Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3586: your Highness

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The goddess was cold, and her eyebrows were murderous. The jade palm was attacked like a sword.

In an instant, this space was distorted, as if it had entered between reality and illusion, and even time and space became blurred.

"Time and space chase the soul palm."

With a scold, the air immediately crossed the line of fire and made a sizzling sound, as if smashed.

Xiao Nai He thought, he also shot, but not to show his magical skills, but the memory of the Dragon Sword Emperor, evolved a set of magical powers.

"The dragon is furious."

Xiao Naihe made a deep voice, and every thought turned into Longwei, and a roaring voice was conveyed.

The roar was thick and majestic, and the rolling coercion was suppressed, and the palm wind was broken.

"As soon as you meet, you hit someone, it's not good!"

Xiao Nai's bland voice sounded.

When the woman saw Xiao Naihe, her eyes became cold: "Dragon Dragon Sword Emperor, you are so brave that you dare to enter the territory of this palace."

At this time, the woman didn't know when she had an extra green dress, which seemed very dignified at first glance.

Moreover, between the women's words, it seemed that some kind of voice of the avenue was running, and even time seemed to stop.

It's just that Xiao Naihe's attitude remained the same, and the destiny was quietly operating. It seemed to cooperate with this dignity and not be affected by a trace.

At the same time, Xiao Naihe was also searching for information about the woman. Since the other party knew the Dragon Sword Emperor, there was no reason why the Dragon Sword Emperor did not know her.

"This palace will not only beat you, but also kill you. Heaven goes to the earth, even the Archbishop of the Dragon Sect cannot save you."

Between the words, a ‘wave’ emerged from the woman ’s feet, and the pieces fluttered.

It didn't take long for the huge waves to start, and the entire pool seemed to be overturned.

"Tyrannosaurus rex."

At this time, Xiao Naihe could not practice his own Taoism, but tried to mimic all kinds of acne Taoism magical powers of the true dragon form.

He devoured the true dragon's fate a long time ago, coupled with the special ability of the causal tree, it is impossible to evolve the magical power of the dragon dragon sword emperor.

I saw Xiao Nai let out a breath, and suddenly the entire pool seemed to be swallowed, and the water vapor in the air was condensed, and it became one idea after another.

"Get out of this palace."

The woman's beautiful face is stained with a trace of frost, and the places where the jade foot treads are derived one by one. Like the lotus under the foot, there are vaguely thoughts to form a star array, according to the mysterious track It works and shows endless power.

Xiao Nai's five-fingered finger, directly forming a barrier, is extremely strong. Under the attack of the woman, a sudden muffled noise suddenly sounded, but it never broke.


The woman's face moved slightly, she knew that the Dragon Sword Emperor's cultivation was deep and shallow, but today's confrontation, the other party's ability seems to be much stronger than she expected.

"Fight to Star, Ten Thousand Fa Array."

Kung fu in fingertips, the light of countless stars is directly spliced ​​together, and countless thoughts form a star formation.

This star array seems to combine power and wisdom, and every thought is endlessly powerful, blessed with a certain divine power, and with the magical power of the woman, it turns in a whirlwind at once, radiating a very strong radiance, shining on the sky.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe ’s originally opened barrier was directly crushed and turned into endless fragments.

"Great, this woman is more powerful than the Dragon Sword Emperor by three points."

As soon as the opponent made a shot, Xiao Naihe knew that the opponent was playing deep and strong.

Although the Dragon Sword Emperor is powerful, even if he besieged everyone in the giant drug garden that day, no one can match the Dragon Sword Emperor.

But this woman is more powerful than the Dragon Sword Emperor by three points. No wonder she dares to say that she will kill herself!

"Found it." At this time, Xiao Naihe finally found information about the woman from the memory fragments of the Dragon Sword Emperor.

"The Seven Princesses of the Holy Kingdom, the elite students of Xianmen College!"

This woman turned out to be the princess of the Holy Kingdom.

It's just that the other party's princess, the ancient country, how could take a bath in the Shenlong religion, Xiao Nai could not understand how.

But even if the other party is the ancient country, what do you think she is the Dragon Sword Emperor, where do you know her ability?

"What about the battle array formed by the number of stars? See how I broke."

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, his finger flicked away, and there was a sharp tweet in the void. Xiao Naihe evolved the destiny of the Shenlong Sword Emperor, and at once burst out countless divine thoughts.

Each Shennian is so powerful that he directly breaks the opponent's battle.

The seventh princess couldn't help but go back two steps, her face changed quietly.

This "Dragon Dragon Sword Emperor" actually broke his "Star Fighting Array"? It's not that the Dragon Sword Emperor is very common in his attainments, when did he become so powerful.

"Dragon Dragon Sword Emperor, your destiny breath seems to have changed a bit. Have you realized the true meaning of the third paragraph, and there are no signs of breakthrough?" The Seven Princesses felt a slight shock.

Once the opponent has embarked on the three stages of immortality, they can be promoted to elite students in Xianmen College.

Even as the Seventh Princess, although she was an elite academy, she only had a good background and found a good teacher.

The Dragon Sword Emperor is much older than himself. His "old cultivator" has almost exhausted his potential, so even if he is an immortal, he can only be an ordinary student of Xianmen College.

But once the Dragon Sword Emperor has reached the three stages of immortality, then the status in the Academy will be different.

In this era, the Four Eternal Emperors simply grouped the immortality into six sections, the following two sections, the middle two section and the upper two sections are divided into simple and rough.

Once in the immortal three paragraphs, that is the middle two paragraphs, the status is naturally different.

The realm of immortality is actually too much to distinguish between small levels, and even the immortal strong are not sure.

A long time ago, the powerful of the immortal earth of the era even distinguished the realm of immortality into twelve levels, twenty-seven levels, and even more small stages.

This is why it is also an immortal segment, and some people's strength is suspended by people of the same level, and there are even leapfrog challenges. That is because the immortal is a realm. There are not only six segments in the middle, but various small stages.

The Seven Princesses and the Dragon Sword Emperor are both immortal, but when subdivided, the Seven Princesses are stronger than the Dragon Sword Emperor for several small stages, so they will always stabilize the Dragon Sword Emperor.

But once the Dragon Sword Emperor enters the three stages of immortality, this gap will disappear completely.

Just as the Seven Princesses thoughts flew, suddenly heard a commotion outside.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay?"

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