Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 109: Dashing iron sword

At this moment, the iron sword lion waited for too long, and could not suppress the excitement in the heart.

After he failed the Raiders, he gave up a copy of the Raiders and kept ambushing outside the dark moon cemetery. He saw that Shifeng and others safely came out from the dark moon cemetery. Then he heard the system notice and the iron sword lion ate. shock.

The martial arts league did not have any gains in the Darkmoon cemetery. I didn’t expect the Shifeng team to clear the customs, and it was still the Hell-class Darkmoon Cemetery.

Although he is a rough man, he also knows that the harvest of the dark moon cemetery is certainly not small, let alone the level of hell, needless to say that the harvest is amazing.

Beginning into the Divine Realm, they have no resources and wealth, and they are not familiar with games like Divine. It is very difficult to develop a guild. It has always relied on robbing elites and killing well-equipped players to get a lot of Equipment and money, and some is a copy of the team.

But the guilds, resources and wealth are becoming less and less useful, but they can't find anything to pay for. They can only rely on robbery to maintain the operation of the guild.

Now Shifeng and others are clearing the customs, which is undoubtedly a good news for him. Not only can he revenge, but he can make a fortune.

"The iron sword boss, you see the shield of the guardian knight, which is also engraved with runes, and also exudes the purple awns that are only available in the secret silver-level equipment. It must be the equipment obtained from the dark moon cemetery." /

"Boss, you look at the shoulder of the kid, also exudes purple mansions, is also secret silver equipment."

The younger brother behind the iron sword lion pointed to the equipment of the members of the Shifeng squad, drooling, because the members of the Shifeng squad, the worst equipment is bronze, and there are many black iron equipment. However, when they entered, they did not have these equipments. They must have been obtained from the dark moon cemetery, that is, the 5th-level Xuantie and Mithril equipment, all of which are worthless.

"Boss, if they explode all their equipment and sell them, they will solve the problem of the development of our guild." Ximen drifted to see the equipment of Shifeng, and laughed.

The iron lion screamed and nodded.

The development of the guild is slow now. The main reason is the funds. If all the equipment of the Shifeng squad is exploded, the problem of funds will be solved.

Although the strength of Shifeng is good, it has risen to level 7, and the level is two levels higher than them, but how can we face hundreds of people?

"Kid, don't want to run away today, get all the equipment out of your knowledge, pay 10 gold coins, let Laozi kill you back to zero level, this thing will be fine, or delete the number to replay it." The sword lion glared at the big eyes of the bell and sneered.

The peak of the stone peaks around, the iron sword lions bring more than 130 people, most of them are players of level 3 or so, the equipment is very poor, only 30 people reach level 5, the body equipment is bronze grade. Among them, the Iron Sword Lion is wearing a four-level bronze suit, the strongest.

"When you run and fight, you enter the woods. They are many people. It is dangerous to be surrounded by them." Shi Feng said in a team chat.

"Well, I have already itched it, and I want to PK with other people." The black boxed.

The other people in the Shifeng team laughed. They had long wanted to feel the strength of this equipment. Killing one is enough, killing two and earning one. If you can kill three or four, then you can earn It is.

White light snow stood up at this time and looked at the iron sword lion whispered: "The night front is my friend, I don't know if I can give us a snake face, this thing will be fine." /

The people of the snakes have already seen it. The people of the Wulin League are coming to seek revenge. The goal is Shifeng. I don’t know how Shifeng got rid of this martial arts league. Even one wants to be a guild. Fight, don't know what to let them say?

Sure enough, each master is a very individual person, even Shifeng is not listed.

But the martial arts league is just a guild that does not enter the stream. They come out of the snakes. As long as the tops of the martial arts league have their heads, they know that they will go down the steps. After all, the snakes are much stronger than the martial arts. .

"Smelly girl, go and go, I don't care what your snake is. If you want to help this kid, I will pack it up with you." Iron sword lion screamed uncomfortably.

White light snow is really earth-shattering, but the equipment is even more gorgeous. The black inscription in the hand is a super secret silver weapon. He just misses such a weapon and kills white light snow. It can also make his name resound in the domain of God, and it will do more.

The iron sword lion did not know, because he said in a word, the entire dark moon cemetery was silent, one by one shocked to see the iron sword lion, admire the iron sword lion daring.

"There is what you mean by trying to fight with the snakes." The white light snow sank and suddenly said coldly.

Although Baixue Xue said it was very casual, but the chill that came out was that outsiders felt awkward.

The members of the snakes are also afraid to send out even a little voice, watching quietly.

The white light snow is angry, they have never seen it, and they don’t want to see it. Now they are stupid and dare to blame the white snow. This is definitely the first thing they have seen. They can’t imagine it will happen. what.

"Smelly girl, others are afraid of your snakes, Lao Tzu is not afraid." Iron sword lion licked his mouth, greedily looked at the tempting equipment on white light snow, but he also remembered the most stone to kill Feng, then the line of sight moved to Shifeng, shouting, "The kid does not think that there is a stinky girl covering you, you can survive today, rest assured, you two will not let go, brothers Let's kill them, and the equipment that broke out will be divided."

Hundreds of people suddenly killed everyone in Shifeng.

The iron sword lion is the first to rush to Shifeng. His sword is already unbearable. Only the blood of Shifeng can be satisfied.

"When you enter the woodland, don't entangle too much." Shifeng pulled out the double sword and said it again in the team.

In the case of Heizi and others, he just ran a few steps and suddenly found that Bai Qingxue and others did not move, and wanted to fight in front. I really don’t know what Bai Bianxue thinks.

But the white light snow is for the peak of Shifeng, and Shifeng naturally cannot escape to the woodland and fight guerrilla warfare.

Black and other people also looked at Shifeng, with a question in their eyes, Shifeng sighed, there is no way to say: "Coke you are squatting in front, remember not to rush too far, sleepy lazy to pay attention to treatment, The sunspots use the **** flames in places where there are many people, and the greedy mice kill the blood in the back. If you are lonely, you follow me."

The two sides are not close yet, and the magic has already come.

The fireballs and the ice arrows are on the bang, the sneaks are standing in front of them, and the cola is coming. They lift the shield of the rune and open the tough shield. The magic is on the shield of the two, and the treatment at the rear is also It fell on two people.

The sneaky screams of 20 to 30 damage, Coke has more than 10 points of damage, the highest damage has caused more than 30 points of damage, or a 5th grade bronze equipment elementalist.

Subsequent treatment falls, and the two are full of blood.

The martial arts people saw it directly after seeing it, especially the 5th-level elemental division. Usually, a blast can kill at least 100 damages to the MT, and it is only 30 points on the body. This defense is too Taller.

PS: Thanks to the 100 rewards of the stupid camel!

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