Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3541: Evolutionary causality

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Who is the Emperor Dragon Sword Emperor?

Just a moment, he returned to normal, still the cold and unpredictable look.

"The hero is a teenager. I think you can kill my offspring, and it won't be so easy to die. But today, no one wants to stop me from revenge."

Between the words of the Dragon Sword Emperor and the five fingers spread apart, it was a seal of magic. The spiritual power poured down, and the four sides were blocked directly, and the world was cut off.

At that moment, everyone even had a feeling that Xiao Naihe was locked in this space, and escaped and escaped. Xiao Naihe stood in the middle of the world and was locked by the Qi machine.

At the same time, everyone saw only one wall of light born out of nothingness, isolating Xiao Naihe from others, and it seemed to be enclosed in another space.

Emperor Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows and secretly said: "What the **** is the Dragon Dragon Sword Emperor? Not only is he casting a spell, even the" Fate Blockade "is on display!"

Although Xiao Naihe was very powerful, Emperor Xuanyuan always believed that there was no need to be so painstaking to deal with Xiao Naihe.

It seems that this Dragon Sword Emperor, even seems to have used all kinds of housekeeping skills, a very serious look, which made Emperor Xuanyuan somewhat puzzled.

If it were n’t for the Dragon Sword Emperor ’s strength now, even the Great Emperor Xuanyuan would n’t have much confidence, and he would definitely settle with the Dragon Sword Emperor first.

"Do you block the world?" Xiao Naihe looked around. The Dragon Sword Emperor blocked the space and used the power of destiny. Xiao Naihe moved slightly in his heart, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Is there anything you do n’t want people to know, from the beginning you sneaked on me, using a spell instead of a one-hit kill, and now you ’re isolated from me with a fate blockade, all this does n’t seem to cause me Deadly. "Xiao Nai He smiled slowly.

The Emperor Dragon Sword Emperor's eyes flickered and his voice resembled the morning bell Hong Liang: "You are a wise man with high talent, so it is a pity that the talents die."

"Oh? Are you trying to conquer me?" Xiao Nai laughed.

"What's the point? If you trust me, the deity will not only help you achieve immortality, but even you will become my successor in the future." The Dragon Sword Emperor began to seduce.

If you are a general cultivator, I am afraid that when you hear the conditions promised by the Dragon Sword Emperor, you will agree on the spot.

However, Xiao Naihe always felt that the Dragon Sword Emperor had no purpose. After he merged into the heavenly star map, as he stepped into immortality, the five senses of heaven and man had reached the limit, and he could feel many things.

The Dragon Sword Emperor must know something.

Of course, Xiao Naihe knew who the descendant of the Dragon Sword Emperor was. He killed a few short-eyed men before entering the world chess game. One of them claimed to be the Dragon Sword Emperor. Presumably it was him.

"What are you hiding? You don't want to kill me, you just want to catch me alive, it seems that you want to get something from me or learn something?" Xiao Nai thought back, vaguely remembering something.

When he killed Qi Mufeng, he once felt a strong will.

Moreover, I saw Qi Mufeng's residual ischemic vein fragments disappear with that will, and I thought it was recovered by the Dragon Sword Emperor.

It means that the Dragon Sword Emperor knew from Qi Mufeng's blood shards?

For example, the memory of the scene.


When Xiao Nai thought of this, he could not help showing a smile, he knew why the Dragon Sword Emperor wanted to catch himself.

"It turns out that it seems that you saw from Qi Mufeng before and after I killed him, and you know that I grabbed Zhang Chun, your purpose is the information of 'Eternal Heavenly Path'." Xiao Nai He smiled slowly.

When his voice stayed here, the face of the Dragon Sword Emperor changed again, and his eyes suddenly shone coldly.

"You must not be left, even if I pull the person you took away, you must die!"

Between the words, the Dragon Sword Emperor's eyebrows released a sword light, and the breath was like the sea. It was extremely sharp and extremely sharp.

For a moment, even time and space were cut off by this sharp sword gas, which seemed to distinguish the world from the world at the same time.


Sword Qi swept, Xiao Naihe was also a little surprised. The speed of this sword gas directly traversed thousands of miles, cutting off all the positions deep in Xiao Naihe.

If it were not for Xiao Nai to retreat fast, he would have been slashed with blood by this sword gas.

"It seems that it is not enough to return to the immortal body."

Xiao Nai sighed secretly.

Although he is now stronger than the peak period, he is also in the middle and upper levels in terms of strength.

But his physical body has never been restored to an immortal body, because the fourth destiny, the Promise of the Promise, has not been completely perfect, nor is his immense Greatness perfected to the point of immortality.

Although he has walked out of the immortal road from the Eternal Road, but after his original road has been transformed, it is not enough to be immortal.

Only when all his conditions are met can he rebuild his immortality.

Seeing that Xiao Nai was hurt by his own sword spirit, the Dragon Sword Emperor couldn't help but feel safe in his heart. It seems that this kid is not so difficult to do.

"You can't hide it. This sword gas named 'Cut Immortal Dao' can preserve people's lives, while decomposing a person's soul, divine power, and destiny." Emperor Dragon Sword Emperor cuts his immortality Dao 'Quite confident.

"Hide? When did you get the illusion that I wanted to avoid?" Xiao Naihe smiled gently.


The Dragon Sword Emperor raised his eyebrows and suddenly had a bad hunch.

The appearance of Xiao Naihe with his chest in mind made the Emperor Dragon Sword Emperor a little unhappy.

"Fate is on!"

At this time, a causal tree emerged from Xiao Naihe's head.

Since the causal tree was born with immortal destiny, it also entered the ranks of immortality.

Xiao Nai borrowed the immortal destiny of the causal tree and directly evolved a sword spirit.

"Cut the fairy road!"

The pupil of Shenlong Sword Emperor shrank, and Xiao Naihe's simulation was obviously the same as his own "cutting the fairy road".

Seeing the Dragon Sword Emperor here sneered again: "My sword spirit is not such a good simulation, even the immortal emperor can't do it."

"If others can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it. You haven't seen the ability of the causal tree."

Xiao Naihe smiled.

Cause and effect trees are immortal and can evolve all causes and effects. As long as it is in cause and effect, there is no way to avoid the evolution of the cause and effect tree.

Even the immortal powerhouse must be influenced by the causal tree in the cause and effect.

The Dragon Sword Emperor cuts the cause and effect constantly, and is bound to be restrained.

The evolution of "cutting the fairy road" is the ability to evolve causality.

"go with."

Xiao Naihe's voice fell, and his sword energy swept across, directly colliding with the sword energy of the Dragon Sword Emperor.


There was a loud noise, the sword gas exploded, and the space blocked by fate also exploded together!

[The off-topic of the author]: I hope you will wear masks when you go out, wash your hands frequently, and do not go to crowded places.

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