Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 198: The Trial of God

Jade Peak only sold 10 sets of sturdy stones. The demand for the entire Baihe City area is simply a slap in the face, not worth mentioning.

Seeing such a hot sale, Shifeng took out 10 sets of sturdy stones and put them up.

This time the reserve price was changed to 12 silver coins, and the price was 15 silver. Shifeng wanted to know what the highest value of the solid stone is now, and where the bottom line of these people can bear.

Sure enough, this time those people didn’t buy it at a price, but they were bidding, but the value climbed very slowly, every time a few copper upgrades.

Until one minute later.

There are some enhancements to the 10 sets of sturdy stones. The auction price has risen from 12 silver coins to 13 silver coins, and has risen to 13 silver and 30 copper to stop. It is obvious that this is the final price they can afford.

"13 silver coins are almost saturated, but it is beyond my expectation. Later, I will slowly sell and wait for the money." Shifeng also feels that 13 silver is the limit, and the price is higher, the players can't. Withstood.

And he only bought more than 30 pieces of copper when he bought a set of sturdy stones. Now that 13 silver coins have been sold, the price has been more than 30 times. He can't be too greedy, he is already satisfied.

Then Shifeng then took out the sturdy stones from the backpack and began to sell them. Each group of 20 was sold in batches, each batch was more than ten minutes apart, but considering the daily consumption of players in the entire Baihecheng area. The ability to withstand is almost one thousand six hundred and seven hundred groups per day.

If he sells a thousand sets a day, it will not only allow the entire Baihe City area to be digested, but will not cause a price rebound and salvage.

At a price of 13 silver coins per group, you can earn more than 100 gold by selling a thousand sets a day, and these are real gold coins, not credit points, so the daily income is the first-class guild every day. The proceeds must be more than ten times more. With so many funds, there is no need to develop the guild that will be established in the future.

After all the sales systems were set up, Shi Feng only shook his fingers. In front of it, a semi-transparent system communication bar popped up, and then the finger clicked and clicked on the communication button of the friend's sunspot.

"The sunspot, did your prestige missions finish? If you finished, gather in front of the portal. Let's go to the next copy." Shi Feng asked.

"Our mission has been done, but we seem to be trapped in a closed map. If you want to go out, you must pass the trial here." The black child heard the copy and looked excited, and could not wait to show his skills. Since he has the guardian of Metz. He concentrated on watching the master video from the top, and often discussed with the people in the group. Now the technology has improved a lot, and it will definitely surprise Shifeng, but now it can't go out.

"Closed map?"

The peak of Shifeng’s brow is immersed in meditation. I don’t understand how the sunspots will enter the closed map. It’s reasonable to see that there is no such place in the mission.

But after listening to the statement of the sunspot, Shifeng suddenly understood what the sunspots are now.

They have to be black and their luck is great.

There are various encounters in the gods. The most common ones are the trials of God, and the players become heroes. It is a test that the **** wants to make the mortal become a hero. As long as the map is above 10, there is a chance. Sometimes, the player can encounter the task in the wild, but this chance is almost one in ten thousand. .

The blacks they can meet are definitely luck.

Every hero trial is a great opportunity. If you pass it, you can get rich rewards. Equipment and experience value are just the most inferior rewards. If you can show up in hero trials, Can get permanent attributes, super rare skills or intensive skills, rich weapon proficiency and other rare rewards.

Weaponry can only be used for a while, it can be a foreign object, not its own strength. But getting things like permanent attributes and super-rare skills is different. The value of these things is much better than weapons, and it is also a great help for future development.

"You are a trial door that has entered a few colors?" asked Shifeng.

The sunspot doesn't quite understand, but Shifeng asks several colors. Then I thought about the color that came out of the door that I wanted to enter. I was not sure: "It seems to be 4 colors."

"4 colors, you don't want to die!" Shifeng almost wants to smash the sunspot.

The trial of the gods is not only rewarding, but also punishment, and punishment and reward are equal.

Because the domain has always pursued opportunities and dangers, don't think about falling in the sky. Even if you lose it, you will die.

The hero trial is generally divided into seven levels. If the portal is a color, it is a first-order trial, and it is also the easiest trial to pass. As the color increases, the difficulty will be doubled.

If it is the door of four colors of trials, it is a fourth-order trial, then the rough estimate is more than eight times that of the first-order trial. If it can pass, the minimum reward is above the fine gold level. Weapons and equipment, generally have dark gold-level items, if the degree of completion is good enough, it is not impossible to increase permanent attributes or strengthen one of their skills.


This punishment is not a joke. If it is not completed, it will lose a lot of experience value at the lightest. It is likely that they will fall a few levels. Even the sunspots may permanently lose some of their attributes or skill proficiency and fall into a long time. Weak state.

This is why many people will not enter the trial door, but will sell it to the Grand Council to make a fortune.

"Feng Ge, are we very dangerous?" The sunspot saw the pinnacle's somewhat nervous appearance, swallowed swallowing involuntarily, and the heart beat the drums.

And the fire dances around the sunspots and other people heard Shifeng, and they all became very serious and serious, and dare not look at this trial again.

"I can only give you a hint, do what you can, don't ask for merit but ask for nothing, don't forget to give everyone in the group what I mean, but you have the guardian of Metz, according to reason The possibility of passing is very big, remember not to worry, even if it takes a lot of time, you can't be anxious, then you will see your fighting skills and intelligence." Shi Feng told the sunspots that he knew, as far as they can go. At that point, it is necessary to see the sunspots themselves.

The test of hero trials has not been repeated, so there is no way to explain how to go to the Raiders.

The wisdom of the last generation to gather the people, but also got a strategy that is not a Raiders, that is to do what you can, and then move forward. You can’t wait for the long time in the heroic trial. Really no Raiders.

"Four-color trials, with fire dance and cola, plus the guardian of the blacks Metz, should pass, but they can't come out in a short time." Shifeng couldn't help but grow up, originally wanted Going to the copy to upgrade the equipment, now because of this trial, I don’t know if the sunspots can come out in a week.

Because hero trials are never simple, they are very time consuming, and even a player who spends a month trying to complete a trial is not enough.

There was a top expert who had done a fair evaluation. The difficulty of the five-color trial was an epic task. The difficulty of the six-color trial was close to the mission. The difficulty of the seven-color trial was the top mission.

In the past ten years of the last world, there wasn’t a player who passed the seven-color test. Of course, not the top masters of the gods could not pass, but they could not.

The highest test in the gods is six-color trials, and one of the six-color trials is one of the ten gods and gods that are recognized by the gods.

Thinking of the purple smoke flowing clouds and sunspots together, Shifeng is also a little relieved, although the purple smoke clouds have not grown up, but the potential is immeasurable, the trial of four-color difficulty should, maybe, Uncertainly able to pass.

"Forget it, it is useless to consider so much. It seems that I can only upgrade the equipment myself." Shi Feng sighed and habitually opened up the auction house to search for other items.

Other items in the auction house are like Taobao. Many of them do good things but don’t know the details. They feel that they are worthless to sell them. Therefore, Shifeng often comes over and takes a few eyes. If you look at it, you may have a leak. Fish.

When Shifeng randomly flips the page.

"Yangyang Holy Scriptures."

Shifeng accidentally discovered that there was a fiery red gold-plated book on the item bar of the auction house, which made him feel refreshed and hate not to grab it immediately.

Don't sell anything, it's silly.

The eyes of Shifeng then moved to the price of the top left corner of this ancient book. (To be continued.)

ps: Thank you for the 100 rewards of Emperor Qin Shihuang! I love the 100 rewards of the night! Seeking a monthly ticket recommendation!

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