"Guests, please go here, sit on the floating ladder to stop on the 66th floor, where there will be someone to greet." A blonde standing on the floating ladder, smiling.

The black-winged auction house has a large floating ladder, which is large enough to accommodate more than 50 people. It is made of seven supericites with super-magic power. It is engraved with many magic runes, which can make the floating ladder move freely. However, the cost is very expensive, even if you sell the entire Hongye Town, you can't afford it.

The entire Xingyue Kingdom only has the floating ladders in the auction house and the royal palace of Xingyuecheng, and the size is much smaller than that of the black-wing auction house. It shows how rich the black-wing auction house is.

The Blackwing auction house is very large and is divided into three areas, the general area, the VIP area, and the luxury area.

The general area auction site is on the 4th to 36th floors. As long as you purchase the Black Wing emblem, you can participate in the auction. The auction items are rare and expensive.

The VIP area auction site is between 50th and 100th floors. It must be attended by people with certain identities. The auction items are mainly rare and expensive items, and occasionally there are treasures.

The auction area of ​​the luxury area is on the 150th to the 180th floor. In addition to the super strength, the people who can participate are the ones who are overlord, such as the peak figures of the Xingyue Kingdom.

The last Shifeng was promoted to the third-order sword king, and he got some good titles. He was lucky enough to enter the VIP area. Only the presidents and vice presidents of the first-class guilds were eligible to enter, or they were promoted to the fifth stage. The peak player of the profession, specifically what is auctioned inside, Shifeng is not clear, it is the secret that only the domain of the gods and the peak of the peak know.

Shifeng came to the sixty-sixth floor auction.

There is a football field in the entire auction site. At this time, it is already crowded with people. These are all NPCs above the nobles. It is still difficult to compete with these NPCs because of the most important use of these NPCs. Get out of the way to prevent players from competing and easily get auction items.

It’s the whitening of the auction house. If the player fails to meet the standard, it will be taken by the NPC. It is impossible to get cheap.

After everyone was in place, the auction officially began, and a white-bearded old man came on stage and announced that he would come up with a piece of the auction.

The first auction item is a 20-level Mithril plate armor with a base price of 2 gold.

"Property is good, the price is too expensive." Shifeng pointed out the observation bar, looked at the properties of this equipment, and gave up directly.

The equipment is good, but he can't use it now.

If it really costs 2 gold to buy it, Shifeng can also consider it, but NPC bids for each other and the price has reached 7 gold.

If you sell to a first-class guild, you certainly can't sell 7 gold. It is the limit to sell 3 to 4 gold. After all, for ordinary players, copper coins are very precious, not to mention gold coins.

There was another piece of Mithril equipment, and even the fine gold equipment was taken out, but Shifeng could not see it.

The reason is simple and too expensive.

If the average player is raised to level 20, the price of these equipment is relatively cheaper, but now the **** domain has not been open for a long time, the general level is only 4, how much money.

After half an hour, the stage of the equipment auction ends and the auction of other items begins.

"The next auction is a weapon forging design. This design is a masterpiece by Master Crain, with a reserve price of 3 gold coins."

After arousing the interest of Shifeng, check it out.

Silver Dawn One-Handed Sword Design, Mithril, Level 10.

Seeing the Mithril class, Shifeng knows that luck is coming, and it is still a 10-level design. It is definitely what he needs most, and his abyss upgrade requires 10 Mithril weapons, with forged maps. Mithril weapons are not very easy to get.

But in addition to Shifeng needs, some forgings also want to take a reference, after all, is the Mithril design, very rare, have begun to bid.

In a short while, the auction price will be 6 gold.

Shifeng bit his teeth and shouted: "7 gold!"

"7 gold 30 silver."

"7 gold 50 silver."

"8 gold."

NPC’s crazy bid, prices are also climbing.

"Rely, I am out of 15 gold!" Seeing that it is 13 gold, Shifeng directly raised 2 gold, shocked these NPCs, told them their determination, if they went up, he could not afford to eat, after all, he There are only 20 gold left.

"16 gold!"

The price of this forging map itself is about 15 gold. Shifeng did not expect to have NPC to fight.

"17 gold!" Shifeng decided to fight. If the NPC forgemaster bids again, he will drive to 20 gold. If he does not, he will be unlucky.

At this time, the NPC forgemaster shook his head for this price and no longer argued.

"Congratulations to Mr. Black Yan for winning the silver dawn forging of Master Crain." The white beard old man clap his hands and congratulate him.

After Shifeng got the design, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. This time, the auction house did not have a glimpse of it. As for the 17 gold spent, he will sooner or later earn it through the silver dawn.

After the auction design, the white-bearded old man went on to say: "The next item is the super rare skill of the melee class, thunderstorm, and the reserve price is 5 gold."

焱 Thunderstorm, use conditions to equip melee weapons, action class, 200 damage to enemies around 5 yards, plus Thunderbolt damage, and dizzy enemies 4 seconds, cooldown 45 seconds.

After seeing Shifeng, the light is shining. This thunderstorm is definitely a super skill of melee occupation. It is definitely a treasure of this auction.

"What to do, this is not enough money." Shifeng is very eager for this skill book, but the reserve price is 5 gold, and the final transaction price is at least 20 gold.

When Shifeng was worried, the price had climbed to 10 gold, which was much hotter than the silver dawn.

Jade Peak had to quickly call up the virtual trading center and cancel the remaining gold coins for sale.

"Good." Shifeng sighed and found that there were 23 gold left in the trading center. Plus his existing one, barely reaching 30 gold, it should be a thunderstorm.

"20 gold!" Shifeng was busy shouting.

"20 gold, this Mr. Black Yan bids 20 gold, I don't know who is interested, this is the only treasure of this auction, you can not miss it."

Shifeng could not help but despise this white beard old man.

"21 gold."

"Since it is a treasure, it must not be simple, I am out of 24 gold." A second-order swordsman is cool.

"I am out of 26 gold." A third-order shadowist shouted.


The NPCs in the auction venue are mostly dominated by melee classes, so the competition is fierce, and the high-end NPCs are not generally rich. If you do a task, you can get a few gold coins, and the money is fast. If it wasn’t for Shifeng’s earned a lot, it would not be qualified to compete with these high-end NPCs.

Look at these high-end NPCs is one more than a cow, and even have a fourth-order career bid.

Looking beyond the bottom line that the pinnacle can withstand.

"30 gold!" Shifeng opened the final price and became unsuccessful.

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