at this time that the ‘eternal chapter’ that originally belonged to Yi Tianjun suddenly seemed to be stopped by some invisible barrier and could not move.

The barrier was opened, and countless pieces of stars were shattered and shattered directly on the galaxy. The scene was extremely spectacular, as if Taiyu had been pierced, and one star after another was submerged. .

And the eternal secret realm was penetrated one giant hole after another, cutting one after another the gully, it was shocking.

"What?" Yi Tianjun's face changed wildly, and somehow his ominous premonition suddenly emerged.

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