Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3566: Don't believe me to overturn here

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The lifeline is the root of any sect.

The strength of a sect is to see the strength of life.

The stronger the life cycle, the more prosperous, more talents will be born, and the incense of Zongmen will also burn and endless.

On the contrary, once the lifeline is weak, the sect will become weaker and weaker, and eventually disappear completely.

"The Giant Medicine Garden is indeed a seven-star ancestor. The underlying lifeline is even more than all the essence of a large plane." Xiao Na couldn't help but sigh.

Such a great lifeline is unique in Xiao Naihe's impression.

Previously, the most powerful sect power in the first plane, the eternal life world, and the original secret realm, did not have such a lifeline.

Or that all the energy essences added up by the entire origin secret world are far inferior to this underground life vein.

Xiao Naihe knows that even if such a lifeline is absorbed into his body or destiny by refining and refining, it is definitely a tonic, and the power can go further.

A seven-star plane has such a tremendous life cycle, and the eight-star or even nine-star power has such a huge life cycle.

However, this giant medicine garden and itself are not enemies. It is too much to refine and absorb the lifeline of the other party.

"Wait a moment, I'll wait to consult the head." The men and women retreated after a ceremony.

Xiao Naihe sat down and looked around, as if looking at something.

Xuanyuan Wan'er suddenly said: "I used to visit the Juyao Garden as an avatar. At that time, the old fellow of the Emperor Yaodi still came forward to meet him personally. Now his temper is a lot harder, and I call you to come over and put you here.

"It's okay." Xiao Nai He smiled lightly and didn't care.

This drug emperor is nothing more than trying to give himself a dismountable power, after all, the other party is immortal emperor, and he has become famous for many years.

Even if you know your own things, but you do n’t see it with your own eyes, you can understand it if you do n’t put yourself in your eyes.

Moreover, Xiao Nai also wanted to know what the drug emperor wanted to do.

Although he gave Chuqing the inheritance in the chess game of heaven and earth, he intended to cultivate this girl. Although this girl is a disciple of Juyaoyuan, it does not mean that this inheritance is already in Juyaoyuan.

If the Juyao Garden wants to forcibly occupy this heritage, Xiao Naihe can even take Chu Qing away.

"You need to be more careful. Although the Emperor Yao is now in a very weak field, the more he does this, the crazier he will do." Xuanyuan Wan'er couldn't help but remind him.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said: "Isn't he the second paragraph of immortality? Even if I don't help, I won't be able to deal with it."

"Although the Emperor Yao is the second stage of immortality, he has not known how much he has accumulated over the years, but he is afraid to become stronger. In short, be careful not to be wrong."

Xiao Nai nodded.

Between the speeches, a breath came in, as mighty as the Gobi Desert, and as peaceful as the wind and the sun, the sound of the avenue even sounded in the void, just like the sound of the magic law.

"Young Master Xiao, I have heard the name for a long time."

It was a middle-aged man who walked in.

The middle-aged man looks white and clean, holding a white paper fan and wearing a plain clothes, just like the great man in the world who has read poetry and books, all reveals a fragrance of books.

At the same time, every step he takes, there is a pure breath of martial arts and the power of life. Obviously, cultivation has reached a very high level.

Half-step immortality.

Xiao Naihe saw at a glance the opponent's cultivation base.

This middle-aged man is beyond the pinnacle of crossing the robbery, beyond the highest level, but stuck in the stage of immortality.

The breath of destiny has been transformed, but the soul of the gods did not realize the true meaning of eternity and took the last step.

Even so, these strong men are very powerful.

Xie Wenyuan clenched his fist towards Xiao Naihe, and performed a salute.

"Are you the head of the Giant Medicine Garden?" Xiao Naihe's mind immediately showed the memory fragments of the Dragon Sword Emperor.

"It was Xie someone." Xie Wenyuan gave a slight pause. "Young Master Xiao came to visit, but it was a great blessing for my giant medicine garden, and he came down to receive Xiao Xiao."

"I don't have so much time to let your ancestor drug emperor come to see me." Xiao Nai waved his hand.

Xie Wenyuan's expression remained unchanged, and it seemed that he did not give Xiao Naihe's impolite tone, but continued to say: "The ancestor suddenly felt a sense not long ago, suddenly closed down, and he would not be able to come out in a moment and a half. Young Master Xiao also knows the imperial power The perception is incredibly ingenious, and once it comes, it cannot be stopped. "

"Oh? The spiritual insight of the immortal powerhouse is indeed very clever, but I heard that the drug emperor is already the pinnacle of the second paragraph of immortality. Could he have realized the profound mystery of the third paragraph? ? "

"Master Zu Xiu is unfathomable, maybe it is." Xie Wenyuan's tone was neither humble nor overbearing.

Xiao Nai looked at Xie Wenyuan with a smile, and slowly said: "Although you are the head of the Giant Medicine Garden, but you are still not qualified to see me, let the old man of Medicine Emperor come out to see me."

It seems that Xiao Naihe deliberately made things difficult for each other, or that Xiao Naihe has seen through the small means of the Giant Medicine Garden.

Xie Wenyuan was embarrassed: "Master Zu is indeed closed, even if Master Xiao wants to see him, he won't see him for a while."

"Really?" Xiao Naihe's eyes narrowed slightly, and the whole person seemed to be very dangerous. A breath like a sea of ​​prison slowly surged from his body, and the air immediately filled with a very tense breath. .

Xie Wenyuan did not expect that Xiao Naihe's expression just changed, and there was such a terrible aura, and his face suddenly turned pale, as if he did not expect the other party's terrible.

"In this case, let Chuqing's girl come out, I want to see her." Xiao Nai He converged this aura.

Xie Wenyuan's forehead had oozed cold sweat, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Qing has been closed since he came back from the Red Lotus City, and has not shown his head for many days."

"Before I came, you said that the drug emperor was waiting for me here, and then I came in and said that he was in retreat. Now that I met Chuqing, you also said that she is in retreat. It seems that you have not heard of me from the Juyao Garden. The thing? Do n’t you believe that I will overturn the entire giant drug garden? "

Xiao Naiho concealed his threats in his speech.

But at this time, an unpredictable voice came in: "Chuqing is what you can see? My woman can only be decided by me."

Suddenly, a young man walked into Zhengde Hall.

The man's eyes seemed to project the void, reflecting everything.

Every time he takes a step, it is more like a headstand in the void.

Just standing there, you can feel the speechless overbearing of the other party, with the vicissitudes of youth, as if you can pierce the sky.

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