Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3498: Warlord

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Now that Xiao Nai is getting more and more courageous and fighting against strong players like Qiu Emperor, Xiao Nai not only did not feel frustrated, but became more and more excited.

The best way to pursue the avenue is to fight.


Emperor Qiu said a word lightly. The void collapsed suddenly, and the dragon and phoenix entangled in it.

A single word is directly unbearable.

However, Xiao Naihe only smiled faintly, letting him feel this endless pressure, he still had the same attitude, and the three destinies merged his blood.

At this moment, Xiao Nai stepped forward, as if standing against the blue sky and standing in the distance like a majestic star, as if holding the heaven and earth, and fooling the stars.

"The avenue is invisible. See if your eternal avenue goes far, or my perception of the avenue goes far."

Between chatting and laughing, the law of Dadao became a piece of fine awn, rising up into the sky and shrouded into the sky.

Gathered together in an instant, at that moment, it seemed like the heaven and earth **** wheel kept turning, the sound of rumbling was endless, the law of the Three Thousand Avenues was spinning, and the bombing came.


The two forces squeezed each other, and suddenly there was a tremendous shock. The breath of the avenue was sweeping in all directions, sweeping all directions, and the surging breath was wave after wave.

The entire eternal secret was washed away at once.

"Huh? This is not the Eternal Avenue. Did you actually walk out of the original avenue system?"

Qiu Di's face moved, revealing surprise.

Although she is successful, the Eternal Avenue is a part of the Taiyu world before she built the Eternal Avenue, and she followed the same avenue system.

It is precisely because she feels that Taiyu's avenue system has reached its limit, and she will eventually switch to the system of Eternal Avenue.

But now Xiao Nai not only completed the original road system successfully, but even took a step forward.

It can be said that since Xiao Naihe broke through the ages, this unprecedented step in Taiyu has entered another domain.

At that moment, Emperor Qiu couldn't help but feel shocked.

She finally knew why Yi Tianjun lost to Xiao Naihe.

Whether it is accumulation, background, or control of the Eternal Avenue, Yi Tianjun is definitely better, but Yi Tianjun still lost to Xiao Naihe.

Then there is only one possibility. Xiao Naihe's avenue has taken a whole new step beyond the limits of Yi Tianjun.

How can Yi Tianjun overcome a person with the strongest heart and the limit.

"He actually took a whole new step in our monastic system?"

Not only Qiu Emperor, but also the distant Emperor Bai and Emperor Bai, their faces changed, and they were shocked violently.

Yi Tianjun nodded, his tone very bitter: "His avenue has crossed the limit."

Baidi and Zhandi looked at each other, if Xiao Naihe only cultivated the Eternal Avenue, and fulfilled in the original system of monasticism, then that was the case, and they couldn't stand the attention of Baidi and Zhandi.

However, if you cross the limits of the original system of monasticism and take a new step, it will be different. That is a new field that neither Lien Zhandi nor Baidi has ever involved.

At that moment, Emperor Zhan's eyes became extremely deep, and he said: "Autumn Emperor, give me this son, let me deal with him."

Qiu Di's eyes flashed, and he didn't say anything. With the flirty cloud clothing floating on his body, the figure had fallen to the back.

The Emperor Zhan laughed loudly, and his blood rose to the sky.

At this moment, the Emperor's eyebrows opened, and blood waves rolled continuously, and a **** sky sword reflected from his eyebrows.

"This sword is named Tianshen, and has fought for seven generations with this seat. If you die under the gods, you are also proud."

Between the words of the Emperor Zhan, the whole body of light spewed out, which was extremely bright, like the scorching sun in the nine days.

With a bang, heaven and earth turned into giant swords, and they dared into the sky.

At that moment, galaxies cut off 100,000 miles, countless lines appeared, and various laws spewed out, forming waterfalls and falling down.

To the naked eye, we can see that the laws of the Dao are woven together, and the transformed giant swords are around the ‘Tianjin’, as if they were supreme, surging and endless.

The endless road war intention contained in it can slaughter the **** Buddha and crush the fairy demon.

"The emperor's eternal avenue is‘ war ’, and the battles are full of battles, and there are no battles.” Baidi could not help saying.

The three of them all have their own characteristics. The characteristic of the war emperor's Eternal Avenue is to war.

This kind of sharp energy accompanied the "God", unstoppable, swords and stars, cut off all existence.

Jianwei spewed over the stars, even if Yi Tianjun felt this kind of Jianwei, he couldn't help but feel small.


Yi Tianjun secretly praised him, envying Emperor Zhan more and more in his heart.

"That is the power of Eternal Avenue's consummation, and it is necessary to devour the Eternal Avenue that integrates Xiao Naihe, so that I can attest to the completion of the Tao."

At this moment, Tianshen's sword pierced the void, and even time and space were distorted. I saw the Emperor Warrior urge the whole body to urge the `` Tenjin '' in his hand, and instantly stab Xiao Naihe.

At that moment between the electric light and flint, it seemed that the avenues had broken apart.


Xiao Naihe's face was also dignified. As soon as the war emperor shot, he knew how terrible the opponent's strength was.

Rao is Yi Tianjun in front of this war emperor, I'm afraid I can't see enough.

"Boy, use your tricks beyond the avenue system, otherwise there is no hope for your incomplete eternal avenue now."

The reason why Warlord wanted to play against Xiao Naihe was because he saw Xiao Nai took a brand-new step above his own avenue system, and his heart was full of war.

With such an overbearing sword, Xiao Naihe felt that his whole body was frozen, but his face remained unchanged.

"as you wish."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's three great destinies opened, and the law of the avenue shrouded with it, and the avenues of the sky burst into the sky, as if turning into sword gas, the stars flashed and sprayed flames.

With such a devastating breath, the terrifying impact power instantly crushed one star after another.

The majestic power is endless, and it is suppressed unbearably.

At the next moment, Xiao Nai's body shuddered suddenly, and under this violent sword light, he was suddenly shaken out.

The Emperor Warrior waved his hand, and the "God of God" in his hand exuded the supreme power of the Supreme God. There were also two plans of destiny suspended above his head, as if he could kill the God and destroy the Buddha.

"One move actually gave that Xiao Nai to Zhen Fei." Yi Tianjun in the distance could not help but took a breath.

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